Colorado Shooting

Here we go again, what do you think really happened?

  • False Flag

    Votes: 4 44.4%
  • Lone wolf jihadi

    Votes: 5 55.6%
  • Murderous nut

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
They will sweep it under the rug - doesn’t fit the profile or narrative being pushed to continue to denigration and attacks on whites
I’m not sure about this one in particular, but I do find it suspicious that as soon as the Democrats get back in the White House the “mass shootings” start again.

During the Obama years, they ran these psy-ops frequently to try to push gun control. They were mostly unsuccessful. Then Trump gets in and these events seemed to just dry up. Now with the occupational government back in power, they are going to get their FBI to manufacture these situations. By that, I mean rile up mentally unstable people and give them the help to carry these out or just carry them out themselves.
The suspect is not white so I doubt it would be some sort of set-up, they want to inflame minorities against the white boogeyman under the bed.
The suspect is a Muslim born in Syria. He made many social media posts disparaging white people and was a hater of Donald Trump.
The suspect is not white so I doubt it would be some sort of set-up, they want to inflame minorities against the white boogeyman under the bed.
He will be portrayed as White, look at George Zimmerman who was in no way White looking, this guy is a full blooded Caucasian and when guys like this go off they are White, now if a blonde Aryan type shot him he would be a victim of a hate crime.

Mexican are treated in the same way...
The Muslim exclusively killed ten white men and women.

Last week, we were told that the race of the victims matters, even if there was no overt, declared racist intent.
The Muslim exclusively killed ten white men and women.

Last week, we were told that the race of the victims matters, even if there was no overt, declared racist intent.

Where are the White Lives Matter rallies? When do white NBA players and coaches start speaking out about all the violence perpetrated on white people by arabs, blacks and latinos? When do black and asian NBA players stand in solidarity with their white brothers?

They're too busy pushing for gun grabbing I guess.
The shooter (don't use his name, that's what he wants) according to his social media was a Trump-hating, white-hating immigrant.

I've read two of the Atlanta shooting victims were white.
American Freedom News