college basketball is racist yo

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
check out the following article, because there has to be a reason that the best two hoops players in the country are white...the reason? RACISM! SportsColumnists/White.Stars.Waging.Poy.Showdown-1621712.sht ml?norewrite&

White stars waging POY showdown
Jordan Koss
Posted: 2/21/06
Everybody thinks about it, but no one wants to talk about it. I'm talking about the fact that J.J. Redick and Adam Morrison are the two best players in college basketball this year and both are white.

I don't know about you, but for me, this is a bit alarming. The last white, American-born player to win the Wooden Award as college basketball's best player was none other than Duke's own Christian Laettner in 1992.

"I really don't find any significance in the fact that Adam and I are white," Redick said. "If a guy can play then race doesn't matter."

J.J., I couldn't agree with you more that if a guy can play, race doesn't matter. However, I have to disagree with your first point-it is definitely significant that you and Adam are white, and for the first time in a long time, it seems the white presence in college basketball is growing.

Our No. 1 Blue Devils are Exhibit B. Of the 16 players on Duke's roster, just six are black. Of the seven guys who play significant minutes, only three are black.

And Duke is not the only school in college basketball's upper echelon dominated by white guys. Look at Morrison's fifth-ranked Gonzaga squad, or Kevin Pittsnogle's No. 14 West Virginia team. One look at those rosters and you'd think they started cloning Chris Dudley and Will Perdue.

If you take a look around the Triangle, the trend continues. Three of N.C. State's main contributors-Engin Atsur, Ilian Evtimov, and Andrew Brackman-are white. And even the best freshman in the country, Tyler Hansbrough is white.

Why does it matter, you ask, whether these guys are white or black?

It matters to Dr. Harry Edwards.

Edwards, a Professor Emeritus of Sociology at the University of California Berkeley and an expert on issues pertaining to race and sports, believes this reflects something deeper about the state of the urban community in America.

"We have a deterioration of the infrastructure in the African-American community that for years has sustained the athletic talent pool," Edwards said. "Places like Rucker in Harlem, places like Mosswood in Oakland-these outdoor basketball facilities which in increasing numbers across the nation have deteriorated because of budget concerns and have become too violent because of gang and drug activity.

"One-third of the African-American males [in this country] age 15-29 are under the control of the courts-either under arrest, under indictment, under investigation, incarcerated, on parole or on probation."

His point was crystal clear. The pool of African-Americans competing for scholarships is shrinking. Imagine how many guys there are who have the skills to play college basketball but haven't received the educational opportunities or the mentorship to guide them in the right direction.

Sophomore guard DeMarcus Nelson doesn't have to imagine, because he saw it firsthand back in Oakland.

"On my high school team, we had a lot of guys who were very talented, they could've played D-1, but it was just decision-making as far as coming up," Nelson said. "Some guys choose to live in the streets, some guys just aren't academically capable, and for some others the concept of school doesn't make sense to them."

Am I saying that J.J. Redick would not be the best player in college basketball if more athletes were eligible? No way. Not since I idolized Michael Jordan have I had more confidence in a player's ability to drain shots.

But Redick, Morrison and Pittsnogle, Duke, Gonzaga and West Virginia-they are the symbols of what seems to be a gradually growing white presence in college basketball. And if you factor in the words of Dr. Edwards, then you have to consider the following possibility: the white presence might be growing stronger because the conditions of talent-rich urban-American communities are deteriorating.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
It could also mean blacks are moving up in society like white ethnics did post WWII, it's not a coincidence that the white ethnic baller died when the white ethnic left the rundown neighbourhoods of Brooklyn and Harlem and other parts of Manhattan......
Aug 5, 2005
North Carolina
What he says: "Our No. 1 Blue Devils are Exhibit B. Of the 16 players on Duke's roster, just six are black. Of the seven guys who play significant minutes, only three are black."


The only "lesson" we should learn from the Dukes and the Gonzagas is that Whites can compete -- and excel -- at the highest levels of college basketball. Teams that want to emulate their success should recruit more White players.

What a disingenuous fathead. Logic obviously has no place in the public discourse, and least as far as Comrade Koss (Jewish?) and is concerned.

And eminent sociologist DeMarcus Nelson almost gets it right about academically inept black 'ballers. Most can't read or write well enough to fill out college applications, and hence they do not qualify for admission, even under the ridiculously low Nigeria-esque athletic admission "standards."

But that is not the whole story. White college players offer another huge benefit - stability. Duke has been Duke largely because Coach Krzygbrxeqpski recruit players that are willing to stay in college for 4 years, or at least 3 years. Take J.J. Redick, for example: if he was black, he MIGHT have played 1 season of college ball, and he would have been a lottery pick when he entered the draft. Because he is White, he has stayed at Duke and the program has benefited greatly from it.

Likewise, Tyler Hansbrough -- were he black -- would jump to the pros next season. Being not-black, Tyler will stay at UNC and the 'Heels will be a force next season.

Bottom line: White = success. It's as true today as it was 5000 years ago.

Alpha Male

May 22, 2005
This is exactly the same arguement made to explain the white resurgence in boxing. Whites are only there because blacks aren't competeing in the same mass numbers. The stereotype of the black "superman" is so engrained in our society that people can't fathom the possibility that whites are just as athletic. Edited by: Alpha Male

The Duke

Jan 19, 2006
They'll be running out of excuses soon. The black dominance in baseball, boxing and now basketball isn't what it was because fewer blacks are "interested" or because too many are imprisoned. Soon the party line will be that all Negroes play football and only football.

Edwards does have a point though. The black propensity for destruction also includes one for self-destruction. Too many incarcerated blacks, and too many others who should be, may finally force football coaches to reinvigorate the sport with the race that invented it and made it great.

white tornado

Oct 5, 2005
black people are driven away from basketball due to the high price of buying the ball.


Oct 19, 2004
Jordan Koss aka Total Prick said:
I don't know about you, but for me, this is a bit alarming.

It is alarming... to black-worshipping, self-loathing liberal douche bags.

Jordan Koss aka Total Prick said:
One look at those rosters and you'd think they started cloning Chris Dudley and Will Perdue.

What a prick.

Jordan Koss aka Total Prick said:
and for some others the concept of school doesn't make sense to them."


Jordan Koss aka Total Prick said:
the white presence might be growing stronger because the conditions of talent-rich urban-American communities are deteriorating.

Or maybe it's partly due to all the college-age black players being in the NBA. Does anyone seriously believe that anyone in the Caste System would give a sh*t about Redick and Morrison if Lebron James were playing college ball right now? They'd be footnotes.

white tornado

Oct 5, 2005
There was a black guy at my high school who was alot better than J.J.Redick and Morrison conbined. He used to shoot from half court and dunk from the three point line. He also shot 106% from the foul line. Those rasist colleges would not let him in because of his 400 on the SAT. Why they tryin to keep a brother down.