So if you believe in the current war, why not re-up? You might have noticed that they are a bit desperate for solidiers?
I don't see why you are refusing to answer my question because I was not "respectable." I  asked perfectly good questions that I ask of all people who say they support the war.ÂÂ
Oh, and ow, that "newbie" with the wink really stung.
If you really want a answer to your question newbie, go do some research into some old postings back in the winter of 2006 here in this Forum. I would have been more than happy to answer your question if you were not such a jerk in the way you asked it. Not everybody that supports the war on terror should necessarily have to go fight the war. I served my time in the Army, I was a assistant gunner on a mortar tract. I did my time and am three years past the age where the Army would accept my reenlistment. Since you are obviously against the war. Have you spent any time protesting it with Cindy Shehan.
Are you on the frontlines, out in the streets marching and protesting against the war. Don't question why I won't reenlist if all you are doing about it is sitting at home and posting on here. So all I am saying in a "roundabout" way is you don't deserve a answer and I have better things to do with my time.