Coach Wyatt


Jul 12, 2007
Coach Wyatt is blogging now? Why did no one tell me this? And he's an unapologetic conservative, too. (Although he would clearly not accept the ideas of CF. He thinks Thaddeus Lewis deserves Heisman consideration.)

I'm sure most CF members have visited his website at least once over the years. It's been a long time since I last looked there. It popped up as a Google link when I was searching for something else, so I figured why not see if there was anything new there.
Here's the most recent news item:
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 2009-"If a dictatorship ever comes to this country, it will be by the default of those who keep silent." Ayn Rand

*********** It's playoff time again, and I'm always amused by the administrative fools at the state level who, back in August, were so-o-o-o-o- obsessed with our players' safety that they wouldn't let a kid play in a game until he'd had TWELVE DAYS of practice (even though he'd been lifting and running all summer). But now that it's playoff time, they think nothing of having teams play games on Friday, Tuesday and Saturday - three games in nine days.

See, it's all about safety - until money's involved. Then, it's socialism at its best: from each according to their ability, to each according to their need. And the need is for football's money. From football to needy sports.

Football playoff games mean revenue for the state association, which then can use all its football-generated money to pay for playoffs in all the other sports that don't pay their way. (You sexist, you. I didn't say a word about girls' sports!)

High school football is every state association's cash cow. Wait till you show up for a playoff game and show the refs your game ball and it's not the association's "official" football. You'll wish you'd been using the approved ball all along. (You get the idea.)

This all should help you better understand why there's a BCS. See, the big football schools aren't stupid. They know good and well what the NCAA, like a state high school association on steroids, will do once it gets its grubby hands on the money generated by a playoff.

Ok, so I ripped his entire post. But I included a link to his site, which you should visit occasionally. Obviously, it's mostly about high school football and the doublewing. But, from time to time, he'll drop some bombs on liberals and their various incarnations. I suppose you won't get much out of it unless you really like the X's and O's of high school football. But Wyatt has the ear of many HS football coaches around the country. And if any of his views can filter down to their thinking, that will eventually trickle up the ranks of football in this country.


Apr 13, 2005
Riddlewire: I posted a link to his site here late in the summer or early this fall.

I've been reading Coach Wyatt's "News You Can Use" blog for years and I have corresponded with him from time-to-time. He's not a Caste guy and he has a conservative Republican's take on politics, but his blue collar, steel-toed traditionalist view of football leads to some great observations and some interesting history lessons. Some of his best barbs are aimed at the NFL and soccer, but his observations on coaching and high school and college ball are superb.