CNN/SI Swimsuit issue

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Now, does this image register at all with theany of the submissive caste supporting white weaklings that read si? Deep down in the reaches of their propaganda addled minds andsouls does a photo like this stir anything? Do they feel any creeping sense of "this is just not right" within themselves, anyhint of revulsion?

My God, the thing on the right hardly even looks human!
WTF...indeed! Once again, we get the Globalist controlled Government/Media complex pushing the gangsta culture and advocating nice looking white girls become 2-bit mudsharks!!! It was bad enough putting that over-exposed, overrated, under-talented, urban yodeler BeYOnce on the damned cover of the swimsuit edition. However, this crapola takes the cake. I say get those woodpile thugs outta there & have those dames model some classy swimwear like this... by: DixieDestroyer
Beyonce on the cover of the swimsuit issue huh? I guess SI is pushing the Negrodationangles extra hard. In addition to getting the white lemmings to worship the black affletes, they got the "accept your women mixing with the cruds," via the above photo and with Beyonce on the cover, I guess they're trying to induce some of the ol jungle fever in the white malecaste worshippers heads. A real Triple Play.

Funny thing is, if any ofthese mis-guided whites go to seek out their own "Beyonce" they may be shocked at the suspicious lack of look-alikes. I'm sure that they will be just as happy settling fora 200 pound "Laqueesha" instead.
I have not read SI in years. At one time I subscribed for over 10 consecutive years. A few years ago they tried to give my a subscription, yes GIVE me a subscription, they sent the damn rag to me free for months. I had to call them several times to tell them to stop sending it.

It's a dying magazine. The filth as shown above is a clear sign of that. Even the race mixing aside, it's just disgusting to celebrate two punks like that. If SI thinks it can make a living on the people that want to see that you know why then give it away free.
jcolec02 said:
same old sh*t... (wtf is he doing with a megadeth shirt)

Thats what I was wondering myself. I would be willing to bet that when the wardrobe person handed him that shirt to wear, he was like, "Who be Megadeff?"

I would also like to take the time to thank Mr. Shogun for ruining what started out to be a very good day for me, by posting that picture.
Just kiddin' man. But it is one of the more revolting pictures of the year, I must say. (It's times like this that make me wish there was a "vomiting-smiley-face" to use as an icon.)
I can't stop laughing at this picture. Has Sports Illustrated really come to this? The interracial stuff is obviously stupid, but, even worse is that our culture has gone completely pornographic.
Literally, if I was a proud writer, would I really want to write for a rag that glorifies porn and thuggery all the time? I am not angry about this, just utterly ashamed of our culture. It's what happens when the good people dont' fight for fear of being called racist, or nazi, or worse, a prude.
And to think, young men and women are risking their lives right now, to save this society. Sad indeed.
My God, where do you start with this? Better yet, where does it end?

Just garbage, garbage, garbage.
I have actually met these 2 guys before...there not all that bad in person...the guy in the Megadeth shirt is Juicy J, and he acts hard as hell on his albums, but when he came to my old job (small business record shop) he sounded really dorky and asked "do you have any vinyl?" he was real quiet and the other guy is DJ Paul, he was more of a comedian type...also an incident happened that day where a black couple came down to the shop to see them (there real big in Tennessee) and they had a real nice car outside and the girl went outside and was like...OMG can I look in your car!! and the boyfriend was just dumbfounded, from the way she acted (completely amazed by the car), they could have screwed her at the hotel later that night
(her boyfriend wasnt happy), but I do find this picture disgusting and the next time I see them down there ( they come in the shop quite often) I'll be sure to ask them how much they had to pay that girl to take a picture with them
Edited by: jcolec02
Wow, the girl's father must be so proud. Assuming she knows him. Imagine him having to explain this to his buddies.
what is this whores name?.... P.S. does this remind anybody of the photo shoot that f**king slut Heidi Klum did with Ray Lewis a few years was SI too...big f**king suprise that is...
jcolec02, Partner...I'm reminded of one of my favorite songs & an all-time classic in my book!

West Texas Rednecks, "I Hate Rap" (1999)

I like country music
I love country girls
I like Willie Nelson
And don't forget about Merle!

There's only one thing that I hate,
Cause it's a bunch of crap
IIIIIIII hate rap!

I like NASCAR racing
Richard Petty's still the king
Yeah, they call me a redneck,
But you know that's a beautiful thing!

There's only one thing that I hate,
Cause it's a bunch of crap
IIIIIIII hate rap!

There's only one thing that I hate,
Cause it's a bunch of crap
IIIIIIII hate rap

There's only one thing that I hate,
Cause it's a bunch of crap
IIIIIIII hate rap

Raaaaaaaaaaaap is crap!!
Raaaaaaaaaaaap is crap!!
DixieDestroyer said:
jcolec02, Partner...I'm reminded of one of my favorite songs & an all-time classic in my book!

West Texas Rednecks, "I Hate Rap" (1999)

I like country music
I love country girls
I like Willie Nelson
And don't forget about Merle!

There's only one thing that I hate,
Cause it's a bunch of crap
IIIIIIII hate rap!

I like NASCAR racing
Richard Petty's still the king
Yeah, they call me a redneck,
But you know that's a beautiful thing!

There's only one thing that I hate,
Cause it's a bunch of crap
IIIIIIII hate rap!

There's only one thing that I hate,
Cause it's a bunch of crap
IIIIIIII hate rap

There's only one thing that I hate,
Cause it's a bunch of crap
IIIIIIII hate rap

Raaaaaaaaaaaap is crap!!
Raaaaaaaaaaaap is crap!!

Sounds like it is probably a catchy tune. But it needs more racial epithets and profanity for my taste.
Ground Fighter said:
Yeah, me neither. It looks more like a
"Look at me, I'm an idiot" sign, instead.

I think he wants to be the Hero of Haarlem.

Anyone get my joke?
C Darwin said:
C'mon! Anybody?



He certainly looks like he wants to poke his finger in a dyke, doesn't he?

I will also ask you to explain the formula in your sig, while I'm here. What is it? Edited by: White Shogun
Simply, the formula relates the area in a circle to the area in an ellipse. It is a derivative of Johannes Kepler's equations for his second law of planetary motion. It's used to predict time of planetary travel and planetary position.

Johannes Kepler is my second favorite scientist. He is given sole credit for being the first human to correctly predict planetary motion. Oh, and he happens to be German.