Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80! -- Part Two

Yes this is perfect analogy, Lemaitre is the Scott Gomez of world class sprinting(I actually think Scott fell faster and harder). It's very rare that a track athlete finds lost speed after years of methodically declining. I seem to recall Felix Sanchez doing this in the 40o hurdles but he had career threatening injuries. Lemaitre has had one hamstring pull that it seems he has recovered from.
Lemaitre 20.28 with 10.58 -9.70 for me, this best second part of 200. Will can run close to 20.00.
Lemaitre with Ashemeade, Merritt, Brown, he can run for the second place.
But lane 8... we will see...
Lemaitre 20.28 with 10.58 -9.70 for me, this best second part of 200. Will can run close to 20.00.
Lemaitre with Ashemeade, Merritt, Brown, he can run for the second place.
But lane 8... we will see...

Pour moi c'est 10.61 - 9.67

0.18s de décalage vidéo et pour moi il passe en 10.43

bon il faudra voir comment il se débrouille en aveugle mais si il prend suffisamment d'avance (1 mètre) sur Merritt au passage du 100M, je pense même qu'il peut arracher la victoire si c'est pas le cas, je le vois capable de prendre la 2nd place et d'aller en finale.

Son couloir n'est pas très bon mais il aurait pu être pire et l'adversité n'est pas incroyable
Lemaitre second in his final 20.01 ! Season Best.
For me 10.44-9.57, Lemaitre end speed is back, he can hope run 19.90 or little sub, and so a médal, just whoah.
He is in lane 7, really good for him ! Come on Lemaitre !
Lemaitre second in his final 20.01 ! Season Best.
For me 10.44-9.57, Lemaitre end speed is back, he can hope run 19.90 or little sub, and so a médal, just whoah.
He is in lane 7, really good for him ! Come on Lemaitre !

for me 10.46 - 9.55

il fait la même course qu'à londres en 2012 en demi finale des JO, déjà en série, il avait fait la même course qu'en finale des JO 2012 au couloir 1.
I'm so pumped for Lemaitre. What a race and he did it into a negative wind! Seasons best and almost a sub 20.

I like his chances to fight for a bronze medal in the finals.
I honestly think Lemaitre could get the silver. The only way Bolt loses is if he DQ's or pulls a hamstring. I really think despite the bad lane Guliyev has a real shot here. The fact that Gatlin and Blake are out is amazing but the other thing that strikes me funny is there has been very few sub 20 200's by anyone this year compared to many in the last 2 decades. Bolt wins in about 19.8x and Lemaitre with a 19.98 for the silver.
Just to be the glass is half full type. Since 1997 we have had a Greek 60 meter indoor champion. A 400 meter gold medalist. A Scottish 60 meter champion. A white man breaking the 10 second barrier 4 times in a year. And a Chinese and Russian Gold Medalist and world champion in the 110 hurdles. Also a 200 meter gold medalist in Kenteris and I know he was roiding but so has Gatlin and countless other black sprinters who never got caught. So from a 2 decade standpoint blacks have not been so dominant as we all keep thinking.
I honestly think Lemaitre could get the silver. The only way Bolt loses is if he DQ's or pulls a hamstring. I really think despite the bad lane Guliyev has a real shot here. The fact that Gatlin and Blake are out is amazing but the other thing that strikes me funny is there has been very few sub 20 200's by anyone this year compared to many in the last 2 decades. Bolt wins in about 19.8x and Lemaitre with a 19.98 for the silver.
Just to be the glass is half full type. Since 1997 we have had a Greek 60 meter indoor champion. A 400 meter gold medalist. A Scottish 60 meter champion. A white man breaking the 10 second barrier 4 times in a year. And a Chinese and Russian Gold Medalist and world champion in the 110 hurdles. Also a 200 meter gold medalist in Kenteris and I know he was roiding but so has Gatlin and countless other black sprinters who never got caught. So from a 2 decade standpoint blacks have not been so dominant as we all keep thinking.

Bolt will run between 19.5 and 19.6
De Grasse will run between 19.75 and 19.85
Lemaitre between 19.83 and 19.95
Merritt between 19.88 and 19.95
I agree the only way Bolt loses if he dq's, injures himself. I think he will run in the 19.60's. If DeGrasse runs like he did the other night he gets silver over Merritt or Lemaitre in the mid to high 19.70's. Personally I think Merritt is a little tired with all the 400's. So I am hoping Lemaitre gets a podium finish, he will "have" to run in the high 19.80's to the low 19.90's in order to make the top 3. Everyone knows he has the "ability" to do so, just hope he does it :)

Dark Horse for a medal...Guliyev

Gemili will have to run the race of his life to make top 5 but is capable of doing so.
I see De Grasse close to 19.6, he ran 10.31 the first 100, very low for a man who run 9.91 can run 10.20, and he did 9.49 with little cool, i think he can 9.42, so close to 19.60.
Guliyev is unfortunately in Lane 1.
That really precludes him from having a shot at the medals.
I see De Grasse close to 19.6, he ran 10.31 the first 100, very low for a man who run 9.91 can run 10.20, and he did 9.49 with little cool, i think he can 9.42, so close to 19.60.

Pour moi il fait 10.28 - 9.52

pas sûr qu'il soit un grand vireur, peut être qu'il peut gagner un peu sur le 1er 100M, sur le 2nd 100M certes il regardait bolt mais j'ai l'impression qu'il était à fond, c'est mon interprétation mais ton interprétation est tout à fait possible aussi
Very good news. I hope that this 20.01 is the end of the negative spiral. It won't be enough to beat De Grasse or Merritt in the final, but Christophe will surpass himself. And everything can happen on a single race. Come on Christophe!
who would have picked this scenario?
Blake and Gatlin run out in the semis, Merritt ties up near the end of the final, Lemaitre fights the fight of his life to touch out Gemili and Martina for a medal.
The conditions were humid and oppressive, slight headwind, everyone fatigued over days of competition. Our long time commentator on the scene felt it would have been 2/10ths quicker if run 90 minutes earlier.
They all had to run on guts and Christophe showed plenty.
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who would have picked this scenario?
Blake and Gatlin run out in the semis, Merritt ties up near the end of the final, Lemaitre fights the fight of his life to touch out Gemili and Martina for a medal.
The conditions were humid and oppressive, slight headwind, everyone fatigued over days of competition. Our long time commentator on the scene felt it would have been 2/10ths quicker if run 90 minutes earlier.
They all had to run on guts and Christophe showed plenty.

This race is impossible to analyze
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