Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80! -- Part Two

What I liked about Lemaitre's run was the way he easily edged by Jobodwana who has 2 x legal 20.0s in the past month and number 6 ranked this year. That old finish appeared to be there.
I've been hoping for an improvement on that 9.92 for quite a while now, but it hasn't come. Don't get me wrong, Christophe has done some amazing things, but I'm no longer confident that he can improve on his 100M time. My hat is off to the young man and his accomplishments, but I think it might be wise if we started looking elsewhere for further improvement.
Good race for Lemaitre in Oslo.
Probably sub20 with tailwind, great.

Now this weekend Lemaitre will be in European Team Championship by France.

He will run in 100 and 200.
In 200 he will win easily, i hope with something around 20.0 and in 100 only is Kilty like big rival.
I hope that he is near 10.0
Lol! You are certified 'nuts'
bolt is 28, bolt is the world record holder, bolt is multiple champion, bolt also has back issues ( scoliosis ) which may have catched up, plus he parties a lot and has nothing really to prove anymore are nuts with this comparison.


Bolt will be in good level in Beijing, it is the important for him.

I hope that Lemaitre is in good shape there too and he has options for medal in 200.
Only i see to Bolt and Gatlin very far of everybody in 200
Hello everybody, I'm new here, and i'm french (so sorry for spelling mistake)
I follow Lemaitre since 2008 like White Lightning, And i found this topic in 2011, i could follow what you said, and what you think about Lemaitre, and it was very interessting. And i decided to register to participate at the thread :biggrin:
I find it's funny because i participate in a other french topics and we have the same reaction, some think Lemaitre is in total regression, will never find is 2011 level, some think it possible again become strong but mostly in 200m.
For me i don't know :) Lemaitre had good resolutions, insist on the technic, find is top speed. The beggining of the saison disappointed me, cause Lemaitre tell against the same excuse. "I don't understand, when i'm training i'm strong, i was tired..." but his last run in Oslo gives me a little hope, the curve not be good, but find a good top speed with a headwind. So now i will see, this weekend at European team Championship on 100 and 200 and in the Areva meeting and French championship, cause for these racing he will has no excuse, and for me we will see if we can count to Lemaitre in Beijing.

For me it's a pleasure to talk with you. :smiley:
Hello everybody, I'm new here, and i'm french (so sorry for spelling mistake)
I follow Lemaitre since 2008 like White Lightning, And i found this topic in 2011, i could follow what you said, and what you think about Lemaitre, and it was very interessting. And i decided to register to participate at the thread :biggrin:
I find it's funny because i participate in a other french topics and we have the same reaction, some think Lemaitre is in total regression, will never find is 2011 level, some think it possible again become strong but mostly in 200m.
For me i don't know :) Lemaitre had good resolutions, insist on the technic, find is top speed. The beggining of the saison disappointed me, cause Lemaitre tell against the same excuse. "I don't understand, when i'm training i'm strong, i was tired..." but his last run in Oslo gives me a little hope, the curve not be good, but find a good top speed with a headwind. So now i will see, this weekend at European team Championship on 100 and 200 and in the Areva meeting and French championship, cause for these racing he will has no excuse, and for me we will see if we can count to Lemaitre in Beijing.

For me it's a pleasure to talk with you. :smiley:

In Oslo, his curve is very good, his finish is not (10.40 first 100M - 9.81 2nd 100M (9.75 basic time)) = 20.21 (-1.2)

In 2nd part of his 200M Christophe can run 9.53 like in semi final in London (OG)

it 's just the beginning of the season, WAIT...

"Lemaitre tell against the same excuse." pffff :huh:
In Oslo, his curve is very good, his finish is not (10.40 first 100M - 9.81 2nd 100M (9.75 basic time)) = 20.21 (-1.2)

In 2nd part of his 200M Christophe can run 9.53 like in semi final in London (OG)

it 's just the beginning of the season, WAIT...

"Lemaitre tell against the same excuse." pffff :huh:

You been saying 'Wait' the last 4 years...we are still waiting for him to show the progress he has made under the watchful eye of Master Carraz!
Hello everybody, I'm new here, and i'm french (so sorry for spelling mistake)
I follow Lemaitre since 2008 like White Lightning, And i found this topic in 2011, i could follow what you said, and what you think about Lemaitre, and it was very interessting. And i decided to register to participate at the thread :biggrin:
I find it's funny because i participate in a other french topics and we have the same reaction, some think Lemaitre is in total regression, will never find is 2011 level, some think it possible again become strong but mostly in 200m.
For me i don't know :) Lemaitre had good resolutions, insist on the technic, find is top speed. The beggining of the saison disappointed me, cause Lemaitre tell against the same excuse. "I don't understand, when i'm training i'm strong, i was tired..." but his last run in Oslo gives me a little hope, the curve not be good, but find a good top speed with a headwind. So now i will see, this weekend at European team Championship on 100 and 200 and in the Areva meeting and French championship, cause for these racing he will has no excuse, and for me we will see if we can count to Lemaitre in Beijing.

For me it's a pleasure to talk with you. :smiley:

Leamitre alwys says he is strong in training because his amateur coaches are lying to him. They are only telling him that, not to increase his confidence, but rather so he does not seek other guidance. Carraz and his followers are only out for themselves to take credit for Lemaitre success. It would kill them if he left and found success with others.
I hope Lemaitre proves me wrong this weekend in the Euro Team Champs, Ill be proud to admit dfeat, but I dont see it happening until he leaves Master Carraz
RCS MAN, Where do you have your source, for the split time ?
10.4 is not really good for Lemaitre, in 2011 for his 19.80, he did 10.26. A analyse said in the curve you lost 0.27 secondes in your real 100m and 0.01 or 0.02 depending on the lane. If he does 10.40 in the first 100m it will be very hard to run under 20 secondes cause run 9.5 in second 100m is in spades form
I said he has a good finish in Oslo because he beat Jobodwana who has normaly a good finish.

In France the global point of view of Lemaitre is disappointed about him. All agree to say he is a F*** talent, think is one of no drugs athlete, but his coach isn't be the man of the situation. And many people say he is to idiot to change coach and go somewere else.
RCS MAN, Where do you have your source, for the split time ?
10.4 is not really good for Lemaitre, in 2011 for his 19.80, he did 10.26. A analyse said in the curve you lost 0.27 secondes in your real 100m and 0.01 or 0.02 depending on the lane. If he does 10.40 in the first 100m it will be very hard to run under 20 secondes cause run 9.5 in second 100m is in spades form
I said he has a good finish in Oslo because he beat Jobodwana who has normaly a good finish.

In France the global point of view of Lemaitre is disappointed about him. All agree to say he is a F*** talent, think is one of no drugs athlete, but his coach isn't be the man of the situation. And many people say he is to idiot to change coach and go somewere else.

"Where do you have your source" vérifie la vidéo, jobodwana fait une très mauvaise ligne droite, et ce n'est pas parce que christophe le bat qu'il fait une bonne fin de course.

contente toi de donner ton avis au lieu de parler au nom de la France, c'est fou ça, et sur quoi tu te bases pour dire que son entraineur n'est pas la bonne personne, il est très respecté dans le milieu de l'athétisme donc à part répêter les propos des athletix ça serait bien d'avoir des arguments.

Christophe a perdu sa spontaneité, son insousciance qui faisait sa force à 20 ans, il réfléchit trop au départ et perd donc beaucoup de temps, mais ses secondes parties de course très bonne, montre qu'il est toujours en très bonne forme chaque année, et est donc bien préparé.

concevez que l'athlète puisse aussi être la cause d'une contre performance au lieu d'accuser comme il est facile de le faire l'entraineur carraz.

Tu ne fais pas 3 médailles aux derniers championnat d'europe ou finaliste à chaque championnat du monde sans être bien entrainé
Non mais moi ça m'intéresse de savoir où tu pioches tes chronos et tes intervalles de temps. Ça pourrait me servir pour savoir d'autres choses.
Bon ok Lemaitre fait une ligne droite pas si bien que ça, si tu veux, mais il dépose tout le monde, c'est peut être des no-names mais ça lui redonne confiance.
Il me semble que c'est un forum américain non ? Je pense que leur dire ce que pense les français peut les intéresser, par français j'entends ceux qui aiment et suivent l'athlé, pas les Renaud Longuèvre, Ghani Yalouz et Guy Ontanon qui ne peuvent pas se permettre de critiquer Carraz, car il entraîne toujours Lemaitre, alors si tu veux les appeler les athlétixs parce qu'ils ne sont pas du même avis que toi vas-y. Parce que oui les français pensent de Lemaitre ce que je viens de dire, Carraz est décrier en France. Moi personnellement je n'ai pas donné mon avis sur lui.
Lemaitre n'a pas juste perdu sa spontanéité, ça c'est ce qu'il dit et tu y crois c'est en ton droit. Lemaitre a toujours fait de mauvais départs si on regarde bien, ce qui ne la pas empêché de réaliser tout de même des bons chronos. Les deux dernières années c'était la catastrophe niveau départ. Mais quand tu vois que cette année contre Vicaut ils sont au même niveau au 50m et qu'au finale il se prend 2 dixièmes, tu es en droit de te poser des questions.
Faire 3 médailles aux mondiaux, ok d'accord c'est bien mais moi je regarde le chronos aussi, le niveau était plus faible qu'à Barcelone pour un podium. Faire 10.10 en demis, et 10.13 en finale excuse moi c'est pas très bon. Quand tu regardes bien tu te dis que le meilleur Lemaitre qu'on a eu sur 100m c'est celui de 2010. Avec son 10.06 avec -1.2m/s et son 10.11 en finale avec 234 millièmes de temps de réaction avec 1m de vent de face. En 4 ans tu es quand même en droit de vouloir qu'il s'améliore.

Personnellement j'ai toujours envie de croire en Lemaitre, comme je l'ai dis ça fait 7 ans que je le suis et je suis toujours a fond derrière lui pour chaque course. Mais j'ai aussi le droit de me poser des questions et avoir des doutes.
"Parce que oui les français pensent de Lemaitre ce que je viens de dire" "Carraz est décrier en France"

j'adore ces phrases, déjà que les sondeurs affirment savoir ce que pensent les français en interrogeant 1000 personnes mais toi sans faire de sondage tu sais ce que pense les français, c'est très impressionnant ou surtout très mensonger.

et sur la perte de spontaneité, c'est juste un fait, ça se voit même à l'oeil nue que ces gestes au départ sont plus lent, et pour info c'est pas simplement lemaitre ou carraz qui le dit mais ontanon a fait la même analyse car il avait connu la même chose avec arron.

tu peut écouter ontanon ici

tu dis que Lemaitre a toujours fait de mauvais départ, là encore je ne suis pas d'accord, faire 6.55 est tout sauf médiocre, tu es sans problème finaliste des championnat du monde indoor avec ce chrono

tu dis que vicaut a prit 2 dixièmes à lemaitre alors que ce dernier avait pris un bon départ et donc qu'il faut se poser des questions, je te réponds que non, c'est un classique, c'est dû à la différence de stade de préparation, vicaut est déjà opérationnel, christophe lui était en phase d'entrainement, et sa fin de course montre sa fatigue, il ne monte plus les genou et finit en cycle arrière, ça n'a rien d'inquiétant, ça ne va aller que de mieux en mieux sur ce point. Le principal à surveiller c'est le départ de lemaitre, sa fin de course il ne la perdra pas.

Quand à mes sources pour les chronos, ce sont mes yeux, j'étudie les vidéos, car entre le visuel et la réalité il y'a parfois un monde
Je te dis, c'est via des échanges sur des forums, quand je lis des commentaires sur des articles, quand j'en parle avec des athlètes. Après si tu ne veux pas l'entendre c'est ton droit.

Je pense tout de même que l'année dernière Lemaitre n'avait pas sa vitesse de pointe de 2013 avant sa blessure, car sur la demie de la vidéo,le Lemaitre de 2010-2011 et championnat du monde 2013 aurait battu Dasaolu.
Pour Vicaut je suis pas d'accord, il n'est pas déjà près, Vicaut vaut beaucoup mieux que 9.98 ou 10.02. Vicaut a le problème inverse de Lemaitre, Lemaitre est bon dans la confrontation, Vicaut est meilleur quand il n'y a "personne" en face. Toutes les courses qu'il a fait dans un meeting diamond league sont généralement les moins aboutis. Et puis tu oublies que Lemaitre avant il courrait vite toute la saison et très vite dans les championnats. Faire des 10.09 mi mai, 9.96 début juin, 20.33 avec 2.2 mètres de vent dans le nez il le faisait, et ça ne l’empêchait pas de faire de très bonnes choses aux championnats.

Oui le visuel peut être trompeur c'est sur, mais avoir de vrais bases c'est tout aussi important. Quand tu me dis qu'il fait 9.53 sur son 2ème 100 à Londres je veux bien le croire mais si c'est en faisant une soustraction par rapport au chronos qui est affiché, c'est tout de suite moins légitime.
European Team Championships

Lemaitre 10,26 Wind -1,7
Kilty 10,35 2.
Race was ok, in all races they had strong headwind
ah ok je pensais que tu critiquais carraz au moins après avoir assisté aux entrainements, ton jugement se fait donc sur RIEN, ah si sur les "ont dit", les mecs qui juge à des centaines voir des milliers de km comme certains sur ce forum FANTASTIQUE

sur 2014 je suis d'accord

Vicaut n'est pas encore prêt en courant à 1 centième de son record ? c'est une blague ?

Lemaitre courrait vite toute la saison ? ah bon j'ai dû louper des épisodes car à part 2011 je vois pas, en 2012 - 2013 ou 2014 tu l'as vu démarrer fort ses saisons, on a pas les mêmes infos.

"si c'est en faisant une soustraction par rapport au chronos qui est affiché, c'est tout de suite moins légitime." PAS COMPRIS
Hey man, I don't care if you dont agree with me or like me, but if you converse in a forum, please state in English. Thanks
Good time for Lemaitre, 10.26 in a slow track with -1.7 wind is really good.
Gay made 10.12 -1.7 in a faster track like NY.

Lemaitre is now for 10.0 in a good track with tailwind, it is good.
I hope that he is for sub10 in August
I'm hoping he can get close to 10 seconds at the French Championships. I worry about him though as the last few years he seems to be a little intimidated by Vicaut. Remember at one time he was bullied in school. Those kinds of things can have long lasting results on the brain & emotions. Hope he can prove everyone wrong and somehow regain the french title over both 100 & 200 meters.
I'm hoping he can get close to 10 seconds at the French Championships. I worry about him though as the last few years he seems to be a little intimidated by Vicaut. Remember at one time he was bullied in school. Those kinds of things can have long lasting results on the brain & emotions. Hope he can prove everyone wrong and somehow regain the french title over both 100 & 200 meters.

If Vicaut is at good level, sorry but i dont see to Lemaitre winning.
Vicaut 9.95 and Lemaitre around 10.05 is in my mind
Vicaut is the favorite for sure. He has run sub 10 so many times. It is his natural distance while Christophe is far superior over 200 meters.

Hoping for an upset though as Christophe needs it alot more for his confidence heading into the world champs. I can't remember the last time Lemaitre went sub 10. I know it's been a long time. I would love to see him throw down a wind legal sub 10 again!
I'm hoping he can get close to 10 seconds at the French Championships. I worry about him though as the last few years he seems to be a little intimidated by Vicaut. Remember at one time he was bullied in school. Those kinds of things can have long lasting results on the brain & emotions. Hope he can prove everyone wrong and somehow regain the french title over both 100 & 200 meters.

He is for sure intimidated by Vicaut. I think Vicaut is very talented but looks rather brain dead, and somewhat arrogant. Lemaitre lack of confidence may fall due to his childhood and stutter, but more importantly his coach Master Carraz who has installed a belief in Lemaitre that 3rd place is good. In the last Olympics, though Lemaitre did not compete in the 200 due to injury, Carraz was happy that Tyson Gay chose not to run the 200 giving Lemaitre a better shot at a Medal. How can a coach tell his student that they are not good enough to win? Whether its reality or not, You teach your students they are number one and that they can win and beat the best, for only not to build confidence , but to have them run at full potential and not second guess winning and fall behind. This is common sense, something Master Carraz and his Apostles no nothing about!
They can post in French if they want.
it's not horribly difficult to get these posts translated. Heck, Google translate works just fine. Here are some examples:

"Where do you have your source" checks the video, jobodwana a very bad stretch, and it's not because he does christophe beats a good end of race.

glad you to give your opinion instead of speaking on behalf of France, it's crazy that, and on what basis are you saying that the manager is not the right person, he is highly respected in the middle of 'athétisme so apart from repeating the words of Athletix it would be nice to have arguments.

Christophe has lost its spontaneity, its insousciance that was its strength to 20 years, he thinks too much at the start and loses a lot of time, but his second good race parties, shows that it is still in very good shape every year, and is therefore well prepared.

designing the athlete can also be the cause of a performance against instead of accusing how easy it is to do the Carraz coach.

You do not do 3 medals at the last european championship or finalist every world championship without being well trained

No, but I'm interested to know where you picks your lap and your time intervals. It could use it to find out more.
Ok Lemaitre is not a straight line that well, if you want, but it drops all, it may be no-names but it restores confidence.
It seems to me that this is not an American forum? I think they say that the French think may interest them, by French I hear those who love and follow the athletics, not the Renaud Longuèvre, Ghani Yalouz and Guy Ontanon who can not afford to criticize Carraz because it Lemaitre always results, so if you want to call the athlétixs because they are not of the same opinion as you go ahead. Because yes the French Lemaitre think what I just said, is decrying Carraz in France. I personally did not give my opinion on it.
Lemaitre has not just lost its spontaneity, that's what he says and what you believe it is your right. Lemaitre has always made bad starts if you look good, which does not stop him from still achieve good lap times. The last two years it was the disaster level departure. But when you see that this year against Vicaut they are level and that the 50m final he took 2/10, you're entitled to ask you questions.
Make 3 medals at world, okay okay is good but I also look at the lap times, the level was lower than in Barcelona for a podium. Make 10.10 in the semis and finals 10.13 apologize me it is not very good. When you look closely you tell yourself that the best we had Lemaitre 100m is that of 2010. With 10.06 with -1.2m / s and 10.11 in the final with 234 thousandths of reaction time with 1m wind face. In 4 years you are still entitled to want it improves.

Personally I still want to believe in Lemaitre, as I say this for 7 years as I am and I'm still behind him thoroughly for each race. But I also have the right to ask me questions and have doubts.

"Because yes the French Lemaitre think what I just said" "Carraz in France is decrying"

I love these phrases, pollsters say already know what the French think interviewing 1,000 people but you do not know what survey you think the French, it is very impressive and above all very deceptive.

and the loss of spontaneity, it's just a fact, it is even seen with the naked eye that these actions are initially slower, and it's not just info lemaitre Carraz or who says it but did Ontanon the same analysis as he had experienced the same thing with Arron.

you can listen here Ontanon

you say that Lemaitre has always made bad start, again I do not agree, do 6.55 is anything but poor, you're not finalist problem of indoor world championship with this chrono

you say has Vicaut took 2/10 to lemaitre while the latter had made a good start and therefore we have to ask questions, I will answer no, it's a classic, this is due to the difference stage of preparation, Vicaut is already operational, christophe had him training phase and the end of the race shows his fatigue, he no longer climbs the knee and back cycle ends, it is harmless, it does that will go better and better on this point. The main monitor is the starting lemaitre, a close race he did not lose.

When my sources for the times, these are my eyes, I study the videos because between the visual and the reality he sometimes there's a world

I tell you, it is through exchange on forums, when I read comments on articles, when I talk with athletes. After if you do not want to hear it's your right.

I still think that last year was not his Lemaitre 2013 top speed before his injury, because the half of the video, the 2010-2011 Lemaitre and 2013 world championship would beat Dasaolu.
For Vicaut I disagree, it is not already near, Vicaut is much better than 9.98 or 10.02. Vicaut has the opposite problem of Lemaitre, Lemaitre's good at confrontation, Vicaut is better when there is "no" in front. All races he did in a diamond league meeting are generally less successful. And you forget that before he quickly Lemaitre ran the entire season and soon in the championships. Make mid May 10.09, 9.96 in early June, with 2.2 meters of 20.33 wind on the nose it did, and it did not prevent him from doing very good things championships.

Yes the visual can be misleading it is on, but have real basis is equally important. When you say it makes me 9.53 on his second 100 in London I want to believe it but if it is by subtraction relative to the lap is displayed, it is all the less legitimate result.

ah ok I thought you criticize Carraz at least after attending the trainings, your judgment is therefore on NOTHING, ah so on "told" the guys who judge hundreds or thousands of kilometers as some on this forum FANTASTIC

in 2014 I agree

Vicaut is not yet ready in current 1 hundredth of his record? this is a joke?

Lemaitre ran fast all season? oh well I had to miss the episodes because apart in 2011 I do not see, in 2012 to 2013 or 2014 you saw his strong season start was not the same information.

"If it is by subtraction relative to the lap that is displayed is less legitimate right on." NOT UNDERSTOOD
Thank you FootballDad

For me Vicaut will can run sub 9.9 with his best form, when he ran 10.02 he was in good form but not in this best.

In 2010 Lemaitre ran 10.09 10.22 -2.2wind 10.03 in May ! 10.09 and 10.02 in June ! 2011 10.00 in May, 9.96 and 9.95 two times in june !
2012 ran 10.04 in Rome. More better than 3 last years

For the substraction, i ask how do you do to know exactly the split time ?

For this weekend, in 100m visual was good, but Kilty is for me a runner who can expect just run 10.15 ( i know he ran 10.05) so it's cool to win. The chronos are not here but we will see in good conditions. To the 4x100, he will be very good i find, wind in his back. 38.34 was good without Vicaut, French team will expect sub 38 with him. And with Vicaut it's Lemaitre who finish the race.
No 200m i hope his injury is not to big !
Lemaitre says the possibility to not run in Areva to prepare French championship, his injury will confirm it i think.
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