Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80! -- Part Two

Well, that was awful. Christophe made it through, but he had the slowest qualifying time of any runner in 6 heats. In fact, 7 runners ran faster than him and didn't qualify. His time was the 32nd fastest of all runners. I'm stunned. I've been trying to be more optimistic this year, but that's just awful unless he was a) Jogging or b) fell down.

His time was an abysmal 10.24.

In other news Kilty and Reuss are through.

~ stupid and immature bashing

"His time was the 32nd fastest of all runner" FALSE
"he had the slowest qualifying time of any runner in 6 heats" FALSE
"7 runners ran faster than him and didn't qualify" FALSE

~ stupid and immature bashing

"His time was the 32nd fastest of all runner" FALSE
"he had the slowest qualifying time of any runner in 6 heats" FALSE
"7 runners ran faster than him and didn't qualify" FALSE

I don't mind a poster being extra-supportive of a white athlete, but this is like closing your eyes, putting your hands over your ears and saying "bla bla bla bla" really loud. If you want to, you can simply count the runners who ran faster than 10.24. Since he finished 3rd in his group, he moves on while some (7 in all) were in faster groups and did not place high enough to advance, even though they ran faster than Christophe. Here is the link so you can start counting:

That said, I'm glad he made it through. Still hoping that he can do better as the competition advances.
I don't mind a poster being extra-supportive of a white athlete, but this is like closing your eyes, putting your hands over your ears and saying "bla bla bla bla" really loud. If you want to, you can simply count the runners who ran faster than 10.24. Since he finished 3rd in his group, he moves on while some (7 in all) were in faster groups and did not place high enough to advance, even though they ran faster than Christophe. Here is the link so you can start counting:

That said, I'm glad he made it through. Still hoping that he can do better as the competition advances.

Lemaitre being white is great in the fact he breaks stereo-types, but my support is due to the fact that this kid was born with unlimited natural talent that has been destroyed by a coach with old fashioned methods and tells Lemaitre that he could never beat the best, strive for bronze etc.....RCSMAN is a well known notorious xenophobe who would hate to see Lemaitre succeed under a non french coach if that had to happen for him to succeed. Its a shame.
I'm glad all three guys we root for made it out of the first round. Not an easy thing to do at the World Championships. Lemaitre, Kilty and Reus will all have to run sub 10.05 tommorow at the minimum to make the finals. Hoping for some incredible performances. Not likely but you just never know.

We need some sub 10's guys. Hope they shock us. :clap2:
~ stupid and immature bashing

"His time was the 32nd fastest of all runner" FALSE
"he had the slowest qualifying time of any runner in 6 heats" FALSE
"7 runners ran faster than him and didn't qualify" FALSE



I seen the video RCSMAN, you are correct..... Lemaitre ran slow on purpose not to embarrass the other runners, since he knew he would qualify, in fact, if you look closely, Lemaitre set his starting blocks 10 meters behind - he ran 110 meters in 10.24! WOW, Lemaitre will run 9.1 in the final, cant wait to see Master Pierre Carraz's training come to Life. All is good.
I don't mind a poster being extra-supportive of a white athlete, but this is like closing your eyes, putting your hands over your ears and saying "bla bla bla bla" really loud. If you want to, you can simply count the runners who ran faster than 10.24. Since he finished 3rd in his group, he moves on while some (7 in all) were in faster groups and did not place high enough to advance, even though they ran faster than Christophe. Here is the link so you can start counting:

That said, I'm glad he made it through. Still hoping that he can do better as the competition advances.

and... where are these 7 sprinters faster than Lemaitre ? there are 3 sprinters faster than Lemaitre NOT 7 !
I'm glad all three guys we root for made it out of the first round. Not an easy thing to do at the World Championships. Lemaitre, Kilty and Reus will all have to run sub 10.05 tommorow at the minimum to make the finals. Hoping for some incredible performances. Not likely but you just never know.

We need some sub 10's guys. Hope they shock us. :clap2:

For me, the FINAL, it's impossible for these 3 guys
and... where are these 7 sprinters faster than Lemaitre ? there are 3 sprinters faster than Lemaitre NOT 7 !

LOL! You are a Dense one arent you....Only 3 ran faster than Lemaitre? WHAT?????? you need to check yourself in to a mental hospital, your devotion to Master Carraz is making you insane
Lemaitre ran 10.24 (-1.4) = 10.17 BASIC TIME

1. TAKASE 10.15 (-0.1) = 10.15 BASIC TIME ok, he is faster
2. Warner 10.20 (-0.1) = 10.20 BASIC TIME he 's NOT faster
3. Zhang 10.13 (-0.3) = 10.12 BASIC TIME ok, he's faster
4. Adams 10.23 (0.5) = 10.25 BASIC TIME he's NOT faster
5. Dasaolu 10.13 (0.3) = 10.14 BASIC TIME ok he's faster
6. Collins 10.16 (2.1) = 10.26 BASIC TIME, he's NOT faster
7. Ouhadi 10.22 (2.1) = 10.32 BASIC TIME he's NOT faster
8. Martinez 10.19 (-0.2) = 10.18 BASIC TIME he's NOT faster

there are 3 sprinters faster than Lemaitre, NOT 7, NOT 8
LOL! You are a Dense one arent you....Only 3 ran faster than Lemaitre? WHAT?????? you need to check yourself in to a mental hospital, your devotion to Master Carraz is making you insane

lol you are so ignorant, try ping pong or curling NOT track and field
Lemaitre ran 10.24 (-1.4) = 10.17 BASIC TIME

1. TAKASE 10.15 (-0.1) = 10.15 BASIC TIME ok, he is faster
2. Warner 10.20 (-0.1) = 10.20 BASIC TIME he 's NOT faster
3. Zhang 10.13 (-0.3) = 10.12 BASIC TIME ok, he's faster
4. Adams 10.23 (0.5) = 10.25 BASIC TIME he's NOT faster
5. Dasaolu 10.13 (0.3) = 10.14 BASIC TIME ok he's faster
6. Collins 10.16 (2.1) = 10.26 BASIC TIME, he's NOT faster
7. Ouhadi 10.22 (2.1) = 10.32 BASIC TIME he's NOT faster
8. Martinez 10.19 (-0.2) = 10.18 BASIC TIME he's NOT faster

there are 3 sprinters faster than Lemaitre, NOT 7, NOT 8
You should then talk immediately to the officials. Hassan Taftian ran a 10.10 with a +2.1 wind, so his BASIC time is 10.20. Zhang should be in the semis. Funny thing is that BASIC times are never in the record books or are used for qualifications. It's because it's largely subjective. Was the +2.1 wind at the start, the finish or in the middle? Was it blowing consistently along all lanes equally all the way to the finish? These races are run in the real world, on a real track with real weather and shifting winds, not in the fantasy land that you envision.
You should then talk immediately to the officials. Hassan Taftian ran a 10.10 with a +2.1 wind, so his BASIC time is 10.20. Zhang should be in the semis. Funny thing is that BASIC times are never in the record books or are used for qualifications. It's because it's largely subjective. Was the +2.1 wind at the start, the finish or in the middle? Was it blowing consistently along all lanes equally all the way to the finish? These races are run in the real world, on a real track with real weather and shifting winds, not in the fantasy land that you envision.


Try curling or ping pong with ELISPEEDSTER
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What? You find anything wrong with my post? Also, genius, the wind doesn't exactly do as we tell it. It doesn't always blow directly behind ("tailwind") or in front ("headwind") of the runner. Sometimes, *gasp* it might even blow from an oblique angle which can be either a help or a hindrance. Usain Bolt's world record of 9.58 was with a "tailwind" of 0.9, making his BASIC TIME a few ticks slower. RCSMAN, you should notify them of this so that the record can be corrected! :biggrin:
You should then talk immediately to the officials. Hassan Taftian ran a 10.10 with a +2.1 wind, so his BASIC time is 10.20. Zhang should be in the semis. Funny thing is that BASIC times are never in the record books or are used for qualifications. It's because it's largely subjective. Was the +2.1 wind at the start, the finish or in the middle? Was it blowing consistently along all lanes equally all the way to the finish? These races are run in the real world, on a real track with real weather and shifting winds, not in the fantasy land that you envision.



I know all about the wind gauges and were they are placed. My posts are still accurate. Have you never actually ran a 100M, 200M, or 400M race? The wind is infinitely variable. It never just blows a nice steady stream throughout the race from start to finish, especially in a modern stadium environment with the wind swirls in various locations. BASIC times are nice for training but are NOT USED in actual competition. Of course if you can show me an instance of when they were, then you're right. Of course you can't.
I know all about the wind gauges and were they are placed. My posts are still accurate. Have you never actually ran a 100M, 200M, or 400M race? The wind is infinitely variable. It never just blows a nice steady stream throughout the race from start to finish, especially in a modern stadium environment with the wind swirls in various locations. BASIC times are nice for training but are NOT USED in actual competition. Of course if you can show me an instance of when they were, then you're right. Of course you can't.

You have a better shot of getting a factual response from a Canadian Moose than with RCSMAN
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What? You find anything wrong with my post? Also, genius, the wind doesn't exactly do as we tell it. It doesn't always blow directly behind ("tailwind") or in front ("headwind") of the runner. Sometimes, *gasp* it might even blow from an oblique angle which can be either a help or a hindrance. Usain Bolt's world record of 9.58 was with a "tailwind" of 0.9, making his BASIC TIME a few ticks slower. RCSMAN, you should notify them of this so that the record can be corrected! :biggrin:

....had Lemaitre put on his sock just under 1 mm off his ankle, deduct .01 off his time, he still had some toothpaste left over in his mouth from brushing his teeth in the morning which added .00001 ounce to his weight, therefore, knock off another .01 off his time....his hair was combed 45 degrees north, and since the race was facing south, this created drag of about -10, which translates to about .05 off this time, so in reality Christoph ran about 10.14 which would of moved him in to 2nd place. Please file a complaint with the IAAF to adjust the race results, RCSMAN will be very angry if it is not. :icon_mrgreen:
I know all about the wind gauges and were they are placed. My posts are still accurate. Have you never actually ran a 100M, 200M, or 400M race? The wind is infinitely variable. It never just blows a nice steady stream throughout the race from start to finish, especially in a modern stadium environment with the wind swirls in various locations. BASIC times are nice for training but are NOT USED in actual competition. Of course if you can show me an instance of when they were, then you're right. Of course you can't.

So, for you, Kim collins 10.16 (+2.1) ran faster than ashmeade 10.19 (-1.4), lol,you are a joke
So, for you, Kim collins 10.16 (+2.1) ran faster than ashmeade 10.19 (-1.4), lol,you are a joke
The results are the results. The IAAF says that he did. Maybe you should take this up with them. It's impossible to compare, though. We do not know what the wind did for the entirety of Ashmeade or Collins runs. It is likely that Collins would have run faster had the conditions been identical, but there is no certainty. If they were head-to-head there would even be more variables to consider. The track and the wind are not static. Heat and other variables also play a part. I have ran many meets and there is really no such thing as a "basic time" other than to be a helpful indicator in the training regimen.
You should then talk immediately to the officials. Hassan Taftian ran a 10.10 with a +2.1 wind, so his BASIC time is 10.20. Zhang should be in the semis. Funny thing is that BASIC times are never in the record books or are used for qualifications. It's because it's largely subjective. Was the +2.1 wind at the start, the finish or in the middle? Was it blowing consistently along all lanes equally all the way to the finish? These races are run in the real world, on a real track with real weather and shifting winds, not in the fantasy land that you envision.
This is why athletes should never advance on time, only on placing. Race conditions vary too much even from heat to heat.

Grabbing a good wind was always part of track and field in the long jump. Legend has it that Lyn Davies won gold in Tokyo in these conditions as the wind was swirling and many competitors had the wind directly in their face but he caught the wind to his back. Also Bob Beamon who had the super human jump in 68' had the max wind and people have alleged that his jump might have been aided by malfunctioning gauge. Also the god father of all poor wind readings was the Flo Jo 10.49 time where the gauge read 0.0 wind when all competitors that day said the wind was blowing heavily through out the competition.
I think Lemaitre should no show for the semis.
As far as I can tell from the results from the heats, he has no chance of advancing.
He should save himself the energy and stress, and just focus on the 200m.
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