Chris Matthews Resigns

Chris "Leg Tingles" Matthews was an anti-White hack who will always be best remembered for saying this about Barack Obama: "I have to tell you, you know, it’s part of reporting this case, this election, the feeling most people get when they hear Barack Obama’s speech. My, I felt this thrill going up my leg. I mean, I don’t have that too often."

Glad to see the left devour another one of their own. Good riddance!

#MeToo was intended by the Left to be a weapon to be used against conservative White men, but it's backfired spectacularly. The list of liberals and Jews who have been taken down by the "blue on blue" is pretty epic.
#MeToo was intended by the Left to be a weapon to be used against conservative White men, but it's backfired spectacularly. The list of liberals and Jews who have been taken down by the "blue on blue" is pretty epic.
I think it’s twofold. Yes, he angered women but he also upset the jews.
Last month, the host was heavily criticized for comparing Sen. Bernie Sanders' victory in the Nevada caucuses to the Nazi conquest of France in 1940. He later apologized for those remarks.

He committed blasphemy against the official state religion of WW2 and the “holocaust”. Comparing a jew winning a state caucus to the Most Evil People Who Ever Lived?! Oi vey Chrissy, what were ya thinking? Hahaha
I'm pretty sure one of the last nails in his coffin was a couple of days ago when he was interviewing a Black Democratic candidate and he confused him with a Republican Black politician. Chrissy was viewing the Black Republican on his monitor on which the Black Republican was standing next to Lindsey Graham and Matthews was there saying, "I see you standing there next to someone you're going to defeat in the next election..." Immediately, Chrissy was corrected by someone off-camera there at MSNBC. Hilariously, the whole thing came off like the old cliche' of "They all look alike"... It was totally priceless and I knew that was probably the end for him.
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