chimping out


Feb 28, 2007
did you se duke carolina the intenional elbow by henderson he broke hansbrough nose and a tooth even though duke is my favorite team i hate seing that happen to a white henderson got suspended for 1 game he was really chimping out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That was a disgusting cheap shot. Clearly intentional. Nobody fouls someone to the face like that with 20 seconds left in a game that was already done. Typical chimping out behavior. Here's the youtube link:

chimping out
I watched it several times and he clearly led with his elbow. He didn't raise his arm up like he was going to block the shot.
I would have had t been held back by at least 3 people if I was Hansbrough because that's how many people it would have taken to hold me back from kicking the s%it out of Henderson. Oh my god I would have been boiling hot with some serious adrenaline goin after some a$$hole broke my nose on a cheap shot.
What was that nog Hendersons quote after the game? "I didnt mean to hurt the kid" or someting like that? Imagine ifa white said that about a black. They'd call it racist, equate calling a black "kid" to calling him 'boy." Of course a white elbow to a blacks face would be a hate crime. Ol boy John Thompson would be having afit. Edited by: Roundabout
<div style="text-align: left;">Henderson should get a couple more games of suspension.If you take 30 swipes at somebody's nose maybe just maybe you hit there nose twice.on top of it he broke hanbroughs nose at least 4 more games
FootballDad said:
When looking for a topic to post this under, this one stood out as perfect!  Take a look at this Baylor women's basketball "phenom" doing the normal violent 'thang'

TNB from the masculine looking mulatta & caste-pushed/hyped "star" Brittney Griner. These "affletes" just love the ol' trusty (TNB) sucker punch.
And yes, it was no doubt a sucker punch, something that is ingrained in the thug DNA, I think.

The girl who got punched could have been seriously hurt. Instead it looks like a broken nose. And the sucker-punching thugess needs to be suspended indefinitely.

Looks like LaGarrett Blount may have found his bride.
Edited by: foobar75
At least her teamates stood up for her. The one girl on Tech really wanted at her!
Agreed celticdb15, it was one of those very rare occurrences where black players were actually standing up for their white teammate. I have seen many an incident where a white player will get fouled hard or take a cheap-shot in some form by an opposing black player, and his teammates will just sort of stand there passively doing nothing.
celticdb15 said:
At least her teamates stood up for her. The one girl on Tech really wanted at her!

Nice to see that for a change.
foobar75 said:
Agreed celticdb15, it was one of those very rare occurrences where black players were actually standing up for their white teammate. I have seen many an incident where a white player will get fouled hard or take a cheap-shot in some form by an opposing black player, and his teammates will just sort of stand there passively doing nothing.

It's indeed a rarity for the "affletes" to back up a fellow White player. We only had 2 "affletes" on my HS hoops team (one was an "oreo"), and we didn't have any on-court scraps. However, we had a few more bruvahz on the football team (a slew of them in college) & they'd not jump in on pushing/shoving matches, but would engage in (TNB) "trash talk" on the football field...usually with other affletes (on the other team). Whites usually kept to ourselves off the field & same with the afroletes. There wasn't alot of the "melting pot" BS in those days.
The usual media whitewashing (blackwashing?) is taking place. I was channel surfing last night and came to a completely unwatchable showon ESPN2 with Colin Cowturd and some blonde bimbo. The bimbo was saying how the perp simply made a mistake. I quickly kept surfing.

ESPN's website has a story quoting Griner's coach saying how the perp is "remorseful" and a "gentle giant." Some "gentle giant." The coach also says that the girl "snapped" and "shouldn't be defined" by the punch. If she "snapped" she's not "gentle," and if she "snaps" that easily, she should indeed be defined by it for quite some time to come. If it was a White athlete "snapping" and breaking the nose of a black, today's Cultural Marxist tyranny would be demanding psychological testing and anger management classes. by: Don Wassall
Don Wassall said:
The usual media whitewashing (blackwashing?) is taking place.  I was channel surfing last night and came to a completely unwatchable show on ESPN2 with Colin Cowturd and some blonde bimbo.  The bimbo was saying how the perp simply made a mistake.  I quickly kept surfing.
<div> </div>
<div>ESPN's website has a story quoting Griner's coach saying how the perp is "remorseful" and a "gentle giant."  Some "gentle giant."  The coach also says that the girl "snapped" and "shouldn't be defined" by the punch.  If she "snapped" she's not "gentle," and if she "snaps" that easily, she should indeed be defined by it for quite some time to come.  If it was a White athlete "snapping" and breaking the nose of a black, today's Cultural Marxist tyranny would be demanding psychological testing and anger management classes.  </div>
<div> </div>


It doesn't surprise me that this sort of thing would be coming from Colin Cowturd's show. This black worshipper is a disgrace, I sometimes hear him on the radio while driving to work, and he's one of the worst caste clowns I've ever come across.

On a surprising note, I did catch both the ATH and PTA segments the day after, and there seemed to be unanimous condemnation of this thugess, and demands for a lenghty suspension, so at least that was nice.

It's too bad the coach/Big 12 are absolute cowards for giving her just 2 games.
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