

May 30, 2005
This game is so great for so many things. It
builds mental ability, toughness, and can build social skills.
How could Bobby Fischer be so screwed up? Imagine if there was a
black or female chess champion? Man, would the media eat that up.
I actually love to play chess.It keeps you sharp and
focused.It can be relaxing in a way because it can get
your mind off a stressful day.It is also kind of like
life,you have to be aggressive to get what you want,but
at the same time,protect your assets.
Is he really that screwed up? I haven't read that much about
him, except that he's an "anti-Semite". But a lot of people
are, and I don't think they're all crazy. Although Freud would
Edited by: JD074
He called 9-11 wonderful news. He also thinks
that the CIA tries to send radio signals through his teeth.
Finally, he thought that the world would end in 1975. He does not
hate Jews ethnically, as his mother is Jewish, but hates practicioners
of that religion. It probably stems simply from the fact that he
had a religion that he did not wish to follow pushed on him as a
child. That is not so much the crazy part. His anti-US
views are also understandable because they were derived from the US
government and Henry Kissenger using him as a symbol for American

Edited by: IceSpeed2
Hadn't heard about any of that. BTW, do you know what they
apprehended him for?

Has he given any reasons for why he dislikes America?
Foreign policy, Jewish influence, or just his personal
experiences? Just curious.
He replayed Spassky in Yugoslavia against US orders
because they were afraid he would be held hostage in 1992. It was
largely politics with the UN. Fischer spat at the document on
live TV. However, he was already a recluse and had been going
crazy, developing apocolypse and conspiracy theories for 30

I do not think he should be detained because the
government turned him into a recluse. See some links below.

That was relatively minor. He has been unable
to defend his dissappearences and tax evasion.

His "Jewish Conspiracy" theory has been
supported by
use of his name in the enyclopedia Judeaica as a Jew even though he
wished his name would be removed. He viewed it as
advertising. There was a film that used Bobby Fischer's name
clearly for advertising without Fischer's permission. He used
this to justify this conspiracy theory, but where were the producers
going to find him.

He should not be considered a criminal.

<em ="yschurl"><wbr>4535883.htm[/i]

Edited by: IceSpeed2
Chess is a great game that develops strategical and tactical thinking. Playing it keeps your mind sharp.

The greatest players have always been white men.
I used to play chess a lot in Grade School and even entered a few tournaments and did OK.

I know many online sites offer games of chess for free. If any of the guys would be up for a weekend match sometime maybe I'd be up for it!

Haven't played in years though so my skills may be a bit rusty.

All the best chess players seem to be Euro or Asian.
I used to play chess a lot in Grade School and even entered a few tournaments and did OK.

I know many online sites offer games of chess for free. If any of the guys would be up for a weekend match sometime maybe I'd be up for it!

Haven't played in years though so my skills may be a bit rusty.

All the best chess players seem to be Euro or Asian.

A good free site to play on is You can also pay for a membership and get additional features.

While there are some good Asian players but most of the best players are white. The current World Champion is the Norwegian Magnus Carlsen.
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I've been playing chess on the internet recently. Anyone else here a chess enthusiast?
Former world champion Gary Kasparov recently played in a tournament in St Louis after a hiatus of 12 years. It was a rapid / blitz tournament.

Three players did commentaries on the games of the tournament, Yasser Seirawan, Jennifer Shahade and Maurice Ashley. Seirawan is an Arab, Shahade is a woman and Ashley is a black. There were no white men doing the commentary. It's an example of political correctness and white male exclusion in a country where most chessplayers are white males.
Former world champion Gary Kasparov recently played in a tournament in St Louis after a hiatus of 12 years. It was a rapid / blitz tournament.

Three players did commentaries on the games of the tournament, Yasser Seirawan, Jennifer Shahade and Maurice Ashley. Seirawan is an Arab, Shahade is a woman and Ashley is a black. There were no white men doing the commentary. It's an example of political correctness and white male exclusion in a country where most chessplayers are white males.

Even Chess is feeling the diversity push?! That's ridiculous, there cant be a field out there where whites are the majority .
I love to play chess. I have played since I was a kid. It is a great game that never gets old. I've
always been fascinated with it as it's similar to the game of life. You have to take chances but also
know when to play it safe. Sports is similar too. Maybe we could have a caste chess tounament? Lol.
American Fabiano Caruana will be the challenger for the upcoming World Chess Championship. Caruana is of Italian ancestry and was born in the USA.

The current World Champion is Norwegian Magnus Carlsen.

Both Caruana and Carlsen are great players. It should be a hard fought and interesting match.
Here's an example of "affirmative action" in the chess world. Two South African blacks are sponsored by a top player with a trip to Europe to develop their game. They're both class A players, not bad but nothing remotely indicating they have world class talent.

There are undoubtedly many younger white players with higher ratings who did not get such an opportunity. There are probably white South African players who were more deserving than they are. These South African blacks got their free trip due to preferential treatment because they're black.
Here's a good video about a famous game, Donald Byrne vs Bobby Fischer. The narrator talks a little slow so you might want to speed it up a little but the content is good.

The Carlsen - Caruana World Championship match has started. The first game was a hard fought 115 move draw in which Carlsen had winning chances but couldn't bring the point home.

Both Carlsen and Caruana are white men. Carlsen is Norwegian and Caruana is American.
I played some when I was a kid. I wasn't that great for sure.

Just wondering how is the chess organization PC?

I don't understand your question. What does PC stand for in this case?

Some possible answers. The United States Chess Federation USCF oversees American chess. FIDE oversees international chess. There are state organizations. is a good place to play chess. It's free.

If you're asking are chess organizations politically correct, I've heard they are. I'm not sure how much or how this affects their basic functions.
There’s a new “We Wuz Kangz” / Hidden Figures-esque mini series on Netflix called The Queen’s Gambit based on a book written in the 1980’s. It is basically a ripoff of Bobby Fisher’s story arc: rise from nothing and self taught to international fame beating the high powered Soviets at the height of the Cold War. But with a female lead. “Inspired” by true events takes on a whole new meaning with this stretch of the imagination
There’s a new “We Wuz Kangz” / Hidden Figures-esque mini series on Netflix called The Queen’s Gambit based on a book written in the 1980’s. It is basically a ripoff of Bobby Fisher’s story arc: rise from nothing and self taught to international fame beating the high powered Soviets at the height of the Cold War. But with a female lead. “Inspired” by true events takes on a whole new meaning with this stretch of the imagination

There has never been a woman who was a threat to win the World Championship. The closest was Judit Polgar. She's currently ranked number 66 in the world and in the past was higher. But she was never good enough to challenge for the World Championship.

Polgar is an outstanding player and there are many excellent, highly rated women chess players. But I have no doubt that this min-series exaggerates their playing strength to promote their female supremacist agenda.

Historically the best chess players have been white men. The current World Champion is Magnus Carlsen, a white man.
There has never been a woman who was a threat to win the World Championship. The closest was Judit Polgar. She's currently ranked number 66 in the world and in the past was higher. But she was never good enough to challenge for the World Championship.

Polgar is an outstanding player and there are many excellent, highly rated women chess players. But I have no doubt that this min-series exaggerates their playing strength to promote their female supremacist agenda.

Historically the best chess players have been white men. The current World Champion is Magnus Carlsen, a white man.
I watched the Queen's Gambit on my computer. I thought the acting was good, but as was said, it was a takeoff on Bobby Fischer (two incidences in the series of the subject of what are you going to do with the rest of your life after you become world champ? Actually, bobby Fischer was branded crazy because he uncovered the truth about Zionism even though he was a half-jew himself). There were also parts with attacks on Christianity (the girl always ditches Christian class/choir to play chess in the basement with the Janitor, a White man). Her best friend in the orphanage is of course a black girl. Her adopted mother is alright, but a drunk and her adopted father is just a poor guy - both White of course. All in all though if you keep those things in mind, it's not all that bad by todays standards of movies. Oh yeah, there a homosexual guy in it the girl likes.
For those of you who are interested, there's good site where you can play chess, You can get a game 24 hours a day and play games from every country in the world. There are opponents at every level. Even if you're a beginner or a casual player you can get games against a player at your level. - Play Chess Online - Free Games
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