Chad Greenway


Apr 26, 2005
What do you expect? We get a breakthrough at the linebacking core and our hero gets to break the wedge on kickoff coverage. This is no joke. He got hurt busting the wedge on kickoff coverage!!!

think of every expletive in your mind at once and that wouldn't begin to tell you how mad I am... 6.html

Edited by: Don Wassall

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
He's out for the season. They couldn't use a backup LB on special teams, I guess Greenway had to prove his "all-out motor" and "overachieving enthusiasm" first.

Listen to Childress after he was injured: "He made a big tackle on special teams."
Sounds too much like the ghost of Mike Tice to me.


Apr 26, 2005
Don Wassall said:
He's out for the season.Å¡ They couldn't use a backup LB on special teams, I guess Greenway had to prove his "all-out motor" and "overachieving enthusiasm" first.Å¡

Listen to Childress after he was injured:Å¡ "He made a big tackle on special teams."Å¡
Å¡ Sounds too much like the ghost of Mike Tice to me.

Yep, you got it.,..The white boy had to learn some humility first. Vikes' Black Defensive Coordinator Mike Tomlins first comment about Greenway after the FIRST DAY of voluntary mini-camp was "Greenway had to hustle more"

Also, throughout training camp Childress was slobbering on about how good a diagnose linebacker that E.J. Henderson was(Greenways' competition at WLB)..Chidress is counting the days till he can bench Johnson and put in the superior athletic QB and 2nd round pick Tavaris Jackson.

I bet ya Fran Foley wanted Greenway and Childress wanted A.J Nicholson so Foley had to be ran out of town. Aren't the Chargers one of the more whiter teams?

There is an oxymoron for you-Minnesota Vikings. I think we should change it to Minnesota Crips.

I am sure the coaching staff is relieved that a athletic, tough white man was going to be the identity of the defense. Its all over boys, get back to the safety of the caste system. You all are hereby cured of all white guilt.
Edited by: voice


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
voice said:
What do you expect? We get a breakthrough at the linebacking core and our hero gets to break the wedge on kickoff coverage. This is no joke. He got hurt busting the wedge on kickoff coverage!!!

The Vikings execute Caste System - white busting - methods to a tee.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Man what a bad break for Chad. I wonder if he'll get a shot next year, or be covered up by the black supremacist coaching staff?


Apr 26, 2005
Apologies to Caste Football gurus because I am copying post to this thread. I want the caste supporters and anti-white racists to get this explanation when and if they search on Greenway on the site in the future.

His injury sickens me so much I want to show the caste supporters the evil and cowardly role they play in young mens lives.

Below was taken from a thread re White players being injured and/or Injury prone. N=1

I will weigh in with a couple of thoughts though. Albeit we have seen injuries that could have been hardluck or "freak" injuries, we also see the Caste System follows players and their chances for success into the injury front.

1) White players that are on the fringe of teams have to be on guard for cheap shots from highly politicised and virulently anti-white teammates that no doubt conspire to land cheap shots to hurt white players to insure black supremacy at every position. We already see comments like "i couldn't let a white boy beat me" followed by "my teammates wouldn't let me forget if a white boy WR beat me for a touchdown"

How does this translate into the violent and 85 IQ level(mental age of 11) of the black athletes' mind?

It isn't a stretch to think that white players(especially skill players because teammate and opponent have time to react and deliver high impact cheap shots) are targetted and conspired against to be driven by injury off the roster.

2) Head Coaches and Position Coaches..Institutionally anti-white coaching.

We have all documented this in varying degrees but the reality is probably worse than we already can imagine. If you look at the NFL coaching staffs you will see a pattern. 90 % White head coach with with 95% White Offensive Coordinator and probably 80% White Defensive Coordinator. These are the high profile and highly paid coaching positions. Although the Off Coor. and Def Coor will have a say in who ultimately plays(with Head having ultimate say) the position coaches will do the write ups to recommend who they feel is most deserving of a roster spot.

How this plays out is most of the skill positions that we focus on are controlled now by black position coaches. The RB and WR coaches are 50% black(at least) and the other 50% are white coaches who have never performed at high level(NFL) so have had to subscribe to an institutionally anti-white unwritten rule(through college and pros) to get to their position. So we are dealing with people who subscribe and carry out the caste system for the benefit of race or , in the case of white coach, fulfilling their achieved status as a caste system coach.

If the coach can't hide the white receivers, DB or RB ability then they can implement strategies that put the white player at a high risk of injury.

1) Put 1st Round LB(Greenway with Black Def Coor Mike Timlin) in special teams as a WEDGE BUSTER in a preseason game!!!!

2) Because Caste system has white WR/RB's at bottom of the depth chart and were never high picks they always have to work with Scout team against first team defense where they can be targets for injury and big hits. Every highlight I see at Vikings Mini-camp where the defense makes a big hit on a WR it is against Kevin Kasper.Coincidence, I think not!

Without going into laborious detail, after all of this noise and feedback to Head Coach about the players why would the coach care about a late draft or FA white skill player when the position coach thinks he isn't as good as the black player? If the white Head/Off coor/Def coor goes out on a limb and disagrees with black position coach then isn't that racist?

Would the black position coach(say WR coach) have the professionalism to not whisper in the black DB coach or brother SS to purposely try injure the white bread WR that the Head Coach likes when he comes over the middle next practice? I wouldn't even put it past these guys speaking to the oppossing team brothers before the game.

We all know the answer to these questions. This happens constantly and that is one other reasons white QB's make it...their own f$cking teammates aren't allowed to cheapshot them in training camp and practice.

I agree that we see white injuries, but I think we need to peel away the caste system that is so well entrenched in the game to uncover the obstacles our people have to face when trying to be successful in college or pro football.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
voice said:
It isn't a stretch to think that white players(especially skill players because teammate and opponent have time to react and deliver high impact cheap shots) are targetted and conspired against to be driven by injury off the roster.

Excellent post! The growing number of black coachesis going to make it even more difficult for white players to succeed. Do any of us believe they will promote or favor whites over their own in filling rosters?

Jeremy Shockey was close to being another unfortunate casualty. A recent post from Don deserves another look:

I saw videotape of the play, and Will Demps (who was defending Shockey) was whooping it up with his black defensive teammates whileShockey lay on the ground. I wonder how common it is to celebrate the apparent injuring of teammates during training camp. . .


Aug 16, 2006
Greenway's injury was unfortunate, but to point to a massive conspiracy to injure white players seems a bit far-fetched to me. Like any of the 1st round linebackers, we all knew Greenway would have ended up a starter. However, most coaches still like to give the appearance that they are "earning it". That's why they're usually penciled in as second string during training camp and why they have to bust their ass on special teams. Ernie Sims was out there playing special teams for the Lions-Broncos game. I was looking forward to watching Greenway too, but his injury was misfortune, nothing more. I think you're being a bit too paranoid.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
I agree. Black players are going down left and right already in the preseason. It was the same last season, mostly blacks getting hurt and relatively few whites suffering serious injuries. I think we notice injuries to whites more because there are so few whites at many positions.

But whites having to go all out all the time is very true, while blacks often get away with having "questionable work ethics." Roy Blount wrote about the disparate treatment black and white players received in his 1974 book "Three Bricks Shy of a Load," and you can bet the disparity has only grown since then. Coaches are on tippy-toes around black players compared with how they used to be able to treat players in the pre-Caste System NFL.


Apr 26, 2005
Don and Jared,

I think you are saying that coaches aren't conspiring to drive white players off the roster, but teammates do blatantly target white players for injury?

Just need confirmation before I begin my gentlemans rebuttal.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
The filtering outof white playersbegins at the earliest levels of organized football, such as Pop Warner, and continues at each successive stage on through high school, college and then the NFL. What I'm saying is that there is no need for coaches to conspire to drive white players off the roster when the roster is predominantly black to begin with. White players only get recruited by I-A schools to play a few positions. If a player doesn't come from a I-A school he has almost no chance of making the NFL, so the Catch 22 to keep whites out is institutionalized before they get to the professional level.

As far as injuries, coaches don't want to see white players get needlessly injured, especially high draft picks, but it may happen unconsciously as a result of the role whites are forced into -- they must be "high-motor" all-out players all the time. Whether black teammates try to injure white teammates would depend on each individual player's intentions. There aren't going to be many who admit to it and probably many if not most don't try to injure teammates. But I think it's fair to say blacks play harder against whites, even teammates,because it's always a racial thing with them. They're every bit as aware of the racial dynamics of football as we are at Caste Football and very protective of their "territory."


Apr 26, 2005

I agree with you. It begins very early on as we have documented on the site many times. I even took out of my analysis about black college recruiters.This no doubt impacts the pool for pros to choose from.

As you said at the end of you clarifying post, 99% of blacks are as racially conscious as a Caste football or an Amren poster.This drives them to behave in the best interests of blacks-whether this is from a coaches or players perspective.

Think about white attitudes pre civil rights era, we (as every other people on the face of the earth still today does) acted in the interest of our own race. We are the only ones who bought into the rhetoric of the civil rights era.

All other races of man, behave exactly as they always have and extends to every segment of their lives including the only area where they have any success-sports.


Hall of Famer
Oct 23, 2005
there's no conspiracu here... but unfortunately we only have 2-10 white players for most positions so obviously we tend to notice that straight away... with the way that NFL follows, soon enough we won't have to worry about injuries because there will be no whites in the league...

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
I don't think blacks conspire together to injure white teammates, but, like many of you, I do feel that many will try harder to prevent a white player from making a high-profile play on them.

However, I think that there is a moment when a white player makes a squad and becomes known as a star, that black players will give him respect, while white journalists and media pundits may still yet insult or disparage that players ability. A black player who praises a white player has nothing to fear, but a white person is always concerned whether his support of a white athlete is going to be labeled racist because that player IS white, not because he can actually play the game.


Apr 26, 2005

I wouldn't have expected any less from White guys. Fairly considering the evidence and giving blacks the benefit of the doubt. "surely they wouldn't conspire or willfully injure" a teammate you say.

Well, I will not give them the benefit of doubt, ever. Just so you know were I am coming from, if 50% of them behave in such a manner I will feel absolutely no guilt whatsoever tarring them all with the same brush.

With this subject matter and with other matters regarding treatment of fellow whites, guilty until proven innocent as far as I am concerned.I want complete control back of my institutions so I can ensure fair treatment regarding european descent people from a racial perspective, or I want separation.Edited by: voice

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
voice said:

I wouldn't have expected any less from White guys. Fairly considering the evidence and giving blacks the benefit of the doubt. "surely they wouldn't conspire or willfully injure" a teammate you say.

Well, I will not give them the benefit of doubt, ever. Just so you know were I am coming from, if 50% of them behave in such a manner I will feel absolutely no guilt whatsoever tarring them all with the same brush.

With this subject matter and with other matters regarding treatment of fellow whites, guilty until proven innocent as far as I am concerned.I want complete control back of my institutions so I can ensure fair treatment regarding european descent people from a racial perspective, or I want separation.

Hey, Voice, don't hold back, tell us what you really think!

Just kidding, bro.

I understand where you're coming from.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
I agree with voice on this one. I think he has made a good case that blacks try to injure white players intentionally. We all agree that blacks are fiercely racially loyal. We know that many are ghetto thugs that commit crimes of violence that no decent person with any sense of guilt would do. They admit that they do not want to be embarassed by white players. Taken all together I believe it makes the case.

I think too many of you are projecting your white sense of proper moral behavior onto players that do not possess it.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Here is a snippet from an article posted on another site. It's not sports related, but it certainly tells you something about friendship with blacks, and supports what voice and jaxvid have said in this thread. Parenthetical comments and bold emphasis mine, not in the original:

Lynne P. Shackleford,, August 15, 2006

Gaffneyâ€â€￾Christopher Twamley (Race: White)told jurors Monday he had no idea why three teenagers he had known for years would attack him at a party after a Blacksburg High School football game last year.

The 17-year-old Blacksburg High graduate testified that he had gone to a party on Sept. 9, with the intention of hanging out with friends and "getting drunk."

Twamley said he was there for only a few minutes when he began hearing other teenagers at the party, which was unsupervised, say Derrick Fabion Elmore, Mario Jaquea Wilson and Larevis Leontrez Dawkins planned to beat him.

Elmore, 19, Dawkins, 17, and Wilson, 18, (Race: Black) are on trial this week on charges of second-degree lynching and aggravated assault. Because Dawkins was 16 years old when the alleged incident occurred, his assault charge will be handled in Family Court. Dawkins will face the lynching charge as an adult.

Under South Carolina law, the charge of lynching implies a group attackâ€â€￾which is not necessarily racially motivated. In this case, even though the three defendants are black and the victim is white, prosecutors say they don't think the altercation was racially motivated.

Twamley said he was sitting on a couch inside the residence when Dawkins and Wilson first attempted to drag him outside by his arms and legs to face Elmore, who was outside the home. Twamley said there was some bad blood between he and Elmore, stemming from an incident several years ago. Twamley testified that the incident wasn't serious, and he and Elmore had been friendly since then.

This so called friendship did not prevent Elmore and his black friends from attempting to beat the crap out Twamley. It is also quite telling that Elmore did not want to face Twamley by himself, instead enlisting the aid of his friends to assist in the beatdown.


Aug 16, 2006
I thought that more than a couple members here who tried to make a go at football said that often times, black coaches gave them a more legit shot than the white ones. Maybe I'm mistaken though.


Aug 8, 2006
that sucks about greenway. Man, it's painful.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
What a solid player Chad Greenway is.

<TABLE width=630>
<TD width="80%"><A name=598176></A>Vikings | Greenway named NFC Defensive Player of the Week
<TD width="20%">Comment (0) </TD></TR></T></TABLE>Tue, 22 Sep 2009 17:07:10 -0700

The Minnesota Vikings announced LB Chad Greenway has been named NFC Defensive Player of the Week for his performance during the team's Week 2 game. Greenway finished with four tackles, two interceptions, a fumble recovery and he recovered an onside kick.



Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Three years since there was a post to this thread. Great news for Chad, and he was awesome against the Lions, but the thread title scared me a little when I saw it.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
I just re-titled the thread. The guy that started it was a good poster that hasn't been here in a long time.