Caught on Tape

Reverse the skin tones in this and Im sure the media would call this a "hate crime"
These videos are becoming more and more commom as cameras are finding their way into most public places.

This one seems tame compared to the one of the old lady I saw recently. She took 6 or 8 punches and was still trying to fight back.

In my opinion, society is making it harder and harder for criminals to get their hands on the money. More security at small businesses leads these thugs to go after the average person on the street.

If the man at the McDonald's had been keeping an eye on this human garbage, the outcome would have been different. First, the punk probably wouldn't have engaged the guy and if he did, my money would be on the old man.
Rise said:
Reverse the skin tones in this and Im sure the media would call this a "hate crime"
If roles were reversed it would be on the national Evening News instead of some obscure internet link.
You know, I have seen a lot of violence in my 25 years on this planet.Growing up in Jersey, I've witnessed riots, gang-brawls, gang-initiations, etc. I've been in hockey fights, street fights, and wrestling matches that have gotten out of hand. But for some reason, this video takes the cake, as one of the most despicable examples of true cowardice in todays society. Let me explain why.

First of all, Tyrone Biggums here chooses an older man as a target. As you know, our darker brethren generally start altercations with those of which they know they can defeat (women, children, elderly, handicapped,etc.). Then, to add insult to injury, he hits him with a textbook example of the "blind sided negro sucka punch." What a bitch. And lets face the facts people, he didn't randomly choose his victim...he went after Whitey specifically.

But theres far more here than just a mugging or a cheap assault or a hate crime. What you have all witnessed in this video, reveals truth. The truth that blacks are cowards, and not the tough-guys that they are portrayed to be on t.v. It seems that almost every fight I see involving a black or blacks, displays some kind of advantage in their favor. A far cry from what you see in any rap video.

If this homeboy is so "supabad", as I'm sure he thinks he is, then why didn't he choose a victim closer to his own age? In addition to that, why did he blind side him, and not square up with him head-on?
Answer: because he's a coward, and was probably scared that if he didn't take him out with one cheap shot, that he might not win.

Reasons like this are exactly why I never take my eyes off of them in a public place. You have to expect the worst, and never let your guard down. Just as you would in football, in life you have to keep your head on a swivel.
This also is one reason we need to get the word out that Blacks are the real terrorists. Could you imagine if Arab Americans were attacking us like this? Fox News would be all over it.

They even organize in gangs(not unlike terrorist cells) to reek havoc on an unsuspecting(some say brainwashed) white public.
Just found this on the NYPD Rant website. This might top the old man sucker punch and the old lady mugging. It's about as low and sick as it gets. No video, just a news story about a man originally from from Buffalo, NY. I pasted it below. No mention in the article of the race of the muggers. That tells us all we need to know.

Double Amputee Marine Mugged Outside Restaurant
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BUFFALO, N.Y. -- An Iraq war veteran who lost an arm and leg in a roadside bombing was mugged during a night out from the Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, according to an Associated Press report.

Lance Cpl. Mark Beyers, 27, and his wife were attacked and robbed as they left a restaurant in Bethesda, Md. on July 22.

The Marine from western New York was dining out while finishing up rehabilitation at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center.

As they left the restaurant, five men approached them and asked for a cigarette.

Denise Beyers told The Buffalo News they gave the men a cigarette -- but then the men grabbed her purse, kicked her and knocked the couple to the ground.

The thieves made off with $500 just wired to them by a relative.

Mark Beyers expects to be back home in the Buffalo area this weekend.

His family is planning a fundraiser for him on Aug. 12.
Heree's how whites dealt with the black problem long ago...

In addition to neighboring Laurel and Whitley (Corbin) and Marshall counties, here are 11 counties identified by Cox Newspapers as extreme examples of expulsion:

Comanche County, Texas

In 1886 the murder of a white farm wife led white vigilantes to lynch a black farmhand and threaten all blacks with death if they did not leave.

Polk County, Tenn.

In 1894 whites fearful of losing railroad construction jobs to blacks attacked the black workers' camp. No blacks were killed, but all fled.

Lawrence County, Mo.

In 1901, the rape and murder of a white woman spawned horrific violence by whites. One black man was lynched and two others were killed when a mob of about 1,000 attacked the black section of Pierce City. Most blacks fled the county.

Sharp County, Ark.

In 1906, notices were posted ordering blacks to leave the county. By late December there was "scarcely a Negro left" and "the community is better off without them," a local newspaper reported.

"Imagine a newspaper today stating that their community is better off without the negro. That would never happen."

Boone County, Ark.

In 1905, whites in Harrison, uneasy about the arrival of black construction crews, turned on the black population after a black man broke into a white family's home, apparently to keep warm. Blacks were whipped and driven out of town. After a black man was convicted of raping a white woman in 1909, the rest of the county's blacks fled in fear.

Forsyth County, Ga.

In 1912, the rape and murder of a white woman led to the hangings of three black men and spawned a months-long campaign by night riders who dynamited houses and burned churches to drive about 1,000 blacks from the county.

Dawson County, Ga.

In 1912, vigilante efforts to drive away blacks spilled over from Forsyth County.

Unicoi County, Tenn.

In 1918, whites rounded up about 60 blacks in Erwin and forced them to watch as they burned the body of a black man who had been shot while allegedly abducting a white girl. The mob then herded the town's black residents to the train station and forced them to leave.

Vermillion County, Ind.

In 1923, the then politically powerful Ku Klux Klan drove blacks from the mining town of Blanford after a white girl said she was assaulted by a black man.

Mitchell County, N.C.

In 1923, whites were upset by the arrival of blacks to build roads and work in mines. When a white woman was raped by an escaped black convict, a furious mob rounded up black laborers, loaded them on freight cars and sent them packing.

White men back then didn't mess around. It seems to me that the white men of today have been systematically castrated.

It reminds me of the Kobe Bryant case where a white man called Kobe's accuser and said he was going to kill her. Imagine that now. A white man taking the side of a negro against his own race. That white boy is a pathetic little creature.Edited by: Deacon
The liberal consensus likes to dictate and throw Whites a guilt trip by implying their forefathers were ruthless exploiters and slave owners who terrorized and lynched innocent peace loving Blacks,but their must have been something in their behaviour even way back then that would literally drive thousands of White men at a time into a frenzied rage to beat and murder.
American Freedom News