Caste Free RB Draft Projections


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
There are certainly more white guys with that elite agility getting a shot in the FBS. In the past virtually all white RB prospects were from the lower levels or were big backs turned into FBs or some other position. Things are indeed looking up a little.


Nov 23, 2008
ToughJ.Riggins said:
There are certainly more white guys with that elite agility getting a shot in the FBS. In the past virtually all white RB prospects were from the lower levels or were big backs turned into FBs or some other position. Things are indeed looking up a little.
Until these drunk idiots stop thinking that white guys capable of doing runningback are only injury-prone, I don't expect any change at all.


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
IMO if whites are more injury prone it is only b/c of white skill players playing with so much of a chip on their shoulder b/c they know they have to do SO MUCH MORE TO EARN RESPECT. Also, although I don't like to be anti-black in my posts, there are OCCASIONALLY black players who like to hit the white skill players like a freight train much more than the black players. I think there are some blacks who are trying to protect the caste system and from whites breaking through b/c it means less jobs in the NFL for their race. They want their children to be shown the same athletic favoritism as them; and so on and so on. It's that simple.

Many of the white RBs currently are Power-backs and they have a bit of a higher rate of injury whether they're black or white. If there is any area on the white body that is more injury prone than blacks it may be the hamstring and Meniscus. Whites seem to have an advantage in the quad muscle and blacks seem to have an advantage in the muscles and tendons on the underside of the leg which is why the black prospects often get slightly better leg lift when running. I have come to this conclusion from Power-lifting numbers, styles in play and watching both blacks and whites run.


Nov 23, 2008
I actually see no difference in the health and durability of whites and blacks, it's actually dead even for either. You get injured because you get injured. It's luck of the draw. But to the people in charge of the NFL, they see long-term success in whites playing just QB, but little in other positions. They see blacks applying to everything, except QB. It's based on my assumption on how things are run and managed in the NFL. The same thing may also apply to the NBA and MLB. Sorry if I offended you somewhat, TJR.


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
No, I agree; overall it's basically dead even. I just made the Meniscus and Hamstring comment, b/c from my research elite whites tend to have stronger Quads, but w/ the muscles and tendons on the underside of the leg, elite blacks may have a slight advantage.

Elite white athletes also tend to have stronger Biceps in the arms and better upper-body strength too on average. So there are definitely areas where blacks may be more prone to injury/ or overall disadvantage.

This goes without mentioning that a lot of black football players recently seem to get hurt from foolish decisions off the field.

The main issue is to get a significant number; a blend, of white Power-backs and speed backs in the league getting a lot of work, then we would see there would be virtually no difference if any.


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
The 5 year draft average for Tailbacks is 18. About 35 tailbacks make it to NFL training camp per year.
(With the bad black RB Combine showing hopefully some smart teams will seriously look at the white guys, but again this is a bad year for white RBs. The situation looks much better next year and should continue to improve a bit with the small increase in white FBS runners) These are the white RB/FBs I think that should be drafted.

1. James Casey (multidimensional prospect): Rank 1st: Early 2nd Round: This guy is "a poor man's" Peyton Hillis as far as his athletic ability. Casey is very versatile and could be used as a hybrid fullback/tailback, a TE and an H-back. He didn't get a great deal of carries at Rice, but when he did he produced fairly well. I would use Casey in a variety of roles due to his multi-dimensional talents. Casey had over 1,000 yards receiving as an H-Back/TE at Rice last year. This guy would be a great 2nd round pick and he could even be used in the wildcat b/c he can throw the ball a bit too!

2. Tyler Roehl
(Great College career. He ran all over FBS Minnesota last year when FCS North Dakota State played them. A good cut-back power runner prospect; has the vision to follow blockers; sees the hole and bursts through with vengeance and will run through any lame tackle attempts. Has the 10 yard explosion for a north-south cut and go type running style. His top-end speed is better than you'd think as well (he ran a 4.53 at his Pro Day). His agility in tight spaces also appears solid (for a draftable power running prospect). This guy will fight for yards like a junk yard dog and knows how to get the job done.) Late 3rd/ Early 4th round talent or so due to lower level of play. Roehl is now ranked as the 35th best RB by NFLdraftscout which is far too low.

3. Stan Zwinggi
(Saw his highlight film and the guy has absolutely BLAZING speed. He also has solid ability to make a quick cut for a draft worthy smaller tailback prospect. His first cut to find the hole is his best cut and with his freakish straight lined speed that is the most important cut; cause when there is daylight in the 2nd level he is gone! He also runs harder than you'd expect for his smaller size. His production wasn't very good though, especially when you consider he's an FCS product, but this was mostly due to lack of carries; his YPC was fine.)
4th round or so caliber player. Zwinggi just moved up to the 42nd best RB on NFLdraftscout (amazingly this is from one of the more "fair" services out there). This is still way too low. Zwinggi is in the top 15 tailbacks if you ask me and certainly in the top 20. I currently have Stan Zwinggi as the 13th best RB overall.

4. Brannan Southerland (Fullback/Powerback)
(I originally projected him as only a FB b/c he did so well there in college, but he looks to have the versatility to be a change of pace Power-back from his performance at the Combine. I was also convinced of this from what I've read and little I've seen of him running. He could get 10-15 carries a game from both the FB and HB spots. He would be good in short yardage/goal-line and 4th quarter situations when the D is worn out. 4.68 40 isn't prototypical tailback speed. However, he has a burst and had a 38 inch vertical and 10 foot broad jump showing EXPLOSION; I also read he squats 700 lbs. I Haven't watched him run enough to really get a great sense of his agility, but from what little I've seen and what I've read, it probably wouldn't be a great asset in the NFL. Southerland might be best only used as a tailback to close out games in the 4th quarter.
5th round or so caliber player.

5. Julian Edelman
(This guy could be a high reward pick in the 7th round as a "project" RB. He has showed amazing running skills at QB for Kent State and ran an eye popping 3.92 short shuttle and 6.62 3-Cone recently at his Pro Day showing he is a VERY agile prospect. Edelman also has a 40 time of 4.52, a Broad Jump of 10-3 and a vertical of 36.5 inches. Draft Daddy has compared his abilities to Eric Crouch and I think he could make the switch over to RB fine if given the chance. Although he lacks a strong arm, Edelman could also be used as a good backup and Wildcat QB in the NFL as well. The guy is indeed an athletic freak and could be drafted much higher than his 19th tailback ranking indicates due to his versatility.)

6. Nate Kmic
(I don't think Nate is as good a prospect as Stan Zwinggi for a small school scat-back. He is a complete and utter STUD in Division III, no doubt. He is a slasher, who's agility is certainly "good enough for the NFL". He cuts similar to Zwinggi; he has around average agility overall for an NFL scat-back. However, he has a great burst to the hole. In the second level he mostly uses angles to get the most out of his runs, but does show some ability to scat in tight spaces when he has to. For his size displays some power, but tackling is much better in the NFL. His speed doesn't appear like it would be a great asset in the NFL. He certainly isn't as good a prospect as Danny Woodhead. Absolutely dominated in Division III, but would likely be a role player in the NFL. He seems like a Kevin Faulk type player to me and should be used the same way as Kevin in the NFL, but he will have to prove himself to stick on a roster, being a Division III player.)
7th round/PFA.

7. Kyle Bell
(Just ran a 4.54 at his Pro Day and displayed solid measurables in the agility drills as well. He just needs to get his confidence back. His production dipped big time after his knee injury, but he was starting to get a bit of his grove back last year. However, the slow and un-elusive power-back Gartrell Johnson was featured to the point that Bell never had a chance to get in a grove. Before Bell's injury he was reminiscent of John Riggins. He would read his blocks, make a great first cut and then just burst to the hole like a beast just out of a cage. When in the second level he would see daylight and get that bounce in his stride as he cut to daylight.) In a fair world someone might take a chance on Bell with a 7th round pick due to his former production/ stellar ability.

8. Brock Bolen (Powerback/Fullback)
(Probably a better running version of Brannan Southerland, but not as good a blocker and his leg strength isn't as FREAKISH; showed impressive vision when I saw him play for Louisville. He also has solid first cut ability and then hits the hole hard. He's a true north-south back. He seems to have trouble cutting through traffic. Most of his yards would be from his vision and superbly hard-nosed running in the NFL. Lacks ideal speed for a tailback and his 10 yard clip wasn't as good as I thought it would be. Only ran a 4.77 40 yard dash at his Pro Day and his 10 yard clip was only 1.65, but his other workout numbers were solid. I don't know whether I see Bolen as a 7th round pick or priority FA. If Bolen makes an NFL roster it is due to his versatility, heart and the fact that you know what you are getting in him as a player although his upside is limited.) Priority FA

Wild Card: Eric Kettani
(Has military obligations. Another cut-back power running prospect like Roehl. He is certainly a better prospect than blacks like Brandon Ore, Gartrell Johnson or Kahil Bell and P.J Hill etc. who got lots of hype and stunk it up at the Combine. He runs with great leg drive and has good vision to find the seam to hit the second level. Makes his first cut following the block and explodes up field with his impressive burst. He also will surprise you with his ability to make the first tackler miss. Note: Navy option offense may have inflated his stats some)
4th/5th round and my 3rd ranked white RB if not for the military commitment.

No Guys; Unfortunately there aren't any FREAKISH caliber prospects this year at HB that will likely make it through. Hopefully that will be on the horizon with Sharp, Hawkins (if his workload increases), McGuffie, Wegher, Burkhead, Gaffney, Trumpy etc. And these last guys mentioned are all amazingly elusive prospects. Let's hope that the caste system doesn't destroy their careers.

Edited to add: Things can only go up from here.

Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins


Feb 17, 2009
New Jersey
is there any chance that danny woodhead will get another shot at the NFL because like you said he was simply amazing to watch.


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
I certainly hope so. He was tearing it up in Jets camp, before literally "tearing it up." Even some of the DWFs on message boards were starting to say he deserved to make the team; albeit as the 3rd or 4th tailback, so I hope they remember. Woodhead is another Darren Sproles/ Maurice Jones Drew caliber small RB. Woodhead literally cuts on a dime. He's very slippery.

Edited to add: Plus he's faster over 40 yards than Sproles and slightly faster than Jones-Drew! And he plays with a chip on his shoulder. He won't back down!Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins


Feb 17, 2009
New Jersey
those are all great points, i really hope he makes it one way or another.


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
Just found a good site with Newspaper clips on Stan Zwinggi and his fabulous H.S career. You can see all the big-time praise from his area's coaches in H.S got him absolutely NOTHING as far as FBS offers

Stan Zwinggi is the best white RB in this draft as far as abilities. He would be somewhere in the middle of the pack for his elusiveness capabilities for "scatback" types playing in the NFL, but this guy's speed is FREAKISH (he hits the hole like lightning) and he runs stronger than expected for a smaller guy.

Stan ran a 4.26 in H.S at the Texas A+M Camp. He would have been the fastest tailback at this combine without a doubt if he was invited to this NFL Combine. I really hope he gets a shot. Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
Just updated my RB analysis after their Pro Days. As usual the white RBs always move up after they got a shot to show their stuff that they couldn't at the Combine. Gee I wonder why they were Combine snubs, couldn't be skin color could it?

I have 5 white tailbacks in my top 20 as of now. I still consider Brannan Southerland more a FB, but think he could be used creatively a little bit as a runner. I'm also not counting Eric Kettani b/c he won't be able to attempt to make it in the NFL until 2011. Brock Bolen can play both a little fullback and tailback although he's not an elite prospect at either.

Edited to add: I just added Julian Edelman, which was the main reason I wanted to update the RBs, but forgot!Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
ToughJ.Riggins said:
Just found a good site with Newspaper clips on Stan Zwinggi and his fabulous H.S career. You can see all the big-time praise from his area's coaches in H.S got him absolutely NOTHING as far as FBS offers

Stan Zwinggi is the best white RB in this draft as far as abilities. He would be somewhere in the middle of the pack for his elusiveness capabilities for "scatback" types playing in the NFL, but this guy's speed is FREAKISH (he hits the hole like lightning) and he runs stronger than expected for a smaller guy.

Stan ran a 4.26 in H.S at the Texas A+M Camp. He would have been the fastest tailback at this combine without a doubt if he was invited to this NFL Combine. I really hope he gets a shot.

He is even faster than Woodhead I believe and that is really saying something. Will he get the Brian Shay treatment?

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
Zwinggi made college players look like they were on a high school field with Sam McGuffie.

he can fly. question is: does the NFL really covet speed? or do they just covet black speed?

i'm sure you already know the answer to that, and it isn't in Zwinngi's favor.


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
I just updated the first post in this thread now too!
It will be absolutely nauseating if Zwinggi isn't even given a shot as a late round pick. He has the potential to be very good despite his under use for Texas State.


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
green fire317 said:
wow i knew zwinggi was fast but i had no idea he was that fast.

BTW Zwinggi's personal best electronic 40 time is actually 4.18; you can't get any better than that, that's insane. That would tie Bo Jackson's record for best electronic 40 time of all time right behind Don Bebee and Deion Sanders 4.2 flat hand-timed for best all-time Combine time. I'm guessing that Zwinggi would have ran somewhere around what Heyward-Bey ran at the Combine this year if he was invited. Heyward-Bey ran a 4.3 flat. Zwinggi may have even challenged Chris Johnson and Rondel Mendez's electronic 4.24 40 time record since 1999 in the NFLdraftscout database.Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
Guys like Brian Shay, Jervey, and Staley got screwed. We need positive thinking but its a long shot. Little Brian Shay had more heart than anyone out there.


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
Just so you guys know the scenario with these white RBs, here is how they are ranked on NFLdraftscout. NFLdraftscout actually slants a little toward the "fair" side for a scouting service, if you can believe it, and they are the most notable legit NFL scouting service. Thank God Footballsfuture isn't considered a legit scouting service b/c NFLdraftscout is bad enough.

Tailback Rankings:
Kyle Bell: Rank 31 (My rank 24th)
Tyler Roehl: Rank 35 (My rank 8th)
Stan Zwinggi: Rank 42 (My rank 13th)
Nate Kmic: Rank 72 (My rank 23rd)

Fullback Rankings:
James Casey: Rank 1 (My rank 1st Fullback)
Brannan Southerland: Rank 4 (My rank 2nd Fullback)
Eric Kettani: Rank 11 (My rank: 14th tailback if not for military commitment)
Brock Bolen: Rank 12 (My rank range: 25-30th tailback and probable priority FA. Could be a solid 7th round draft pick due to blocking ability)

WR Rankings:
Julian Edelman: Rank 56th (My rank 19th tailback, ranked lower due to position switch, but could be drafted higher due to versatility to be used as a backup/wildcat QB.)Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins