Caste Football Biz Cards

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Caste Football business cards are available again! These look very nice and were designed by CF poster Realgeorge.
Price is just 10 cents each, postage paid, minimum order 50. Send orders to:

American Nationalist Union
10161 Park Run Drive, Suite 150
Las Vegas, NV 89145

If you want to pay by credit card, click "Help This Site" and then "Donate." If you go the credit card route be sure to pm me and let me know how many cards you ordered.

Let's get these circulating!

Last week I received the batch of CF business cards I ordered and they look great! I encourage all of you to order some as well, as they are a great way to spread awareness of this site and the many great White athletes that we discuss. With football season coming up in less than 2 months, now is a good time to get them. Great job designing them Realgeorge!
I'm sad to report, Col. Reb, that you are the only person in the country who has ordered some since Realgeorge created them two months ago.
I hate to hear that, Don. You can't get much more broke than me right now but I can still afford to fork over a little cash for a cause I believe in. I hope others will step up and buy some business cards, or just support the site with a small donation. I know it takes money to run it, and I'd hate to see it end. This place has been of indescribable benefit to me.
I ordered around 500-1000 of the other style cards of which I still have around a hundred or so left. I'm in a tough situation at the moment but I will order some in the future. Come on to all of you long time posters. This is crazy that you guys are so cheap that you can't spare a few dollars for the only site on the internet to discuss the truth about the sports we love.


There is no excuse for anyone here to not throw a few dollars towards this site that Don funds out of his own pocket. You guys will be sorry if the site disappears someday and that could happen. Please donate my friends. Even a little amount can help. Thank you.
Edited by: white lightning
Don, is there anything written on the back of them? If so, could you please show the back of the card.
American Freedom News