Caste fiction thread

Jul 14, 2007
I have been thinking of starting this thread for a while now. As you know one of the primary reasons for whites beying portrayed in a negative light, and minorities being portrayed in a positive light, has been fictional accounts in novels, magazines, tv shows, advertising, and movies. Many times this fictional portrayal has been intertwined with movies and such that are "based on a true story." A more recent phenomenon has been the intentional subversion of the truth for comedic purposes, on shows such as the Dailey Show and the Colbert Report.

Either way I wanted to start this thread to make a collection of short stories that demonstrate the caste system, and we design the story however we like. I know some people might not enjoy this, but I just wanted this to be for those of us who would like to express our creative mind. I'm not intending these stories to be perfectly edited, but simply creative expressions in whatever way we want to do them, for entertainment purposes of course.

So here goes my first story:

An Unknown Ally

It was early January of 2011. The Sunshine State University Fighting Choctaws, after a 7-6 regular season, had beaten Utah's Joseph Smith University Wildcats in the MTVU America's Youth Bowl. This had also been the 401st win of longtime SSU coach Ricky Adams. Ricky Adams had called a press-conference, and as everyone was expecting he had announced his retirement. "I have had a very rewarding career at Sunshine State. This was not a hard decision at all, my time has come and now it's someone elses turn to take the helm. It is my understand that Athletic Director Mark Dunlap will anounce the first African American coach in SSU history."

Mark Dunlap had started his career only three years after Adams became head coach at SSU. Dunlap had shown the same penchant for diversity that Adams had. Over the years he had been a proponant of Title IX to achieve gender equity. He had been praised by third year Sunshine State president Shamika Washington for streamlining the budget of the University in tough economic times. This was achieved by eliminating all mens sports except for football, basketball, and track & field. Dunlap had said all of the others sports disproportionately benefited white male athletes, since blacks didn't have the chance to play those sports in their communities.

Dunlap had previously stated that he would hire an African American as the new head football coach once Adams retired. Following Adams announcement, Dunlap held another press conference in which he stated "Only 30 of the 134 Class A1A head coaches are black. And an incredibly low number of only three women are head coaches, and non of them are African American. We are going to make history. We are going to hire the first black woman as our next head coach!"

The talking heads on SportsCast Tonight were rejoicing over the possibility. The National Organization for the Advancement of Blacks, Minorities, and Mixed Race People (NOABMMR) sent a press release praising the thought of Dunlap. United States President Nancy Pelosi was considering Dunlap for the presidential metal of honor.

The very next night, Dunlap was found dead at the age of 82. The reported cause was an undetected blood clot in his brain. The status of the next AD was uncertain. Three days later, SSU president Harris resigned amid a sex scandal where it was reported that she made several white male students strip and perform sex acts for her in her office. She had threatened to to have their transcripts changed to show that they had failed classes they actually passed, and if they didn't comply that she would expell them from the University and have the University Police arrest them for rape. The Mainstream Media did not report that the students were white, or that ironically two were former SSU tennis players when the team was cut for budget and gender equality purposes.

With vacansies in the president, AD, and head coach positions, the SSU board of regents decided to appoint Dean of Academic Affairs Archibald Smith as the interim president. Smith then immediately appointed the first woman athletic director in SSU history, Melissa Ramos, of the former National Womans Basketball League. Nearly two weeks after Coach Adams retired, Melissa stunned the sports world, who were expecting at least a black man, by announcing Jake Anderson, the white male offensive coordinator from Indiana's Corpus Christi College Leprechauns football team.

At the introduction press conference, Anderson assured doubters that diversity will be his number one priority. "Anyone can win, but it takes conviction and a desire to do right to make sure justice is served. Afterall, it' not just about us, but it's about the greater good. The ends don't justify the means, that's why my team will be a beacon of diversity not just for college football, but for the nation."

Anderson's first act was to pay homage to Dunlaps desire to promote black women in college football by anouncing Renee Jefferson from the North Carolina Agricultural and Mechanical Institute and State College (NC Agg) Conductors, an Historically Negro University. Jefferson was the second black woman to be a major college coordinator, and first defensive coordinator. He hird Willis Phillups as his offensive coordinator, the previous wide receivers coach. His new WR coach was a Mexican immigrant as a child, his deffensive backs coach was a Muslim. The only other white coach he hired was a Jewish-Israeli born woman to be the offensive line coach, Sasha Goldstein. She was the head coach of the Atlanta Amazons of the former Women's National Football Alliance, which failed in 2009 despite receiving nearly $100 million in assistance under former president Barack H. Obama's $2.5 trillion "Emergency Economic Act of 2009." While more and more corporations were failing, Tryone Davidson, Secretary of the Department of Economic Security, said the government purchase of controlling stock in half of all the Fortune 500 companies was the only thing keeping the economy alive.

Anderson made a variety of sweeping changes over the spring and summer. He said that since 75 of the team's roster was black, that other portions of the football program should reflect this. Half of the graduate assitant and athletic training positions were reserved for blacks. Since they couldn't recruit enough, some of the white students were kicked off to even out the numbers. He made a deal with the cheerleaders coach and marching band and majorettes directors to assure that half of the squads would be black. They would offer full-rides to attract black students to these activities. He had a press-conference anouncing a deal with interim-President Archibald Smith that black students would get free tickets to the games. The SSU Student Congress, and the editors of the Ray, the student newspaper, praised the decision. This was inspite of the fact that the cost for tickets for white students was increased by $12 to $72 per home game. In a joint press conference with the president of the NOABMMR, they announced that to make good with the black community in SSU's home city of Jacksonville, that half of the tickets would be reserved for African Americans, and they would only have to pay half of the regular price. They offered free tickets to families that couldn't afford the price.

When the next season started, things were dramatically different at Choctaw games. Coach Anderson made sure blacks had the role of announcer, and were able to choose the music and graphics displayed on the video board. So naturally only hip-hop with explicit lyrics were played, and clips from Lil Wayne and Young Jeezy videos were showed. The band and cheerleaders took on a more HNU style of performance. Most of white participants had quit by the first game, none citing race as the primary reason. They had the highest number of season ticket non-renewals during the summer in school history, so by the first game against St. Petersburg's Florida Gulf Coast University, there were nearly 15 thousands empty seats in the 90,000 seat stadium. By game two against North Carolina's Daniel Boone college, the number of empty seats had increased to over 25,000. The local media played this down, noting that it was a "rebuilding" year, and the transition was bound to be a little shakey. The team was still 1-1, with the American South Conference schedule still ahead.

The team then went on an unprecidented 10 game losing streak. The stadium was half empty by the final game of the season, against SSUs archrival, the Florida Insitute of Technology (Florida Tech) Water Moccasins (Moccs), the stadium was shockingly half empty. The remaining white athletic trainers had quit, and the campus no longer had the festive atmosphere once encountered at Choctaw home games, let alone the big game against the Moccs. Also worsening the final game of the season was a cold front and a driving rain. It was only 58 degrees at game time. Half of the original starting lineup was out due to arrest, disiplinary problems. The starting running back and strong safety didn't make it to the game until halftime, because they had overslept from partying the night before at the house of a rich white kid who was friends with many of the football players. Florida Tech took advantage of Sunshine State's down year, and won solidly in a sloppy game. There were less than 500 fans left with 2:00 remaining in the fourth quarter.

Despite the terrible season, the Confederated Media (CM) announced Jake Anderson as the Coach of the Year. "Anderson's courage in assembling the most diverse coaching staff in history is to be lauded..." SportsCast, despite the 1-12 record, remarked that "...this season can only be considered a success in the greater scheme of things. It isn't just about wins and losses. Anderson has taken more steps than any other to assure that multi-culturalism will prosper, and that glass cealings for many groups will be shattered. His goal of full-integration should only be rewarded." raved that since SSU had all the athletes, that they were bound for success in the future.

Anderson was awarded a $4 million bonus on top of his $6 million salary. Neary 10 other schools decided to hire coaches who promised to replicate Anderson's approach. The nearly identical results occured at those schools in the 2013 season. By 2014, almost all Class 3 and Class 2 schools ended their sports programs. Anderson kept receiving praise. This same year the American Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (AAIA), modeling SSU's success, decided that for the 2015 season, all schools would either have to have a black or female head coach, or if they retain a white male coach that 80% of all other coaching positions would need to be female or minority.

Nedless to say, television viewing plummeted, the College Bowl Association disbanded after all the sponsors left, inspite of receiving several millions of dollars in the 2016 Emergency Economic Rescue Act. After the 2016 season, SportsCast officially declared "College football is dead." The very next season the professional American Football Alliance disbanded.

The media could not understand the failure of these organizations. The only reason often cited was that white Americans are still too racist and unwilling to let diversity have a chance. Jake Anderson was still considered a hero to the sports media establishment. He was still getting paid to work for SportsCast and

Meanwhile, predominantly white, non-university supported football leagues at colleges around the nation began to flourish. Of course, the media did not cover their games to this new trend.

The website, which was often ridiculed as a white supremacist site, wrote many articles showing the failure of full-integration in all ranks of football. The website's owner, Chase Sellenger, was facing a federal lawsuit under the 2009 Fairness in Electronic Media Act (FEMA). Under the suit, the judge gave Sellenger 30 days to shut down the site without penalty, siting that, while the site maks some good points, it brings about too many differing views on race. Because of the precarious economic situation, the judge said for the public welfare it was best to not promote differing views on race.

Three days before the site shut-down deadline, Sellenger received a private message from an anonymous sender. The sender turned said he was a major college coach, and wanted to meet Sellenger in person. They agreed to meet the last day before the deadline expired at midnight. Sellenger arrived at the meeting spot in the alley behind an abandoned building in Butte, Montana. Sellenger was shocked to see that the person sending the messages had been Jake Anderson.

Sellenger was speechless. He had always contemplated what he would do if he ever could get his hands on what he thought was a multi-culturalist whore like Anderson. Andserson simply said "Now before you snap my neck, let me explain I am on your side." Sellenger couldn't believ it. Anderson continued "I am member number 12 on your website with over 15,000 posts. Remember the only things I revealed about my personal life was that I was a coach and that I wanted to do something drastic to end the caste system. Any white kid who did anything good wouldn't get recognized. So look what I did, I made the sports establishment have a taste of their own medicine. I took their philosophy to it's logical end. I went completely overboard and then the drunk white fans gave up on the game and time honored tradition they so loved. I showed that everything has a breaking point, and I tipped the balance too far so that now we have a chance to start over. I really hope you forgive me for what happened in the mean time, but now we really have a chance to build college football up again. We'll recruit coaches to help establish the unsuported college football, and develop those athletes into great athletes. I've got some things to do tomorrow. Meet me tomorrow night in New York City. I have a scheduled live appearance on SportsCast, where I will reveal what I did."

Chase Sellenger flew back with Anderson. Anderson went on sports cast and revealed what he had done. The mainstream media couldn't contain it, and finally the public opinion of how the news is manipulated finally put the MSM under, despite the government intervention. As Anderson walked out of the studios, he saw everyone in a state of agony. Some were drinking wiskey, some simply abandoned the set. He saw the CEO of SportsCast jump out of the 48th story window.

Anderson called Sellenger who was back at Anderson's Condo. They met up at Ruth's Tavern, an old style American hole in the wall bar with lots of memorabilia honoring a forgotten New York baseball legends. They both posted up at the bar, they noticed the chaos on the one flat-panel TV the bar had reluctantly purchased a few years ago. The bartender asked "can you believe what's going on, all the lies the sports people were telling all those years?" Anderson said "I haven't really been following it. Actually, you mind if we change the channel?" The bartender handed over the remote. Anderson flipped through the channels, the movie Office Space was playing. He left it on that. The bartender asked "So what'll you be drinking tonight?" Anderson answered, "Two shots of Jack, and two tall Budweiser draught. Put it on my tab." Sellenger cut him off, "No, put it on MY tab!"


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Entertaining work, Electric Slide!
Jul 14, 2007
Thanks for the props guys. Please forgive the typos and mistakes. I wrote this all at once and didn't proofread it or anything. It also took a lot longer to write than I had thought, so I definitely have a lot more respect for writers after just doing a first draft a short story!


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
Good stuff, Electric Slide. Very unique post and a short story is a nice way of getting your point across.


Hall of Famer
Jun 3, 2007
Nice! I've been thinking there needs to be more fiction (and more art in general) from "our side" (however "our side" is defined).

I've been wanting to write a race/boxing fiction piece for a while but was not sure who would publish it or who would read it.

Maybe I'll do one for this site.
Jul 14, 2007
Liverlips said:
Nice! I've been thinking there needs to be more fiction (and more art in general) from "our side" (however "our side" is defined).

I've been wanting to write a race/boxing fiction piece for a while but was not sure who would publish it or who would read it.

Maybe I'll do one for this site.

Liverlips, I know a lot of short stories have been turned into novels by their original authors after the popularity of the story. This story was fun for me, but pretty clear what my opinion is. I want to make other stories as well that are more subtle, possibly non-sports stories that have a small sports element that adresses the caste system. Either way it's fun and as guest301 noted a good way to get points across.


Apr 14, 2005
Here's a little comedic piece I thought of:

Language is a great indicator of how people see the world. In fact you could say it acts like a disguise of what we really think. For instance just imagine the announcers on tv and how they comment about certain pro football players.

When Julius Peppers makes a sack he does it with a quick accelerated burst off the line using his natural raw athleticism.

When Jared Allen makes a sack he does its through his high motor blue collar work ethic. He's an overachieveer type who always out works the oppponent.

When Todd Heap makes a catch he gets open using his great hustle off the line and his precise routes. Todd then catches the ball with his always sure hands.

When Kellen Winslow Jr. makes a catch he gets open using his natural speed to dart through the defende and acel to the open part of the field.

You see folks there ya have it. Players playing the same exact position executing the same plays. Yet annuncers consistently describe the plays in completely different terms. That is they subconsciously, or choose intentionally, to use different words when describing the acts of two different football players. Why I ask? Is there a ternd of sorts here going on? Could it be people have preconcived stereotypes that creep into how they see people performing the same jobs. Therefore leading to the notion that persumably football coaches could also have different biases when looking at players on film and what they look like and the position that applies to. Making it therefore possible to overlook players at certain positions because of a trait they inherently possess. Well people I don't have a PHD by any means of the imagination but I bet if you think about that one for a while maybe you'll come to realize why position demograhics, of any choice, stand the way they do. Edited by: whiteCB
Oct 20, 2008
New Jersey
Electric Slide, what a terrific story! So realistic that one would truly think this was completely true! The way you worded everything was amazing. Keep up the good work!