Cartoon Character Waived by Eagles

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
I'm actually sorry to see this. Freddie Mitchell is probably the best example in sports of the ridiculously braggadocios, underperformingblack athlete. He'll probably be playing that football character in the Bud Light commercials next.

Edited by: Don Wassall


Apr 24, 2005
United States
I remember a few years back mitchell got into Todd Sauerbrun's (then Punter for the Bears) face. Mitchell was famos for taunting white punters and kickers. I remember Sauerbrun saying that mitchell called Sauerbrun his little, white bitch. One time mitchell got right into Sauerbrun's face literally. Sauerbrun took off his helmet and went right up against mitchell who quickly backed down and stormed off screeming racial slurs at the bear's punter. I would put my money on Sauerbrun kicking his black ass all over that field.


May 1, 2005
azguy said:
I remember a few years back mitchell got into Todd
Sauerbrun's (then Punter for the Bears) face. Mitchell was famos for
taunting white punters and kickers. I remember Sauerbrun saying that
mitchell called Sauerbrun his little, white bitch. One time mitchell
got right into Sauerbrun's face literally. Sauerbrun took off his
helmet and went right up against mitchell who quickly backed down and
stormed off screeming racial slurs at the bear's punter. I would put my
money on Sauerbrun kicking his black ass all over that field.

With or without the roids???

Freddy Mitchell is a jack-ass, and he doesn't even perform well.


Apr 24, 2005
United States
Sauerbrun couldkick his butt without the use of roids. He is not the brightest bulb in the box , but then again niethier is mitchell.

Black Guy

Apr 27, 2005
This is a case of something being blown out of proportion. The NFL being 65-70% black has a large amount of black players. If the only example you have of a player being out of line is Freddie Mitchell then that says that the majority of the black players dont act like he does. Of course Freddie is not the only one but most black players dont cause problems like that.

You guys keep forgetting that if most of the NFL players are black then most players with problems will also be black. Just like in the NHL how most players that get into trouble are white due to the make up of that league. This isnt even a issue of a overhyped black athelete because everyone including black people knows that Mitchell sucks.

The vast majority of black players in the NFL dont cause distractions. Its just that since most of the league is black more than likely the problems players will be black as well.


May 1, 2005
Black Guy said:
This is a case of something being blown out of
proportion. The NFL being 65-70% black has a large amount of
black players. If the only example you have of a player being out of
line is Freddie Mitchell then that says that the majority of the black
players dont act like he does. Of course Freddie is not the only one
but most black players dont cause problems like that.

You guys keep forgetting that if most of the NFL players are black
then most players with problems will also be black. Just like in
the NHL how most players that get into trouble are white due to the
make up of that league. This isnt even a issue of a overhyped black
athelete because everyone including black people knows that Mitchell

The vast majority of black players in the NFL dont cause
distractions. Its just that since most of the league is black more than
likely the problems players will be black as well.

100% agree



Nov 25, 2004
100% disagree. Comparing the "trouble" of NHL players to NFL or NBA players isn't even close. Compare the crime reports in the leagues. The severity and prevalence of crime in the NFL and NBA far outdue the crimes or "trouble" in the NHL.The comparison is ridiculous.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Black Guy said:
This is a case of something being blown out of proportion. The NFL being 65-70% black has a large amount of black players. If the only example you have of a player being out of line is Freddie Mitchell then that says that the majority of the black players dont act like he does. Of course Freddie is not the only one but most black players dont cause problems like that.

You guys keep forgetting that if most of the NFL players are black then most players with problems will also be black. Just like in the NHL how most players that get into trouble are white due to the make up of that league. This isnt even a issue of a overhyped black athelete because everyone including black people knows that Mitchell sucks.

The vast majority of black players in the NFL dont cause distractions. Its just that since most of the league is black more than likely the problems players will be black as well.

This post is designed to poke fun at, to ridicule Freddie Mitchell a bit. And once again you go into irrelevant apologetics on behalf of all black athletes.

We're not talking about black athletes committing crimes here, or even having "problems." Where do you come up with such nonsense as "If the only example you have of a player being out of line is Freddie Mitchell. . ." Do I write anywhere that Freddie Mitchell is the only example I can find of a player being "out of line"? If you want to see examples of players being way"out of line" please peruse the "Crimes, Anti-Social Behavior and Buffoonery" section.

Mitchell does belong in that section, as a buffoon. And I'm poking some fun at him. Is that not permitted? Are you so uptight and defensive of every single black athlete that you can't accept that Freddie is an easy target of ridicule? Or is it that no whites are ever allowed to have a bit of comic relief at a black person's expense?

And Kaptain Poop is correct about the relative rates of crime, and this has also been discussed before with you. Black college and pro football players and black college and pro basketball players commit far more serious crimes than all white athletes put together, in fact more than all other athletes in the world put together. Now if you want to respond by repeating your previous excuse about that being caused solely by black poverty go ahead, but maybe you'll understand a little bit better my observation about boring, repetitive and irrelevant arguments.


Apr 24, 2005
United States
Yes the NFL is mostly Black by artifical means!! Open this closed market to true, free market competetion. I would think 2/3rds of the NFL would be white. Makes sense if most of the football players in America's colleges and highschools are white then the NFL should be more white than it is.

mitchell is not the only black stooge running around. What about sapp or moss stick his big black dairyair into Greenbay Wisconsin's dairy air. Just on a percentage scale their are alot more black troublemakers then white ones. These satistics would be true even if the NFL was mostly white.
Oct 19, 2004
West Virginia
If the NFL were 1/3 black then blacks would still be over-represented by almost three times their percentage of the U.S. population. Azguy I agree with your estimate, I'd say the NFL would be about 1/4 to 1/3 black if there was a level playing field starting at Pop Warner age and if the media wasn't fanatically anti-white in stereotyping and denigrating white football players and white athletes in general.


Oct 21, 2004
If Freddie Mitchell was white, he would have been universally branded
as a total bust, and would have been out of the NFL by now. The fact
that the lame, wanna-be comedians in the media gave him more attention
during last season's playoffs than any truly great player speaks
volumes about the value of being black, loud and stupid in Don King's
America. Never has any athlete done less and talked more than this
idiot. Some team will undoubtedly pick him up, and give him more
chances to not produce while still running his mouth. Mitchell
represents a new breed of black athlete; in the past, all the truly big
braggers were at least pretty good players. Mitchell is a complete joke
and no one should pay any attention to anything he says.


Apr 18, 2005
I kinda liked Freddie Mitchell, at least he was entertaining to watch. Did you see him play against the Vikings? He really stepped up, and that play where he almost got into the endzone was amazing. He did his damndest, and I loved his line after the game "I'd like to thank my hands for being so good."

I laughed like hell, and maybe some don't realize it, but Freddie is a country music fan. Rap isn't what he plays, it's country. He's really a rather unique individual.

I wish him well, though he was the SOB that caught that damn 4th and 26th play and held on after Sharper smacked him back five yards. He deserves his kudos for that, and whatever happens afterwards you can't take these away from him--no matter how much it hurt me.

I don't recall Freddie ever raping or killing anyone, he just talks too much. That's a sin I can live with. He's funny about it too, if you can stand a football player who can complete a sentence without sounding like a Microsoft commercial.
Apr 22, 2005
Interesting athlete. Drafted by MLB twice; ran xc in high school.
Hosted a country music radio show in Philadelphia.

Black Guy

Apr 27, 2005
Don these are your exact words:

I'm actually sorry to see this. Freddie Mitchell is probably the best example in sports of the ridiculously braggadocios, underperformingblack athlete. He'll probably be playing that football character in the Bud Light commercials next.

What difference does it make that Freddy is black? You are the one who took the time to point that out not me. Freddie is just a idiot period and it doesnt matter what his color is. If Freddie is a underperforming black athlete you are forgetting about the black atheletes that are not underperforming and hold all the records that they do in the NBA,NFL etc etc etc. The issue with Freddie is not even a race issue. Mitchell is just a idiot,race has nothing to do with it. Like i said before if the NFL is 65% black then most problem players will also be black.

You also say:

Or is it that no whites are ever allowed to have a bit of comic relief at a black person's expense?

Black people have been made fun of by white people ever since they have been in this country. I guess you never heard of Al Jolson, Stepin Fetchit. Bojangles,Tar Baby,not to mention all the blackface characters throughout american history. That arguement isnt valid in this situation. I have yet to see black people put out movies and cartoons making fun of white people in that way. Or better yet what does making comic relief of Freddie Mitchell have to do with stopping prejudice against white kids?


This image here is perfect example of what I mean. This is a obvious racially motivated pic that has nothing to do with what the purpose of this site is suppossed to be about. Please tell me how making apic with Vick with a afro drinking liquor has anything to do with stopping injustices againstwhite athletes. Things like this in fact hurt what you say you are trying to accomplish. Even black people that say whites are lesser athletes dont do things as malicious as this. You say my arguements are irrelevant but pics like thisprove they are indeed relevant.

Sorry Don but you are drowning on this one.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Freddie Mitchell's race was integral to the post because he is a prime example of a type of personality in sports found only among blacks, to the point of being a cartoon character in my opinion. All your talk about black percentages of sports leagues, problem black players, Al Jolson and the rest of it is still irrelevant to my original post. If Michael Vick is going to carry on as "Ron Mexico" he also deserves ridicule, just as certain whites -- Southerners, Christians, white men, dumb whites, rural whites, and many other stereotypes -- are ridiculed all the time by comedians, on TV shows, in the movies, in commercials, on the Internet, etc., etc.

If you think Mitchell's race is not relevant to his personality type, then list even one example of a white who is a "ridiculously braggadocios, underperforming athlete" and then we'll make fun of him together, in ebony and ivory harmony.Edited by: Don Wassall


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Okay let's get real here bro' Insulting whitey is a black pastime. I can't flip by the Black Comedy channel without hearing how pinky has no rythem, has such small dicks, no sex drive, is uptight, etc. etc. At least those guys are doing it for laughs, what about the racial hate preachers that blame white people for every evil in the world. And the worst ones of all are the black criminal underclass that prey on whites like predators. Black on white crime DWARFS white on black crime. That is real prejudice.

As far as making fun of blacks, maybe a long time ago but when was the last tine you saw a white comedian making fun of urban blacks---NEVER. He'd be crucified and his career would be over. Oh and Al Jolson was being complimentary to the musical talents of black minstels who were considered good entertainment as were Stepen' Fetchit (they were black anyway!) and Bojangles was famous in a long line of black soft shoe artists. Is it whites fault that blacks choose minstel routines and dancing (with their superior hip swivel) as ways to make a living.

Furthermore the above picture is the most mild of humor directed at Vick. Did you see Soul Plane the movie, talk about making fun of blacks! And that was done by black people not white.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Freddie Mitchell is very entertaining. No, he's not evil, but he is a clown. He's like a black version of Barney Fife, who liked to think of himself as the baddest lawman in town but in reality wasa harmless laughingstock.He always exaggerated his role ina givensituation, making himself more important than he was. The quote below is hilarious and I can hear Barney's voice when reading it.

What really happened on Sunday, especially with five minutes to go, Freddie?
Donovan, he dry heaves a lot when he gets under certain situations. It's happened before. It's happened in the NFC Championship game. He was dry heaving and he couldn't get the words out in the play, so he gave me hand signals. Everybody's standing around like, "What the heck is going on." I basically called the play and knew what the coaches were thinking in that situation. I called the play out and went on from there. If I could do it over again, I probably would've called another play and put me as the No. 1 read (laughs). It worked out. We scored on that drive. I don't think we had a sense of urgency right there as far as time management to get it done.


Oct 21, 2004
Gee, I'm kind of offended that an egotistical clown like Freddie
Mitchell would be compared to probably the greatest character in sitcom
history, Barney Fife. Mitchell would be funny if he was your average
homeboy in a deadend job, struggling to make ends meet. Then, his
wildly exaggerated sense of self-worth might be humorous. However, he
is a multi-millionaire, in a business where white players who are light
years ahead of him in skill are not even given the chance to
participate. That's not funny at all. I said it before, and I'll say it
again; if Mitchell was white, he would have been declared a total bust
a long time ago, and none of the lame, wannbe comedians on ESPN would
be around to ever hear anything he had to say.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Bigunreal, can't you see similarities between Barney and Freddie? They both bragged about abilities which were non-existent. Freddie likes to give the impression hewas a major cog in the Eagles machine. Barney aslo believed he was the mover and shaker of Mayberry's Sheriff department but we all know Andy was the man. And yes, it was Barney who made the show funny.


Apr 24, 2005
United States
Number one Barry Fife (Don Knots) had talent. Don Knots was a comedic genious!

mitchell at best is a ass clown. The guy sucked at playing football and he stunk when it came to his frail atempt to entertain people

James Earl Jones: Now there is a funny man.