Carl Everett


Mar 8, 2005
United States
Carl Everett, is handsdown the funniest player in the league but I don't think he means to be.

From yesterdays Chicago Tribune:

Wrigley Field is the worse park in the majors:"They need to implode Wrigley"

Most Baseball fans don't know diddly: Fan is short for fanatic- he's crazy about something he really doesn't know about. And it's proven that 99% of baseball fans have no idea what they're watching.

Jose Canseco is a "bitter,ignorant individual."

The congressional hearings examining steroid use were a waste: "We have a war going on- I have family in that war- yet we're talking about steroids... If everybody on the world got on steroids, we'll still lose more kids from war than we will from steroids."

Everett has had gay teammates, whom he has accepted,but:"Gays being gay is wrong. Two women can't produce a baby, two men can't produce a baby, so it's not how it's suppose to be... I don't believe in gay marriage. I don't believe in being gay.

"God created the sun, the stars, the heavens and the earth, and then made Adam and Eve," Everett said last Friday, before the Red Sox lost two of three in Atlanta. "The Bible never says anything about dinosaurs. You can't say there were dinosaurs when you never saw them. Someone actually saw Adam and Eve. No one ever saw a Tyrannosaurus rex."

What about dinosaur bones?

"Made by man," he says.

Interleague play? "Don't like it," Everett responds. "They only have it because of two teams [the New York Mets and the New York Yankees]. It's all about the money." Yankees shortstop Derek Jeter? "Not a star." The Mets, one of his former teams? "All those [management] people are hypocrites and idiots." The Atlanta Braves' starting pitchers? "You can run on them all day." Big cities? "Hate 'em. I need space." American League baseball? "Boring." Dinosaurs? "Didn't exist."

[url] /19/everett_flashback/[/url]

Everett is a moron. The only nice thing he ever did was
breaking up Mussina's perfect game in the bottom of the ninth with two
outs and two strikes in 2001. He used to miss bus after bus to
games. He beats up umpires too. What an idiot!!! The
reason he doesn't believe in dinosaurs and probably evolution is
because evolution passed him by and he has a dinosaur's brain.

White CB's post inspired an edit.

Edited by: IceSpeed2
Hitting as many home runs, not many, he is really not a poster boy for steriods.
The Red Sox were so glad to get rid of him that they
traded him for Darren Oliver. He was the Red Sox's "Terry Glen".
IceSpeed2 said:
He beats up umpires too. What an idiot!!! The reason he doesn't believe in dinosaurs and probably evolution is because evolution passed him by and he has a dinosaur's brain.


That was a good one!
American Freedom News