Cape Cod League dominance


May 30, 2005
I previously posted an Amateur summer league post,
but I think people thought I was talking about Company Leagues and
such. Not so. Leagues like the Cape Cod league often have a
caliber of play the rivals AA. Pitchers frequently throw in the
mid 90's. The top college players play there. For example,
the Wareham Gatemen have Josh Copeland, who was listed as the 19th best
highschool baseball prospect in 2004.

There are nice things about this league. Games
are essentially free although a donation(usually from 1-5 dollars) is
requested. One can sit behind the backstop(very close to the
backstop) and watch a 98 mph fastball. Little kids sometimes go
near the dugouts and ask players for autographs.

The league is very amateur too. The league has
to find homes for the players to stay for the season. Also, the
league helps find players summer jobs.

Dom DiMaggio is a common sight at Cape League games.
Howdy IceSpeed ! Really cool post!

You have a neat hobby with this amateur summer league. Watch out for those hamstring pulls! Might there be a ringer or two playing? Well why not. My stinky pro team could well scout the Cape Cod League for some badly needed pitching.

Is your league similar to the American Legion league that does business in the middle-Atlantic states?Edited by: Realgeorge
I do not play, I just watch. This league is
far above Legion Ball. Cape League players are among the top
players in College Baseball. Last year, there were several
players in Rice's program in the league. I think nearly half of
there team played in the league. Other college powers also send
kids to try out in the Cape League. Every year, a few players go
play Cape League baseball on summer, and MLB the next summer. I
used to say that the league's top teams could beat a terrible team like
Detroit until former Cape League star Carlos Pena was sent down to the

This is a lot more competitive than American Legion
or even Division II or III college baseball. The caliber of play
in the league is on a par with AA or A ball usually.

American Legion(at least in New England) is
primarily for players that just want to play for fun and enjoy the
game. Only the top legion players could play. However,
Legion ball is also really nice to watch and the players are
skilled. I saw a legion game at Doubleday field a few years ago.

Check out this site:

Edited by: IceSpeed2
A lot of the reason why the league became so
prestigous is because of the coaches. Ted Williams used to give a
lot of the players tips and even remembered Nomar Garciapara play in
the Cape Cod league. Old time Red Sox players are also involved
in the league.

Coaches have harnessed the teachings from great
hitters such as Williams. Here is a clipping about the league's


CAPE COD, Mass. -Living up to its
reputation as the top summer league in the country, the Cape Cod
Baseball League had a record
169 players
selected in this year's Major League baseball draft, surpassing last
year's mark of 166. And an eye-popping 1,004 former Cape Leaguers
played in professional baseball in 2004.</font>

Is it any wonder, then, that
the Cape League stands head and shoulders above all the rest when it
comes to collegiate talent that sets foot on sunny Cape Cod every
summer in an effort to proves themselves against the best there is to
offer !"</font>
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