Campbell to start over Brunell

Nov 11, 2006
Jason Campbell, who has never thrown a pass in a regular season game, will start over the 14 year veteran Mark Brunell. Campbell hashad a respective college career but, I don't know. Can he do good? Maybe, even though he's been on the bench for two years. Nevertheless, it looks like Brunell is done. And the number of black starters at the QB position is growing more and more.
This sin't really a racial issue. Brunell is not a terrible QB, but the fact is that their season is pretty much down the drain now.
Campbell was drafted in the first round, and has spent all 25 games of his career as the 3rd string QB. With this season down the drain, it's just logical to put your young guy in there and see just what he can do.
They've invested too much in him not to.

Brunell doesn't really deserve this, but thats just the way things are going.
I agree, the Skins' need to start looking towards the future. But look what had to say about this:

Now, however, it would appear Brunell's days as a starter in Washington are done. He is 36, and he can no longer throw as hard or run as fast as he did during nine successful seasons in Jacksonville.

That sounds kinda unfair. Look at what they said about Campbell:

He is 24, tall, strong and mobile and has shown flashes of promise in preseason games.

So.. McNair's treatment by the Titans is racist, but Brunell's treatment by Washington is not?

Billy Volek rode pine behind McNair for years, and performed admirably when he was called upon to replace the oft-injured McNair. But he was run out of town on the express train so they could start Vince Young. No racism there, either, I guess.

White Shogun, if you were Gibbs, what would you do? I'm just curious. Would you stick with Brunell, start Collins, start Campbell, or sign a outside quarterback? I'm not trying to defend Gibbs or Campbell but the Skins' are 3-6.
The Redskins drafted Campbell in the first round and now they're out of the playoff hunt. It makes sense to start Campbell to see how good he might be, I don't see a racial issue here at all.
The move is understandable, Brunnell was given the benefit of the doubt in Washington and the team didn't meet expectations.
Sure, starting Campbell is the right thing to do.

Getting rid of McNair was the right thing to do, too.

My comparison of the two isn't whether they should start Campbell, but rather how it is a non-issue when it happens to a white QB but benching or jettisoning a black QB is racist. Matter of fact... now that I think about it, that's probably why they signed Young. They didn't want to be labeled racist for cutting McNair for Volek.

The fact is, Volek should have started the season, for the same reason they're starting Campbell in Washington right now.

Do you think Leftwich would have been benched if Garrard was white?
gamecubedave101 said:
I agree, the Skins' need to start looking towards the future.  But look what had to say about this: 

Now, however, it would appear Brunell's days as a starter in Washington are done. He is 36, and he can no longer throw as hard or run as fast as he did during nine successful seasons in Jacksonville.

That sounds kinda unfair.  Look at what they said about Campbell:

He is 24, tall, strong and mobile and has shown flashes of promise in preseason games.


Uh...what's so unfair there? It's true that Mark cannot throw or run as well as he used to. he's 36 years old, that isn't suprising.

Campbell is 24, he is strong, and he would be more mobile than mark given his age.
As for flashes of promise? That's just implying that he's done OK in the pre season, that's all.

What are you seeing that's so unfair here?
White Shogun said:
Do you think Leftwich would have been benched if Garrard was white?

Well, that depends: could this white Garrard run really well?
Because that's one of the main reasons fans have been on Garrard's band wagon: they say that Leftwich cannot get the most out of this team since he's so immobile.
Yeah, we know how bad those immobile, pocket-passer type quarterbacks can be for a team. Think how good the Colts and Patriot would be if they had a guy like Vick who could run!
What about Mc Nair and the murderous Ray Lewis yesterday boo hooing accusing the Titan organization of being racist for barring the unsigned McNair from using their facilities ? The Titans said they did not want the multimillion dollar legal liability if he were to injure himself. The murderer and the pouter said that it was racist and they could never imagine it being done to Peyton Manning or Brett Farve.

They can get away with that "hate speach" with no problem. They even get rewarded for it but let a caucasian even subtly broach such a subject matter and their goose will be cooked. Edited by: Sean Carlisle
gamecubedave101 said:
flashes of promise

Hmm, we'll see, but I'm not high on Campbell at all, and was never impressed with him at Auburn. That phrase almost reminds me of the Greek's idea of vital heat.
I guess I'm being too harsh, but I will be surprised if Campbell does well. Maybe its just some left over bitterness against Auburn from my Ole Miss days!
Sean, man you might want to edit your last post, you have some bad typos in there along with another ill advised adjective.Edited by: Colonel_Reb
i'm also unsure about campbell's talent. he only had one good year at Auburn, and he had two incredible running backs, a talented o-line and a great defense around him. so how good was he, really?

i don't know.
White Shogun said:
Yeah, we know how bad those immobile, pocket-passer type quarterbacks can be for a team. Think how good the Colts and Patriot would be if they had a guy like Vick who could run!

Well, yeah, essentially you're correct. That wasn't a good reason to go against Byron who's a great QB, but that is the reason everyone wanted Garrard: they say that only a mobile QB can get the most out of this offense.

Of course, they forgot that while Garrard is quicker, he does not throw as well. I think they had to learn that the hard way on Sunday.
It's saddening how much people rip on Byron, really it is.
Campbell is an enigma as far as talent. He'll probably be mediocre at best.

I also agree that this is a practical move by the Redskins, although at 3-6 you could still possibly make the playoffs given some great breaks.
Jimmy Chitwood said:
i'm also unsure about campbell's talent. he only had one good year at Auburn, and he had two incredible running backs, a talented o-line and a great defense around him. so how good was he, really?

i don't know.

Well, we really will never know until we see. He wouldn't be the first guy to come out of college after having been surrounded by a godly team(Matt Leinart and Vince Young are two examples).

Anything could happen.
I'll tell you what Campbell reminds me of, at least at Auburn, a deer in the headlights. Seriously, he looked like he was scared or confused 95% of the time they threw the camera on him back then.
Campbell followed three mediocre seasons at Auburn with one magical one. I have know idea if he's even an NFL QB, but the Redkins have a lot of money invested in him so it makes very little business sense to keep him on the bench when their aging starter hasn't produced the wins (a la Warner and Lienart). Campbell's acomplishments or lack thereof will make for some good comments here.
Brunell is just so up and down any more because of his age. He's on the downhill side. I'd bench him, too, and hand the ball to Campbell so I can see if I need to draft another QB next year.
Well if it were an age issue, then old Brad in Minnisota would be benched and they should have kept Dulpooper. Gibbs has made yet another move to satisfy the p.c. gods in his idea of what it means to be a Christian. Yeah, Gibbs is a brother in Christ, as is Brunnell. Gibbs would rather put in an unknown negro, instead of keeping his friend, fellow believer and white man in to appease the powers that be. Just ask Jesse Lumsden, or any other talented white player that Gibbs has axed. Gibbs will never see another playoff. In his senility he's forgotton how many whites were on the Redskin glory days of yore.