Calvin Murphy


Oct 21, 2004
Recently, ex-NBA star Calvin Murphy made the news, with a few of his
daughters alleging he abused them sexually when they were children. How
many of you remember the disgusting performance Murphy put on when
Larry Bird was threatening to break his record for consecutive free
throws made (think this was in the late '80s)? Bird was on the verge of
breaking this record, when Murphy and some friends were shown, on
national t.v., clearly rooting against him from the stands. I don't
recall if they were actually holding signs reflecting this, but when
Bird missed a free throw during the game, the camera caught Murphy and
friends high-fiving and celebrating his failure. I thought it to be the
single worst display of sportsmanship I'd ever seen, but predictably
none of the sports "journalists" criticized him for it. Compare this to
the flack Babe Ruth's elderly widow received when she was
insufficiently ecstatic over Hank Aaron breaking the Babe's lifetime
home run mark. I think some of those same "journalists" even affixed
the "racist" label to her. That's really ironic, since no less an
expert on the subject than Spike Lee has recently declared that Ruth
was actually a brother...

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
I don't remember Murphy and friends rooting against Bird, but do know that he is not only a former world class free throw shooter, he's also at or near the top when it comes to fathering illegitimate children, always a fiercely contested category among basketball and football players. Murphy has fathered 14 children by 9 different women -- as Mel Allen would say "How about that!"
Oct 16, 2004
Murphy did indeed cheer when Bird missed. Bird put the shot up and had already turned to run back down court, thinking he had hit it. Too bad Larry wasn't a bit less confident, and had taken his time.

Murphy, like most black sports stars, enjoyed the benefit of a media that is complicit in the campaign against whites. He was actually quite a punk as a player.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Calvin Murphy is a role model.Yeah, if you want to be like Wilt.Anyone can have sex with alot of women but that
doesn't make him a man.He was overated as a basketball player and he is a horrible person.How many familys of
any origin would want their kids to look up to him.