There's never been a society in history that recruits homosexuals like the US of Gay. The education system promotes pro-homosexual propaganda books for grade school children. The media is filled with homosexual characters, homoerotic images, and homosexual plot lines. (While I was watching golf today, Cadillac repeatedly aired a commercial featuring an Asian guy who thanked his mother for "letting me play with dolls.") So you have a government- and corporate-approved indoctrination system combined with visual technology that didn't previously exist.
Everything, when it's not about blacks and feminists, is about "gays" and now "transgenders." It's far more intense and pervasive than it used to be, as the misled and blind "conservative Christians" have pretty much given up trying to fight it anymore and anyone who does is lumped in with the KKK and any other organization the SPLC decides is a "hate group."
Doesn't mean it will succeed, but there's never been a country that's tried to eliminate natural law like the US of Gay is intent upon doing.