Brian Scalabrine--A YMCA player?


Oct 26, 2008
Scalabrine is working out with the Bulls and the local black sports guy said he looks like a guy you would find at a pickup game at the Y.

Scalabrine admitted that he wasn't that talented. Yes, he said that. Another white guy saying he's just not that good.
Scalabrine has allowed himself to become everybody's whipping boy and laughing stock in the NBA, I understand the need to collect a paycheck but he seems to relish his roll of high fiving and waving towels as the "real" athletes come off the floor.
This somewhat reminds me of that show ESPN did where Bobby Knight had tryouts with real Texas Tech students who for whatever reason didn't end up playing college basketball. He eliminated until one guy finally advanced. A white guy won and actually got legit playing time! ESPN did not repeat this show, maybe it wasn't the result they intended.

If anyone gets the chance Scalabrine has they should take it seriously and not discount themselves, because sometimes the opportunities find a way of presenting them self and next thing you know you're on the court.
The years of pych ops (read MC/MSM daily propaganda), coaches and affelets remarks took a toll on Scalabrine and unfortuneately he started to believe that crap. The damage has been done.

Now he can either realize it was BS, and start to play smart, aggressive and with no self doubt or regret, and let the chips fall where they fall or fold and remain a joke or trivia question.
I remember going to a few Nets games when Scalabrine played for them. He was always labeled as a "fan favorite" by the media since he was one of only a few white players on the Nets roster. The DWF's weren't very hard on him like they were on Keith Van Horn because Scalabrine was just considered a role player and Van Horn was expected to be perfect after the Nets acquired him in the draft.
To be fair, I've always thought Scalabrine looks out of shape, somewhat similar to Glen "Big Baby" Davis.

I'm sure the same wouldn't be said of someone like Kevin Love, or even Wally Sczerbiak.
Scalabrine does have a weird body for the NBA, regardless or race.
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