Hall of Famer
Political activist Mark Dice came out with a youtube video titled: the Super Bowl has been canceled. Apparently it garnered alot of attention and Mark was invited on some sports TV shows. He hits on alot of the stuff we talk about here about DWF worshiping "their" teams and "their" hero affletes. He goes on about trying to wake up Americans from their secular religion while the country crumbles.
The Super Bowl has been canceled
He also did an interview with Alex Jones yesterday discussing this issue. There are some good observations as well as some humorous stuff were Alex mocks the drunk fans for worshiping a bunch of "crackheads and steriodheads".
Alex Jones interview Part 1
Alex Jones interview Part 2
Edited by: Freethinker
The Super Bowl has been canceled
He also did an interview with Alex Jones yesterday discussing this issue. There are some good observations as well as some humorous stuff were Alex mocks the drunk fans for worshiping a bunch of "crackheads and steriodheads".
Alex Jones interview Part 1
Alex Jones interview Part 2
Edited by: Freethinker