Boy Scouts affirm gay ban


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
After a two year review the Boy Scouts of America decided to keep their ban on gay members and leaders. I would link to a news story on this item but when I Googled the story all I got was stuff like: "What to make of the Boy Scouts of America?" a Boston Globe story that highlighted the "injustice" and featured two prominent members of the BSA board of directors that vowed to fight the policy. I mention their names, Randall Stephenson, CEO of AT&T and fellow Board member James Turley, CEO of Ernst & Young, if for some reason you just awoke from a 20 year sleep and had no idea how the rich elite of the country feel about things.

There was also a bunch of stories of some Texas dyke mom that wants to continue to be a troop leader and is passing out petitions to try and change the decision. (Now if I were a gay mom and the BSA didn't want me to be a den mother I would say "cool, less work for me!" but that is too much too expect from some people).

Other headlines:

Boy Scouts reaffirms ban on gays. Is it out of step with the times?

Ousted Boy Scouts leader won't give up gay rights fight.

I went 3 pages through google and couldn't find a story that wasn't just a thinly disguised editorial against the policy. I just wanted a basic news story. If I was paranoid I would think there was a media bias or something.

My own feelings on the issue are 'good for them' and let me follow that up by saying I bet that in 10 years they will be handing out badges for transgenderism, same-sex experimentation, and admitting young lezzies that think they are boys.

I've had my son in the scouts and the PC-ism is as thick there as anywhere else. I have no doubt that the recent decision was based wholly on the advice of their lawyers who basically pointed at Penn State and said "want some of that?" That and they were given cover by a Supreme Court decision a few years ago that narrowly said, yes you can, as a private organization, decide to associate with homo's or not. I expect that to soon be revisited. However in the meantime it's a small win for decency.

My take on the adult members of the Boy Scouts that I knew were that they were a bunch of guys and gals who still thought some semblance of America 1.0 existed, and by golly they were going to keep at it even if they had to hand out badges on "diveristy, handicap awareness, and adjust the religion portion of the scouts to include Hindu's and Muslims and paganism.

I do appreciate the old tyme emphasis on uniforms, discipline, oaths, outdoorsmenship, respect for adults and all that other stuff along with the implicit Whiteness of the group, for example there are virtually no Troops in the city of Detroit, yet rural communities of under a thousand can have a couple.

Unfortunately that emphasis on traditional values tries to mix with cultymarxy society and results in an unseemly alliance. Endless paeons to the US flag and the cult of diversity. A high nerd content, lots of India-indian kids and Korean kids (in my area) because the successful people of those groups worship the old America 1.0; often it being the reason they have come here, so you have all these non-whites trying to be traditional White which doesn't work because..well... basically they're not White.

I do appreciate the effort though.
I say good for them. I'll never bank at B of A or Wells Fargo because of the grandstanding they did when the Scouts first reafirmed the ban.

My own scouting experience wasn't that great. I went on two outings (back when that word had a different meaning) and didn't have much fun. Very disorganized, and we were pretty much starved. The two Scout Masters ended up being thrown in jail. One for DUI, the other for tax evasion. Shortly after that the meeting house burned down. I think one of the Scout Master's weirdo kids torched it. So I said to hell with it and retired from scouting as a Tenderfoot.

But so much for my rather bizzare and disfunctional experience with the Scouts. I'm sure there have been many good Scout Masters and Troops and they still to me represent whatever wholesomeness and innocence that might remain in American culture. So these homosexual creeps and their CM enablers have to go after them, just like they do the sanctity of marriage. Jaxvid's probably right, and they'll eventually cave, but at least someone somewhere is putting up a fight.
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Hats off to the BSA in their stand for decency. :thumb::clap2:

One of my sons is a Cub Scout, and had the BSA allowed s0d0m1tes amongst those young boys, you can bet your bottom dollar we'd have gotten our son outta there quicker than a hiccup! BTW, I'm not surprised to see the Corporatists fighting the BSA decision, as almost all big globalist corporations embrace full fledge cultural marxism these days. :thumbdown:
Hats off to the BSA in their stand for decency. :thumb::clap2:

One of my sons is a Cub Scout, and had the BSA allowed s0d0m1tes amongst those young boys, you can bet your bottom dollar we'd have gotten our son outta there quicker than a hiccup! BTW, I'm not surprised to see the Corporatists fighting the BSA decision, as almost all big globalist corporations embrace full fledge cultural marxism these days. :thumbdown:
While I agree with this ban in general. At least if the cub scout leader is gay and is open about it you know about it you can monitor your kids better(or better yet not let them join that troop). A closeted pedophile like Sandusky is much more dangerous(especially if he has children). I know in Canada the scout troops and house league sports teams are supposed to do criminal police searches on the volunteer coaches. I hope it's the same in America.
While I agree with this ban in general. At least if the cub scout leader is gay and is open about it you know about it you can monitor your kids better(or better yet not let them join that troop). A closeted pedophile like Sandusky is much more dangerous(especially if he has children). I know in Canada the scout troops and house league sports teams are supposed to do criminal police searches on the volunteer coaches. I hope it's the same in America.

I see your logic. However, in principle I fully applaud the BSA stand against the vile s0d0m1tes. For what it's worth, we keep very tight tabs on all our young'erns, and will continue to do so (in this sick, depraved world).

BTW, hat's off to Chic-fil-A in their stand for decency (as well)... :yo:
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"Boy Scouts affirm gay ban"

You know that the "gays" are going to be throwing hissy fits over this, after all their fantasizing about getting young boys into the woods, going skinny dipping, spending cozy nights together in little tents...

What upsets me off is that these perverts have stolen a unique and irreplaceable word from our language, the word "gay".
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It looks like the Boy Scouts are going to cave on their gay ban. Not surprising. There is apparently no institution that can withstand the onslaught of the gay agenda. As I mentioned before in this thread the Scouts are already about as PC as you can get so how can you expect them to buck the cultural marxist trend on this one. I'd say it's the beginning of the end for them but from what I can see amerikans have no spirit to fight this fight anymore. What's next? scout badges in sodomy and crossdressing?
Jax, if they bow down/compromise standards and allow sodomites into the BSA, I'll dang sure remove my son from the Scouts (straight away). :thumbdown:
Jax, if they bow down/compromise standards and allow sodomites into the BSA, I'll dang sure remove my son from the Scouts (straight away). :thumbdown:

So will millions of other normal people.

The perverts have been fantasizing about going on camping trips with innocent little boys for years...and little girls in the case of the the bull dykes.
So will millions of other normal people.

The perverts have been fantasizing about going on camping trips with innocent little boys for years...and little girls in the case of the the bull dykes.

The bull dykes have been in the GSA for a while. I had a friends wife who worked for the GSA and she said that the GSA upper management was basically all gay. I don't think the GSA has any anti-gay stance at all. And if they did it would be hypocritical because that outfit is full of lesbos.

They get away with it the same way that college basketball coaches can have their own all girl harems on their team--the media and most men don't see gay women as either that bad or as sexual preditors so they get the typical pussy pass that women get on nearly everything. Even in this case, perversion and probably criminal activity.
I learned the other day that the GSA can have a male leader so long as there is a female co-leader present at all times. Is there a comparison between sending a young boy to a troop with a gay leader and sending a young girl to a troop with a straight adult male? Where’s the distinction, I wouldn’t put a child of mine in either environment. Even though there are conditions for a male leader for the GSA, it’s still a bad idea.

Faribault Girl Scout leader charged with raping 15 ... - Pioneer Press

A man who police say was a Girl Scout troop leader in Faribault has been accused of raping a 15-year-old troop member and taking naked photos of her.
My advice is to pull your kids out. Even better, found an alternative to the BSA.
The BSA has delayed this decision until a voting meeting in May. Obviously the rank and file have spoken. Loudly. That is no gaurentee that the right decision will be made but it is a good thing that it will be put to a vote. As we well know the only way these gay cultural marxist changes can be implemented is by the decision of the elite in opposition to the actual people that it would effect.

This whole issue is driven by the big donors to the BSA, rich guys that want to win the acclaim of the biased media and all their other rich pervert friends. They were hoping to drive this through but no dice this time. As I understand it thousands of petitions came in before they could decide.

Look at the tap dance the media did to make it look like "no one was happy with the decision"
As the board met over three days at a hotel in Irving, near Dallas, it became clear that the proposed change would be unacceptable to large numbers of Scouting families and advocacy groups on the left and right. Gay-rights supporters said no Scout units should be allowed to exclude gays, while some conservatives, including religious leaders whose churches sponsor troops, warned of mass defections if the ban were eased.

That should be a chilling reminder to the BSA parents what is in store for them if they cave on this. Once a special rights group gets it's nose in the tent, it's all over. As you can see, the **** are not even happy with a partial victory. They want complete victory and surrender. That's the way it works. The basic idea is destroy another institution and this will do it.

It boils down to this: allow gays or have their tax exempt status removed and become a pariah in the media. On the other side is the members and local sponsors, mostly churches. They threatened a mass desertion from the group had the policy passed. So the BSA management has to decide between the rich donors that supply the money to keep salaries high for upper management or have the organization collapse with mass defections.

As always it's a win-win for the forces of evil. If they lose they will continue to berate and protest and harass with the govt supporting them and when they get a small victory they will leverage it to complete victory, and that will be the end of the group as it was meant to be. Which was always their goal in the first place.
This was a top story in my local rag:
Madonna calls on Boy Scouts to lift ban on gays
From The Detroit News:

Well that settles it then, the last generations top pervert wants the Boy Scouts to change, so what else is there to be said? She used the platform of some special homo awards show to push for more perverts with the kids. She even dressed in a scout uniform and made some tasteless insensitive comments. If ever there was a sign that gays (and their sympathizers) should be kept as far way from the boy scouts as possible, this was it.
All the checks and balances to control, much less defeat, the ultra-left Cultural Marxists are gone. The "conservative movement" played by the rules of this country's internal enemy -- refusing to stand for anything that could remotely be construed as "racist" or "intolerant" -- and as a result were decisively crushed. There's no accountability now at any level in this society and the ruling class knows they can say or do virtually anything without being called on it or punished.
All the checks and balances to control, much less defeat, the ultra-left Cultural Marxists are gone. The "conservative movement" played by the rules of this country's internal enemy -- refusing to stand for anything that could remotely be construed as "racist" or "intolerant" -- and as a result were decisively crushed. There's no accountability now at any level in this society and the ruling class knows they can say or do virtually anything without being called on it or punished.

+1, Fully agreed.
What kind of a chance do the Boy Scouts and any other holdout groups have in a homosexualized country whose ruling revolutionaries push homosexuality as the preferred "lifestyle" and despise heterosexuality as a throwback to the bad old days when (White) men "oppressed" women?

A public charter school in Massachusetts turned a deaf ear to protests last week and followed through with performing a pro-homosexual play that mocks the Bible and has been blasted as “blasphemous.”

Students from the Pioneer Valley Performing Arts Charter Public School, or PVPA – which serves 400 pupils, grades 7-12, in South Hadley, Mass. – on March 15-17 performed the controversial play, “The Most Fabulous Story Ever Told.”

A 1998 Paul Rudnick comedy that had a run in theaters in New York City, “The Most Fabulous Story Ever Told” alters the biblical Book of Genesis to include homosexual couples Adam and Steve and Jane and Mabel in the Garden; as well as a “horny” rhinoceros that tries to seduce men on the Ark; and Mary, the mother of Christ, arguing she can’t be pregnant, because she’s a lesbian “bull-dyke.”

A New England theater guide, The Theater Mirror, in a glowing review, further explains the play “gets so specific as to be a gay how-to sexbook” and summarizes it as “a goofy gay romp with a serious sting in its tale.”

Full article at