Dan Wetzel's latest column is the standard BS the media loves to shove down our throats. Typical Caste garbage. A few paragraphs with my comments.
LAS VEGAS - Everyone wants Saturday's Floyd Mayweather Jr.-Oscar De La Hoya fight to save boxing.
(Not everyone. We certainly like the influx of talented white boxers kickinga$$. Boxing is being dominated by whites , so it needs saving?
This could only happen if the excitement and publicity of the fight somehow convinces the most athletic 10- to 12-year olds in North America to give up on basketball, football and baseball and go find the local gym.
(By athletic 10-12 year olds, he means blacks of course. )
Boxing's problems are even greater than just thieving promoters, chaotic sanctioning bodies and long-term health problems - a triumvirate of trouble, no doubt. But it starts with the fact the best American athletes no longer want any part of this sport.
(Best American affletes huh? )
There is no great heavyweight champion anymore, everyone agrees. And that's mainly because someone like Dwyane Wade - all 6-4, 216 pounds of his athletic self - is playing basketball, where he is earning huge money without getting whacked in the head and then stolen from.
(Not everyone agrees with this pompous ninny. Klitschko is great!And oh yeah, Dwayne Wade would thrash all the Euro fighters I'm sure!
Mayweather claims as long as America has ghettos, it will have boxers, but that's not necessarily true. The sport of choice in those neighborhoods is no longer boxing. And why would it be?
LAS VEGAS - Everyone wants Saturday's Floyd Mayweather Jr.-Oscar De La Hoya fight to save boxing.
(Not everyone. We certainly like the influx of talented white boxers kickinga$$. Boxing is being dominated by whites , so it needs saving?

This could only happen if the excitement and publicity of the fight somehow convinces the most athletic 10- to 12-year olds in North America to give up on basketball, football and baseball and go find the local gym.
(By athletic 10-12 year olds, he means blacks of course. )
Boxing's problems are even greater than just thieving promoters, chaotic sanctioning bodies and long-term health problems - a triumvirate of trouble, no doubt. But it starts with the fact the best American athletes no longer want any part of this sport.
(Best American affletes huh? )
There is no great heavyweight champion anymore, everyone agrees. And that's mainly because someone like Dwyane Wade - all 6-4, 216 pounds of his athletic self - is playing basketball, where he is earning huge money without getting whacked in the head and then stolen from.
(Not everyone agrees with this pompous ninny. Klitschko is great!And oh yeah, Dwayne Wade would thrash all the Euro fighters I'm sure!

Mayweather claims as long as America has ghettos, it will have boxers, but that's not necessarily true. The sport of choice in those neighborhoods is no longer boxing. And why would it be?