Menelik said:
How can we strike a balance with regards to what type of conflict we choose to become involved in?
When our nation is facing a
genuine clear and present danger. In other words, not Iraq, Iran, Syria, or Hezbollah.
Menelik said:
It would be nice to avoid entangling alliances but I don't see that happening with our current trade policies.
Why do we need most of these trade policies? Other than a higher tariff, preventing illegal dumping, etc., let U.S. businesses trade with other countries the way they see fit. Isn't that what the free market is all about?
Menelik said:
What would your response have been to 9-11?
Withdraw all troops from the Middle East (including Saudi Arabia,) end all foreign aid to all Middle Eastern countries, and severely limit immigration from Middle Eastern countries, and Muslims from other countries (like England and France.) Any Muslim who's suspected of terrorist activities would be immediately deported and never allowed to return.
Menelik said:
BUT...when North Korea invades do we rush back in?
Nah, let S. Korea fight its own battles.
Menelik said:
The threat from Mexico is (at this point) an economic one.
Along with with what Bart said, 75% of the drugs in the U.S. are smuggled into this country. And there's the obvious burden on taxpayers when foreigners milk the welfare system. It's a
cultural issue as well. Do we really want America to become a Latin country? I like my White American culture just fine; if I wanted to live in Mexico, I'd move there. {Of course, I couldn't expect the same "rights" and hand-outs there that immigrants get here.)
And as far as the economy goes, how do you think your beloved "free market" will be influenced by millions of immigrants from
socialist Latin American countries? You don't think they'll bring their own ideas about how government and the economy should operate? Why do you think all these leftist labor unions are embracing illegal immigrants now? Hmm....
Menelik said:
I didn't spend 20 years in the Army to be a border patrol agent and I have plenty of friends who feel the same. The military exists to fight, not to be a cop on the beat.
Then we should
revolutionize the Border Patrol so that we can put at least 30,000 "troops" or "agents" on the Southern border, and about half that on the Northern border. Let's cut the Defense budget to about $150-200 billion, freeing up a lot of money for Border Patrol, port security, deportation, etc.
Menelik said:
Agree except for food and medical
Nah, that just creates more mouths to feed. Let nature take its course....
Menelik said:
I agree but the people are going to raise hell with the high prices that come with the 'made in America' label.
And they'll be overjoyed with higher wages, better benefits, lower taxes (since free-loading foreigners won't be abusing our overly generous welfare system,) fewer drugs, and safer communities.
Menelik said:
I also don't think that can happen unless you go to a socialistic style of government.
Nah, just a tariff of 20-40%, prevent illegal dumping, etc. Do you think Pat Buchanan is socialist? We need
economic nationalism, not socialism. Besides, a tariff would create a level playing field that would be good for American business. Why do they have to pay all these taxes, but these foreign companies (many of which are subsidized by their governments) don't have to? It's only fair that they have to pay for the privilege of doing business in
our country, on a level playing field with
our businesses.
Menelik said:
ANWAR is a drop in the bucket as far as peak oil supplies go.
Actually, it is very significant:
Menelik said:
I totally agree with you on alternative energy sources though.
Some are promising, but I'm very skeptical of corn ethanol. It is very energy- and water-intensive. And of course it is heavily subsidized by the government, and there's an "ethanol mandate" that raises gas prices. Looks like a racket to me. Efficiency (fuel cells, hybrids) is good, and I've heard that wind power can be surprisingly effective (interestingly, Uber-liberal Kennedy has butted heads with environmentalists because he and his rich buddies don't want to have to look at windmills in their precious ocean view. LOL.)
Menelik said:
The soldiers that gravitate to the elite units join to soldier, not to play cop.
Then let them do that. But we need 20-40,000 troops on the border, until we build fencing across the entire border (or at least several hundred miles along the heavily trafficked areas.) And even then we'll still need plenty of "troops" or "agents." Again, we should streamline the military and put much more resources into border security, port security (only 5% of goods are checked,) and finding and deporting those who overstay their visas (6+ million, including a few of those pesky "radical freedom-hating Islamo-fascists" that nose-dived into those two towers.) It's a big job and we need to devote the time, energy, manpower, know-how, and money to get that job done.
I really don't think (opinion) that we need to involve the military in the realm of law enforcement. Think Posse Comitatus.
This isn't law enforcement, this is protecting our country from
invasion. That is not hyperbole. It is an invasion. I honestly can't think of a better use of the military than protecting our country from invasion. We haven't fought a legitimate war since the Revolution. (We may have been justified in bombing Japan, but we still shouldn't have nuked them.) But if not the military, we need to cut its budget, big time. In fact, we need to cut its budget regardless.
Menelik said:
Hindsight is great but it does nothing to help solve the problems that we face today
In other words, we can't learn from history??? What's that famous quote, those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it....
Besides, that quote from Jefferson looks more like
foresight, not hindsight.
Edited by: JD074