Bobick Best All Time

Well I'm sorry, I guess I have angered you guys. Guess I get a little carried away. I just know what I saw back in the seventies. the guy was the real deal and he would massacred these ruskie boys calling themselves champs today. put it this way, if this ruskie boy today who calls himself champ, if saturnday night live does a write up on him, pokes fun at him mercilessly like they did Bobick, than that ruskie is done. Over. Capoot. nobody could handle that kind of ribbing. And notice they did not do that to Lennix Lewis when he got pounded down. Nor Norton, after Shavers pulverised him to a pulp. And that right there is caste, my friend

White Shogun said:
Kissell..tell me, what do you think of Duane Bobick as a fighter? I'm not sure if I have a real grasp of what you think about this subject from reading the same 8 exact posts you've written on it so far.
Edited by: Kissell
The troll just cannot stand the fact that quiet, intelligent caucasians are beating the ******** at boxing.

If I wish to be charitable, I might assume the troll merely feels jealousy that it was not American White fighters who took back the belts for our race. It SHOULD embarass American males to a certain extent, that after 40 years of being brainwashed into believing the ******* is so physically superior that he can't be whipped in a fight, the E Europeans should take over boxing so easily, exposing the decadence and cowardice White Americans have been led into by media brainwashing. Our racial brothers from E Europe have done what brainwashed White Americans dared not. They have re-established our racial Honor and shown other Whites the way. To write screeds against the White champions out of petty jealousy is the nadir of ingratitude and racial treason.

Of course, I doubt It is motivated by so decent an impulse as nationalistic pride. No, probably It is yet another master of giving verbal fellatio to the ********, that impulse having been unfortunately planted in many Whites by the media.

Apparently It does not think we can follow what It is doing when It brings up some nobody White boxer as a bannerman for our race.

If we accept that A. Bobick could massacre the Russian fighters, then since B. Bobick never became a champion, or even well known, then it stands to reason that the troll is saying that it would stand to reason that the more famous ******** could massacre the Russians and "The russians suck!" It apparently does not think we can reason this far.

Needless to say, it is full of sh*t in regards to the Russian fighters. No guys who can both punch and box you say? Hmmm, what about Wladamir, know for his Ali-esque stick and move who has also brutally K.O.ed many an opponent, most notably Chris "Called by all the slickest HW boxer out there until he dared to loose to a White man" Byrd. And then there is Vitali, who was NEVER behind on points, and also k.o ed 91% of his opponents.

Ruskies? Unbelievable. This is the 21st century moron, the Russians are no more and no less communist or evil than the other White nations nowadays, having met in the middle as communism collapsed in the Soviet and totalitarianism began to flourish in Europe and America.

I notice It never have any slurs or bad things to say about the ******* scum, both in boxing and in society in general, only about "Ruskies" other supposedly overated White boxers. By comparison, ******** are only nessecarily lousy boxers when they loose to Whites.Edited by: White_Savage
You are right that totalitarianism is now on the rise in America, but you don't know that it is dead in Russia. You don't know that. All you know is what the lying media tells you about Russia. It could all be a set up. Hey, guess what, all those russkie missiles that used to be pointed at us? Well, did you know that they are still pointed at us? And did you know most or all their new leaders are still the same leaders of the communist party? All the faces are the same, only the political party names have changed. What a great set up plan. Fantastic strategy--and don't say it ain't, because history ain't done unfolding yet. You could be having a ruskie missile enema tomorrow for all you know. You don't know it because you get your information on TV / radio / major newspapers / major book publishers / major magazines. Well, that's all propaganda. Five mega - corporations own all of those news sources. All of them. And just a few rich elite sons-of-#itches sit on interlocking directorates between many of those.

Get off the grid, my friend. Get your information from non-corporate sources. Goebbels would be proud if he saw the U.S. news media.

Stop making assumptions based on propagandistic news sources.

And while you're at it, stop calling Bobick a slob. The guy was a stud. He got destroyed by the media, not norton. Ruskies don't have to compete against that. They got their media, and at least they know where it's coming from. In Russia, people know their media is propaganda. Here in the US, people are fooled worse than you could believe, my friend. I been around. I heard things.

White_Savage said:
Ruskies? Unbelievable. This is the 21st century moron, the Russians are no more and no less communist or evil than the other White nations nowadays, having met in the middle as communism collapsed in the Soviet and totalitarianism began to flourish in Europe and America.

Edited by: Kissell
Joe Kowalski has pointed out that 14 of the 20 Boxing titles from the Middleweight division to Heavyweight are held by WHITES!! An amazing percentage, yet the average American is not aware of the white dominance because of the lack of coverage by the sports media.

As for Kissel - Rizzo. He doesn't seem to care for Russian women either. In one of his late night rants he wrote an ugly disparaging post about Martina Sharapova. He used graphic terms in describing how he'd like to sodomize her. The post was deleted before most of the board had a chance to read it.
Your right pignuts-Big tough Daune Bobick was the best White Heavyweight of All-Time.But of course it goes without saying that to be the best White means he could lick Dempsey,Jeffries,Marciano,Etc.So if he could whip them he would have no problem with Joe Louis,Jack Johnson,Ali,Tyson,Etc.Daune would be to big for Louis and KO him in 6 rounds.Johnson would go in 5 rounds.Ali once told me over a plate of watermelon he feared Bobick more then any other man.Ali knew Bobick would kick him in the ring.Ali feared Bobick almost as much as these colored boys today fear the Ruskies.Think Byrd wants to fight Wlad again
Kissoff sounds like the type of guy who likes to make dirty phone calls. He types by hunt and peck with one hand, while the other hand is busy with something else, as he drools at his six foot poster of Venus and Serena for inspiration.

He's a funny guy. Just ask him.Edited by: Hockaday
This is amazing. I found this site that sells old fights, and they Bobick's best.

I am going to write these guys. They aparently let you choose your 5 favorite fights and they put them on a cd for you. I will write these fellas and get Bobicks best, then grab me a six pack of the High Life, and for one Friday nite I am going back in time. All night i am going to be a kid again, watching this guy in his peak. Hercules in boxing gloves, that's what we called him

I;ll let you fellas know when this cd arrives, I can't wait
Try not to stay up to late,you need to get to school on time so the nice teacher can teach you how to read and write.I know your not to smart but try again to get past the 3rd grade. If you try hard you could do it!
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