Bobick Best All Time



I don't know what all this blabbering on is about. The best white heavyweight ever to put on the gloves was Duane Bobick, hands down. He was solid. Rugged, fantastic hitter. Ali was ducking him for years, and for good reason. Bobick beat the tar out of Teofilo Stevenson in the Pan Am games.

In the pros, Bobick continued his reign of terror. It took a cheap shot punch to the throat for Norton to take him, and even then, Bobick gave Norton all he could handle for 54 seconds.

And again, against John Tate, Tate got lucky--he got extremely lucky--because you could see Bobick was sizing him up, about to make his move. Then a fluke punch happened. But again, Tate had all he could handle for about 3/4 of a round.

But nobody else could do a thing with Bobick. The guy was supposed to have been a champion. Something went wrong. That was the one that got away, 'cause Bobick was one tough hombre.

I'm from back in the day. I remember that guy. You younguns probably have forgot. He was probably the best fighter of the 1970s, period. But nobody ever found out, thanks to Norton's cheap throat shot. Tough luck, yeah.Edited by: Kissell
Hey, good point! But please do not criticize Norton. After all, his knockout at the hands of an over rated bum like Cooney in 54 seconds was due to Norton repeatedly slipping into the fists of Cooney and then, due to an unwise show of bravado simply to prove he could take a punch, sitting on the lower strand of the ropes and taking shots to the head instead of simply choosing to knock Cooney out, right?Edited by: pt.guard2
Bobick was good-but the greatest was Leon Spinks, after all he only lost 17 times and once fought a draw with the great Scott Le Doux.Spinks was only down 3 times in 2 minutes against Gerrie Coetzee that was a true sign of Spinks greatness-he almost made it out of the 1st round!!He lost to all-time greats like Carlos DeLeon,Angelo Musone and the unforgetable Rocky Sekorski.Spinks record was 26-17-3!!This guy would have KO'd Dempsey and Marciano in 1 round on the same night-everbody knows that!Yes Leon Spinks was the all-time best and who can ever forget his handsome face and beautiful smile!!!
Gary said:
Bobick was good-but the greatest was Leon Spinks, after all he only lost 17 times and once fought a draw with the great Scott Le Doux.Spinks was only down 3 times in 2 minutes against Gerrie Coetzee that was a true sign of Spinks greatness-he almost made it out of the 1st round!!He lost to all-time greats like Carlos DeLeon,Angelo Musone and the unforgetable Rocky Sekorski.Spinks record was 26-17-3!!This guy would have KO'd Dempsey and Marciano in 1 round on the same night-everbody knows that!Yes Leon Spinks was the all-time best and who can ever forget his handsome face and beautiful smile!!!

Appreciate the effort but there's no comparing the two. Spinks was short, squat, short-armed, and couldn't take a punch. Plus he was missing teeth and had a fro.

Bobick was a man-mountain, big, tough, durable. Long-armed, flaxen hair. That kind of guy. Greek god built, really. No comparing the two. Spinks knew not to get in the ring with Bobick. He's another one.

Maybe you never saw footage. I'm kinda old. I remember that time. Bobick was good. Just a couple bad luck breaks or he'd be spoken of like we speak of Marciano, the great ones. Not like these young palookas today we're calling champions. No way, bub
What's that smell....


Yes, I'm certain of it! I smell a troll.

He has left out some bait to trap the unwary. Too bad for the hungry troll that everyone in these parts can smell a troll a mile away.
White Shogun said:
What's that smell....


Yes, I'm certain of it! I smell a troll.

He has left out some bait to trap the unwary. Too bad for the hungry troll that everyone in these parts can smell a troll a mile away.

Naw, man. Here's another guy. You see, you're from another generation. You never saw Bobick fight. Alls you know is what you heard. I'm telling you. Go and watch the guy. See for yourself
Kissell said:
White Shogun said:
What's that smell.... Troll? Yes, I'm certain of it! I smell a troll. He has left out some bait to trap the unwary. Too bad for the hungry troll that everyone in these parts can smell a troll a mile away.

Naw, man. Here's another guy. You see, you're from another generation. You never saw Bobick fight. Alls you know is what you heard. I'm telling you. Go and watch the guy. See for yourself
Bobick looked the part but he froze twice when hit by top ten fighters. Also his management made him fight alot of stiffs to pad his record. If they thought he was better than his record he would have fought the equivalent of Norton 2 years before he did. Edited by: white is right
Kissel is Rizzo or a Rizzo clone. Throwing out Bobick's name is like throwing out Cooney's, white guys hold ALL 4 HEAVYWEIGHT TITLES right now a-hole. Why not talk about them in your first trip to castefootball Kissell?
Kissell said:
Not like these young palookas today we're calling champions. No way, bub

What was the name of the last guy who used the term palookas? Oh, yeah, I remember... Rizzo.
Kissell said:
White Shogun said:
What's that smell.... Troll? Yes, I'm certain of it! I smell a troll. He has left out some bait to trap the unwary. Too bad for the hungry troll that everyone in these parts can smell a troll a mile away.

Naw, man. Here's another guy. You see, you're from another generation. You never saw Bobick fight. Alls you know is what you heard. I'm telling you. Go and watch the guy. See for yourself

I had to clean up your quote, Kissell. I don't want anybody thinking that tripe your posting came from my keyboard. Edited by: White Shogun
Seriously, folks, all trolling aside, I never did get a chance to watch Bobick fight. He was pre-cable, so there weren't that many TV spots back then to watch a fighter and make a judgement. So I can't be sure why he lost his bigger fights so quickly. I have a hunch he just wasn't that good.

But, hey, Kissell, thanks for livening up the board a little during these between fight doldrums.

Edited by: Hockaday
No, man, you guys aren't getting it. Bobick was the real deal. Just some bad stuff went down at the wrong time, or the guy would've challenged. seriously challenged the big time. He was that good. I was there. At the square. They talk about that Norton fight like it was some kind of demolition or something, let me tell you, Bobick had stunned Norton a couple times with lefts before it was through. That fight was going to end quick no matter what happened. It's like Hagler/Hearns. Somebody was going down, it was just a matter of who. But you don't see people criticize Hearns for losing, like they criticize Bobick.

Hey, I'm from Jersey. I saw all kinds of fights first hand back in my time

Hockaday said:
Seriously, folks, all trolling aside, I never did get a chance to watch Bobick fight. He was pre-cable, so there weren't that many TV spots back then to watch a fighter and make a judgement. So I can't be sure why he lost his bigger fights fights so quickly. I have a hunch he just wasn't that good.

But, hey, Kissell, thanks for livening up the board a little during these between fight doldrums.
Your right pignuts!
Oh I mean Kissell or is it Kissoff.Bobick was the best ever.I mean can anybody in there right mind picture a creampuff like Dempsey taking those murderous punches from a killer like Duane Bobick.But come on give Spinks his rightful place as the all-time best.He even worked as a janitor at the YMCA-I bet Gene Tunney never did that!!!
Exactly! That's what I'm on about. That was Bobick. Did you see what he did to Holmes, lifted him right off the canvas. That's the kind of right Bobick had. If those two would have fought as pros, Bobick would have massacred him. It's like Norton, how Norton had problems sometimes with big awkward punchers. Well Bobick was the same. But you get Bobick in the ring with a boxer, like Ali or Holmes, and Bobick would slap them around. The guy was mismanaged. He should have fought Ali and should have fought him soon. Bobick would have won that one, easy does it.

Thanks for that clip son. You made my day. Been a long time since I seen that one but i still remember

JD074 said:
Check out rounds 1 and 3 of the Bobick/ Holmes fight in the 1972 Olympic Trials. The ref stopped the fight because Holmes was holding too much!
Apparently Bobick was roughing him up pretty good.

Ali and Cosell were commentating. Listen up.
Edited by: Kissell
Kallie Knoetze KO'd Bobick in 3 rounds so maybe Kallie a White South African was the best!Whites have given Africa her Heavyweight Champions in boxing.Frans Botha,Corrie Sanders and Gerrie Coetzee.Yes the toughest and strongest men in Africa are White.
Kissoff you say your from Jersey but your location says Idaho!
Kissoff was from Jersey, but now he's in the witness protection program in Idaho after running up a debt with the Sopranos and turning state's evidence. He made a bunch of bad bets. On boxing.Edited by: Hockaday
Hockaday said:
Kissoff was from Jersey, but now he's in the witness protection program in Idaho after running up a debt with the Sopranos and turning state's evidence. He made a bunch of bad bets. On boxing.
Yeah after a succesful run of betting on black heavies he has run cold and gone belly up.......
I am in Idaho now. I did get into some bad business but it wasn't betting on boxing.

I only lost two boxing bets in my life, one of them being Bobick/Norton.

I made a lot of dough on Quarry/Shavers, then on Shavers/Norton, a few others. actually I made my most ever winnings onn a little known fight--buster mathis vs matthew hilton. Most of you probably don't remember. Lower weight class

I'm here now for my own sanity. Jersey ain't the same no more.

I tell you what, if I had it to do over again, I'd still bet on Bobick over Norton. It was a sure thing, and even with the beating he got, like I said, he was one shot away from putting Norton away, and Bobick had power in both hands.

The Kallie Knossie fight was a proven fraud, though most folks don't know. Bobick was doped up that nite, same as what happened to this Vladimir young buck against Lamon Brewer. An old boxing stunt they pull on you. Especially if you're perceived a threat to the powers that be cause you're too good. Hey I been around, I know this stuff. Don't worry, you stick around the sport long enough, you will.

But Bobick was better then these guys you see fighting today. That's what I'm trying to say

Gary said:
Kallie Knoetze KO'd Bobick in 3 rounds so maybe Kallie a White South African was the best!Whites have given Africa her Heavyweight Champions in boxing.Frans Botha,Corrie Sanders and Gerrie Coetzee.Yes the toughest and strongest men in Africa are White.
Kissoff you say your from Jersey but your location says Idaho!
Edited by: Kissell
I believe you! You see I really live in Kenya.I was once mayor of Newark. Sold Afro Sheen in Harlem and Watts. Bobick was the best. Marciano told me once over a plate of pasta. Leon Spinks was the all-time best,him and I have the same dentist. This dentist Dr.Von Fartworth told me Spinks could punch but his best weapon was his bad breath.
Anyway I live in a treehouse here now because of some bad bets.I thought Al Sharpton would be President and bet Pumpsie Green could outhit Ted Williams in baseball.It's not to bad here however except for this one guy next door keeps me up all night yelling and swinging from tree to tree. He has a pet monkey called pignuts nice monkey but keeps pooping all over the house.I have been around a long time too-my social security number is 2.
I have tended to shy away from boxing betting myself. Unless you see value in the dog run away from a fight as upsets happen alot(especially in the heavyweigh division). I myself bet Douglas over Saverese(dont ask me why).....
What you had in Bobick was a guy who could stick and move, could hit and then be out of there before you know what hit you. You just don't see that in today's guys. You got guys today, like these alphabet ruskies they're calling champions, they're either boxers or they're either brawlers, but not both.

a few guys in the 70s could do both. Maybe the the gene pool was stronger then. anyway bobick was one of those guys. Don't let a couple fluke nights deceive you about a guy who really was Hope, not just the hype.

Once you been at the Square, you know things. You see these things. I saw something in Bobick and its a shame he gets badmouthed today by guys who don't know. They were never there. I was there.
Hey pignuts why don't you go THERE again!Nobody thinks your cute so give it up clown.These Ruskies[as you call them-not to there face of course-you being a coward!!],anyway the Russian men have dropkicked your colored boys right out of the heavyweight division
.By the way how about those World Champions in basketball-Spain,Soccer-Italy,Ice Hockey-Sweden.Last time I looked all those nations were in Europe!!
I'll tell you another thing. A lot of what they used to say about Bobick came after that Norton fight, but it didn't come after the fight though. NO, it only came after Saturday Night Live did a write up on it and made fun of Bobick the whole time. So what, I say. and I was saying it back then! A lot of guys get KO'd in the 1st round and it's just a fluke, and they come back. So what. Look at Lennox Lewis. But that Saturday nite live, and that was back in the Chevy Chase days and that guy could be cruel let me tell you, I think that all went to Bobick's head. The KO to Norton wasn't even that bad, I mean it wasn't any badder than any other 1st round KO. It just was a L in the loss column, and guys come back from that. But when you got Chevy Chase riding you, and Jane Curtains and all of that, it messes with a guys head and that's what happened to Bobick I think. I saw the guy. He was good. He was in that fight right up till the end, so so what. Stuff happens right?

Talk about the caste system. They never would have made fun of him on Saturday Night live if it wasn't for him being a white guy. So what. Yeah, that's caste. They should've laid off the guy, let him recover, gather his strength back, get his confidence back. He'd of been a champion. It's that Saturday nite live and that's caste, I'm telling you.
Kissell..tell me, what do you think of Duane Bobick as a fighter? I'm not sure if I have a real grasp of what you think about this subject from reading the same 8 exact posts you've written on it so far.

Edited by: White Shogun
American Freedom News