Bob Kraft


Jul 23, 2015
Bob Kraft the owner of the Pats was charged with two counts of solicitation of prostitution. The police claim they have videotape of him paying for a sex act inside a Florida massage parlor. He is 77 years old.
Bob Kraft the owner of the Pats was charged with two counts of solicitation of prostitution. The police claim they have videotape of him paying for a sex act inside a Florida massage parlor. He is 77 years old.
much ado about nothing...
So much for his squeaky clean image, but I agree it's not a big deal. Our overlords love to ratchet up the pressure, including making it difficult for a lot of men to find sexual release in healthy ways even as they are constantly being titillated by advertising and the media in general.
Supposedly the result of an 8 month “human trafficking” investigation by Homeland Security, the FBI, and local police. I guess harassing travelers at the airport is not enough to justify Homeland Security’s bloated budget. What a bunch of losers.
It was the lead story on NBC's nightly propaganda report, so it's being played up more than I thought. Kraft's Jewish privilege is being trumped by being the owner of the hated Patriots as well as being a friend of The Donald. Supposedly there's a number of other arrests coming, including some other public figures. And yes, what a valiant effort by Homeland Security to squander who knows how much tax money checking out an Asian massage parlor.

Another head-shaker is this Coast Guard officer with an Arab sounding last name being arrested for wanting to "kill just about everyone in the world." Kinda tough to do that when you have 13 guns and 1,000 rounds of ammo. From what I can tell, he was arrested based mainly on his internet searches and a few emails or draft emails he wrote. Don't know if it was timed to counteract the arrest of Smollett, but the details seem absurd and also ominous if internet searches are now going to be used as a basis for indictments.
Homeland Security is a Jewish agency from top to bottom. Most likely Kraft is a willing agent/actor in this PsyOp. Without Kraft, this is a non-story because Asian massage parlors are busted every day.
It was the lead story on NBC's nightly propaganda report, so it's being played up more than I thought. Kraft's Jewish privilege is being trumped by being the owner of the hated Patriots as well as being a friend of The Donald. Supposedly there's a number of other arrests coming, including some other public figures. And yes, what a valiant effort by Homeland Security to squander who knows how much tax money checking out an Asian massage parlor.

Another head-shaker is this Coast Guard officer with an Arab sounding last name being arrested for wanting to "kill just about everyone in the world." Kinda tough to do that when you have 13 guns and 1,000 rounds of ammo. From what I can tell, he was arrested based mainly on his internet searches and a few emails or draft emails he wrote. Don't know if it was timed to counteract the arrest of Smollett, but the details seem absurd and also ominous if internet searches are now going to be used as a basis for indictments.
Kraft supposedly has let his hair down since his wife died and is acting like a man in midlife crisis. He has been seen dancing with rappers at Patriot parties and he acquired a girlfriend who could in theory be his granddaughter and now this.

If you ever have watched an episode of Cops a busted John usually says this was the first time he has ever trolled for sex and then when the police run his name through a data center if he has a previous conviction for solicitation the John will usually confess that it's the first time since the previous arrest. Allegedly Kraft visited the Asian rub and tug twice in short order so this was my first time excuse is out.... Also supposedly the police had cameras in the room with audio taping the conversations, so any haggling over money would further the prosecutions case.

I suspect the raid looked something like this......
Guys don't drink any beverages while reading this new story apparently this is another busted John, judging from his smile I'm shocked he isn't a gay pedophile.......

PS, no wonder leaked reports talked about more big names were caught up in this sting. I can see the scene now at the local Palm Beach golf and country club, Kraft after about 6 high balls starts talking to Childs and talks about the rub and tug which only charges 60 bucks and then Childs texts Havens about the wonderful rub and tug and all three look for 3 Andrew Jacksons and head out into the night....
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A stark contrast to the media's and federal government's treatment of serial pedophile and billionaire underage prostitution ring leader Jeffrey Epstein. Why would any police force spend any time trying to put an end to cheap Asian handjobs in the age of uncensored internet porn? This must be his punishment for being the owner of the mildly white-friendly Patriots and not absolutely hating on Trump.
This really is no big deal but wtf was he thinking??? As a billionaire he should have went here instead of slumming at a low rent massage parlor. Money does not always equal common sense.
A stark contrast to the media's and federal government's treatment of serial pedophile and billionaire underage prostitution ring leader Jeffrey Epstein. Why would any police force spend any time trying to put an end to cheap Asian handjobs in the age of uncensored internet porn? This must be his punishment for being the owner of the mildly white-friendly Patriots and not absolutely hating on Trump.
That's because one just included regular "Joe's" (or in this case, "Johns'") whereas the other (Epstein's Island) was for "elite" politicians and celebrities...and the clients were underage...and the lower the levels you descended into his compound, the more sinister it became.

Just like they will "bust" someone like Martha Stewart for some supposed insider trading (while literally making it legal (in 2010) for members of actual bill was passed and signed into law by Hussein) while the perps of the 2008 Financial Meltdown were bailed out, not from jail, but monetarily and from their complicity in the entire scheme.
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This really is no big deal but wtf was he thinking??? As a billionaire he should have went here instead of slumming at a low rent massage parlor. Money does not always equal common sense.

He may have been thinking that using the AMP was close to untraceable, while ordering from a site leaves a virtual paper trail on the internet and a real paper trail at the business contacted. When there are thousands of AMPs all over the country no one expects to be filmed getting a happy ending. When you read of these kinds of busts, it's almost always via undercover cops stopping in and getting propositioned, and those then arrested are the mamasan and some of the girls. Very rarely are customers busted.

Like Kaptain mentioned, internet porn is everywhere yet there is more and more a neo-puritan policy followed IRL of making access to relief of sexual build-up more and more difficult for men who don't have a wife (and of course many marriages are sexless). The same "idealistic" leftists who subverted the system when they were young by chanting for "peace and love" turned into the ruthless commissars now squeezing every last drop of spontaneity and freedom from the 99% now that they have the whip hand. Kraft has gotten a taste of the kind of "justice" only DWFs usually have to worry about.
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A stark contrast to the media's and federal government's treatment of serial pedophile and billionaire underage prostitution ring leader Jeffrey Epstein. Why would any police force spend any time trying to put an end to cheap Asian handjobs in the age of uncensored internet porn? This must be his punishment for being the owner of the mildly white-friendly Patriots and not absolutely hating on Trump.
Because of human trafficking, I think it should be legal and brothels should be regulated similar to Germany or Holland, but even in those countries the police still check for white slavery and underage sex workers.

From what I have read in the newspapers in Toronto while prostitution is now technically illegal because of lack of funding the police won't bust brothels but if you have human trafficking or underage workers your cheap rub and tug or high end fancy condominium brothel will be shut down faster than an illegal back alley craps game.
He may have been thinking that using the AMP was close to untraceable, while ordering from a site leaves a virtual paper trail on the internet and a real paper trail at the business contacted. When there are thousands of AMPs all over the country no one expects to be filmed getting a happy ending. When you read of these kinds of busts, it's almost always via undercover cops stopping in and getting propositioned, and those then arrested are the mamasan and some of the girls. Very rarely are customers busted.

Like Kaptain mentioned, internet porn is everywhere yet there is more and more a neo-puritan policy followed IRL of making access to relief of sexual build-up more and more difficult for men who don't have a wife (and of course many marriages are sexless). The same "idealistic" leftists who subverted the system when they were young by chanting for "peace and love" turned into the ruthless commissars now squeezing every last drop of spontaneity and freedom from the 99% now that they have the whip hand. Kraft has gotten a taste of the kind of "justice" only DWFs usually have to worry about.
Yes what led to the downfall of the former Governor of New York was using an internet call girl service, many want their high end clients to be vetted before they are setup with dates. You will need to send photo ID or credit card information.
Robert Kraft worth 6.6 Billion is not the biggest player in the FLA sex trafficking ring according to Police.

I can't write about Holland's situation, but Germany is having a terrible time housing over 400,000 prostitutes and more attempting to enter the country ever day. Along with their pimps, children, and disease, they are bringing in a criminal element to the country that they can't handle.
I can't write about Holland's situation, but Germany is having a terrible time housing over 400,000 prostitutes and more attempting to enter the country ever day. Along with their pimps, children, and disease, they are bringing in a criminal element to the country that they can't handle.
Yes they have human trafficking and pimping, but do you think it would be better if it was illegal like in America?

PS, before my city gentrified in the ghetto areas they had this form of prostitution which is just as exploitative with the drug dealers being pimps.....
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I can only reply by saying the Germans must have thought illegal prostitution was worst or they would not have legalized it. In a perfect world, I would prefer no prostitution at all.
This could be the reason why the crackdown on illegal massage parlours is happening in the Greater Miami area.....

In a perfect world I would probably ban this low rent prostitution too, but I am fine with high end escorts. If women are going to do this line of work they should in theory be able to enrich themselves, this low end storefront prostitution is Walmart type work where the women will end up with next to nothing when they retire and at best will be mama's who run these store front operations for the sleezeballs who own them.
Sordid details are coming out over this brewing scandal and the optics are getting terrible for Kraft, if I was his advisor I tell him to plead no contest and hope the 5 minute attention span of the general public shifts to the next scandal. Fighting these charges with video evidence against him looks futile and will only keep this NC 17 story in the news longer than it should be.......

PS, a former satellite tour golfer has been caught in this mess too, I wonder if Baldrick recommended one of the raided spas to him.......
On Neil Cavuto's business show yesterday a legal expert said that the NFL could suspend Kraft for 6 games and a fine of $500,000 dollars.
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