Bob Arum Calls MMA Fans/Fighters "White Skinheads"


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
I wasn't sure whether to place this in the UFC/MMA Forum or boxing, since the clip (below) contains alotta boxing commentary. Basically, boxing promoter (& Jew) Bob Arum rips on MMA fans/fighters saying the fans are White skinheads & the fighters have no skill or chins. He also says MMA fighters roll around like homosexuals...I guess he's an expert on that!

While Arum was on the money in "dissin" Floyd "Prettymouth" Mayweather (& the reference to "shooting up cars"
), he's waaaay off the mark on MMA.MMA takes much more skill than boxing, as fighters must train kicks (throwing & defending), knees, wrestling (take-downs, take-down defense) and submissions (BJJ or sambo). While boxers are better pure punchers, MMA fighters are far more complete (all-around). Ironically, the jew interviewer takes Arum to task for his inaccuracy & calls him out for his obvious envy of MMA (& the UFC's skyrocketing growth). Arum is another crooked boxing promoter ripping MMA/UFC out of sheer jealously.

Bob Arum Calls UFC/MMA Fans/Fighters "White Skinheads", Disses FightersEdited by: DixieDestroyer
What a boring interview. A jealousman who claims muliti culturalism always wins! At least the younginterviewer puts him in his place by saying he is a Jew and takes offense to that for liking MMA. Boxing is dead in America as far as im concerned. I will still root for white fighters but the Jews have taken it as their own much as they have Hollywood. MMA is our own and he cant stand the fact that the "tribe" as others have referred to it is not in control.Edited by: celticdb15
Celtic boxing may be dead in America but it is alive and well in Europe. A large portion of champions today are white and this is why I follow boxing more so than any other sport. There are plenty of up and coming Europeans as well. Let the media keep searching for their next Tyson.
celticdb15 said:
What a boring interview. A jealousman who claims muliti culturalism always wins! At least the younginterviewer puts him in his place by saying he is a Jew and takes offense to that for liking MMA. Boxing is dead in America as far as im concerned. I will still root for white fighters but the Jews have taken it as their own much as they have Hollywood. MMA is our own and he cant stand the fact that the "tribe" as others have referred to it is not in control.

Not everyone in Hollywood succumbs to Jewish interests. September's Hollywood Reporter covers the growing protest from the Toronto International Film Festival: "Toronto is set to open next week with a widening protest and possible boycott over its spotlight on Israel and its filmmakers." <?: prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><O:p></O:p>
The over 50 protesters, including Ken Loach, Jane Fonda, Wallace Shawn, Danny Glover, musician David Byrne,agree that the film festival has become complicit in the Israeli propaganda machine, a regime that supports apartheid and occupation of the Gaza Strip Palestinians.

It's a relief to see public figures openly criticize Israeli occupation. Bout damn time, and hopefully, the beginning of much more.<O:p></O:p>Edited by: Alpha Male
WA33, I don't follow boxing like (the more complete combat sport) MMA, but pull for White fighters. I don't think boxing is "dead", but it could be heading that way...with the supernova rise of the UFC.

AM, while some of those "celebrities" might be anti-Zionist, they're also Glover & his demonization of South African Whites in "Lethal Weapon 2" (and anti 2nd Amendment rights posters "strategically" placed in the PD office in "Leathal Weapon 4"). I bet'cha most of those pinkos would call WNs (like us here on CF) "ignorant", "racists"/"bigots", etc.
Edited by: DixieDestroyer
I like boxing more than the UFC personally. I think boxers are in better shape than these UFC fighters. Ray Mercer fought some UFC fighter and destroyed him recently. I still watch some UFC and root for white fighters like Forest Griffin and St Pierre.
whiteathlete33 said:
I like boxing more than the UFC personally. I think boxers are in better shape than these UFC fighters. Ray Mercer fought some UFC fighter and destroyed him recently. I still watch some UFC and root for white fighters like Forest Griffin and St Pierre.

Understood each their own. Mercer KO'd former UFC Champ Tim Sylvia. The 6'8 Sylvia came in at 311 lbs (vs. his UFC weight of 260-265), and let his ego get in the way of a solid strategy. Tim wanted to "prove" something (that MMA fighters can stand-up with boxers), and got caught. Now, Sylvia nearly caught former ADCC (HW) champ Jeff Monson with a triangle-choke in their fight, so he does have ground/sub skills....BUT Tim let his arrogance effect his game plan. Had he shot on Mercer & taken him down...he would have submitted Mercer fairly quickly.

If you put the best boxer of all-time (Marciano...or especially caste-god "Ali"/Clay) against the best MMA fighter of all-time (Fedor, or quasi-caste BJJ legend Rickson Gracie)...the MMA fighter immediately takes down the boxer & submits him with ease (as Fedor was a multiple Sambo champ & Rickson is a multi-stripe (red) BJJ black belt). There's no comparison with a one-dimensional boxer vs. a multi-skilled MMA fighter...UNLESS the MMA fighter gets c0cky & tries to strike with a heavy-handed boxer. Against a defensive/counter striker (like "Prettymouth Gayweather"), the MMA fighter can utilize kicks, knees & dirty boxing to get inside. Boxers are better punchers (no doubt), but MMA fighters have the more extensive arsenal.

However, I pull for White boxers like the Klitchkos, Hatton, etc.

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
Hey guys - I love MMA and boxing but boxers fare very poorly when thrown in with equal MMA fighters. Even Kimbo Slice - a terrible fighter who, I am not joking here, could probably be beaten by a few CF posters who train and do combat sports - beat Ray Mercer a few years ago. Frans Botha did ok but apparently had some kickboxing background before going into MMA.

Bottom line - in a boxing match a boxer will almost always beat a similar level MMA fighter. In an MMA fight an MMA guy will almost always beat a similar level boxer.

We should all support our fighters in either sport who put their a** on the line and climb in the ring. Whites rule in both sports and we should all be proud.

But if you have kids or nieces/nephews/younger friends, try to direct them to train for MMA or at least pair the boxing with a ground combat like wrestling or Brazilian Jiu Jitsu as most real fights go to the ground.

The Sylvia-Mercer fight illustrates the one way where boxers can defeat an MMA fighter - to KO them before they get off a kick or take the fight to the ground.
Good points LL.Not to be a keyboard kommando/internet hard@$$, but I honestly believe I beat Bimbo Slice if I had a good 3-4 months to get back in shape & get my wrestling & stand-up/MTKB solid. At 6'8 with a XL frame...I'm alot bigger, stronger than Bimbo with a purple-belt in BJJ. I trained Muay Thai KB 3 years (back in the 90s) & have "101" knowledge of freestyle & catch wrestling & krav maga. I definitely would take Bimbo to the mat & work my BJJ/wrestling & GnP to finish Bimbo. If I was 8-10 years younger, I would go into MMA full-bore.Edited by: DixieDestroyer
Maybe it's just because I have recently become aware of this politically correct state we live in, but is it just me or are the skinhead/ racist insults getting more common? I get called a skinhead on an almost daily basis for statements such as, "Austen Collie led the NCAA in receiving yards,""MMA is awesome,""white people are the biggest/tallest race,""etc." I'm sure the Miss California girl was called one in numerous Jewish households and by many liberal females, and so was Officer Crawley, Jeremy Shockey. Basically any white with balls. It's no longer an insult to me.
Interesting clip. Arum's comments are quite revealing of the anti-white thinking of a lot of Jews in boxing, and no doubt other fields as well.

I'm surprised he hasn't caught flack from the PC crowd for his "roll around the ground like homosexuals" remark.

And besides, I'm sure we've all had to endure the sight of two blubbery out of shape heavyweight boxers leaning on each other and clinching like two sloppy drunks enjoying their last slow dance before closing time.

Arum's on his way out. He brings to mind another bitter old Jew, Howard Cosell, who just got nastier and nastier toward the end of his life.Edited by: The Hock
There was a match years ago that pitted caste legend Muhammad Ali vs Japanese wrestler Antonio Inoki that proved to me that Boxers are not all they are cracked up to be. I was a pretty big fan of boxing growing up, and I now enjoy MMA much more for that fact that they are more complete fighters. As a kid I remember seeing the video of that old fight that happened in 1976, and thinking that Ali looked like a fish out of water. Here was a guy that was supposed to be the greatest fighter in the world from all the hype I heard and he didn't know how to handle Inoki basically just doing leg sweeps and laying on the groud, kicking Ali when he tried to come in close. Ali looked like a fool, especially after he had the rules changed so that Inoki couldn't use his wrestling. He looked like a one dimensional bum. That was my first souring on the supposed superiority of boxers hyped by the media. The next came when seeing Mike Tyson who I had been led to believe was the baddest man on the planet, get destroyed by tomato can Buster Douglass and then seeing both their careers go down the toilet shortly after. The next blow was seeing how the media kept hyping these overrated black fighters in the hopes of creating the next Tyson. The final blow was seeing my first UFC event and just being blown away by the spectacle. It wasn't too pretty at first, often more like a tough man competition at times, but it was fun and different to the lazy, boring crap that boxing was producing. I remember Gracie being able to submit guys sometimes twice his size who looked like they could kill him with one punch and remember thinking, this MMA stuff is the real deal. As UFC started to evolve and become more of the polished product that it was today, I was completely hooked and could now care less about boxing other than to see our fighters do well. Arum can take his anti-white sentiments and his dying, dirty, organized crime controlled business and stick them both up his Jew ass for all I care. All these dirty boxing promoters are the ones who have to lie and attack MMA. MMA can just sit back and laugh at boxing, since people are turning away because they no longer believe that boxers are the toughest and best overall fighters in the world. Edited by: Bear Backer
Hey Dixie -

Spot on, they would definitely demonize our cause, but at least they are spitting venom at a group that opposes our interests as well.

Speaking of the South African issue, I know two South African men, both of outstanding character, one of whom was agood professional boxer in the 80's; the other an outstanding amature, that fought and lived through that terrible communist and terrosist takeover. I've learned alot about what actually happened over there,none of which was, of course,reiterated inmy high school and college education.
Liverlips said:
We should all support our fighters in either sport who put their a** on the line and climb in the ring. Whites rule in both sports and we should all be proud.

Yeah, that's the bottom line.

Boxing and MMA are my favorite sports. I like boxing a little bit more- don't ask me why... I don't know. There's a certain degree of subjectivity regarding the sports we like. I can hardly watch other sports, partly because they're depressing, and partly because boxing and MMA are more visceral, more exciting, than other sports. I can only take other sports in small doses. I'll watch the most important events for a few sports: Olympics, some T&F events, NCAA Wrestling Championships, etc. I'll also watch some highlights on ESPNews, usually in the background when I'm on the computer. The baseball highlights are pretty good, but man do the NBA and NFL highlights suck!

I checked out the T&F board during the World Championships... damn was that depressing. I'd rather not set myself up for constant disappointment. So boxing and MMA are not only exciting, but they also deliver a lot of positive results for us. Sweet.
JD074 said:
I checked out the T&F board during the World Championships... damn was that depressing. I'd rather not set myself up for constant disappointment. So boxing and MMA are not only exciting, but they also deliver a lot of positive results for us. Sweet.

That is partly my fault. WL and I tend to talk mainly about the short sprints like the 100/200 and 400m. But other than that, white athletes owned. Swept the medals in the high jump, pole vault, javelin, shot put, discus, etc. We medaled in the long jump, 400m, and had 2 decathlon medals including the gold, the winner being the American Trey Hardee who ran 10.45 in the 100. Just like quarterback in the NFL, if blacks could do any of those events other than the 100/200/400 worth a damn, you can bet your ass we would've found them. We also made the finals in the 200, and had 2 finallists in the 400, one being one of the best ever Jeremy Wariner. We do all of this in a tainted sport where you can bet the annual perennial cheaters are the US of A, Jamica, and the Carribean. Against all odds, whites still show they are the best all-around athletes. In fact, has a 100% black ever won a decathlon in its history? I don't think so. There is a good Cuban one now though.

Throw in the mix of rugby and soccer in the Olympics, and you can add all of these sports to MMA and boxing in terms of white skill, although there is definitely so much more out there who have "discovered" they cannot be the Great Tiger Woods, Usain Bolt, or Muhammad Ali.

In short, if you know what to look for, you will see how blatant it is how badly we own in every sport not American (and therefore fake) or Carribean (because they either cheat in Jamaica or in the US college system). No reason to be depressed.
DixieDestroyer said:
Good points LL.Not to be a keyboard kommando/internet hard@$$, but I honestly believe I beat Bimbo Slice if I had a good 3-4 months to get back in shape & get my wrestling & stand-up/MTKB solid. At 6'8 with a XL frame...I'm alot bigger, stronger than Bimbo with a purple-belt in BJJ. I trained Muay Thai KB 3 years (back in the 90s) & have "101" knowledge of freestyle & catch wrestling & krav maga. I definitely would take Bimbo to the mat & work my BJJ/wrestling & GnP to finish Bimbo. If I was 8-10 years younger, I would go into MMA full-bore.

Yeah, actually had you in mind when I wrote that, Dixie. If you had a year of straight training with Bas Rutten (like Slice did) I'm sure you would have produced much more than that glass-jawed clown.
Liverlips said:
DixieDestroyer said:
Good points LL.Not to be a keyboard kommando/internet hard@$$, but I honestly believe I beat Bimbo Slice if I had a good 3-4 months to get back in shape & get my wrestling & stand-up/MTKB solid. At 6'8 with a XL frame...I'm alot bigger, stronger than Bimbo with a purple-belt in BJJ. I trained Muay Thai KB 3 years (back in the 90s) & have "101" knowledge of freestyle & catch wrestling & krav maga. I definitely would take Bimbo to the mat & work my BJJ/wrestling & GnP to finish Bimbo. If I was 8-10 years younger, I would go into MMA full-bore.

Yeah, actually had you in mind when I wrote that, Dixie. If you had a year of straight training with Bas Rutten (like Slice did) I'm sure you would have produced much more than that glass-jawed clown.

Thanks amigo. Slice might have heavier hands, but I have the size, strength & BJJ/wrestling advantage. I (too) have been in alotta street/bar brawls & can take a decent punch. I have thought about doing some amatuer MMA, but don't have the time I need to invest to get my cardio, striking, etc. to that level (against alot younger dudes). If someone offered a contract or big payday, I'd love to go for though!
Slice as I recall lost one of his "street fights" to a white police officer. I watched the fight on youtube and that cop sure was tough.
WA33, it was Sean "The Cannon" Gannon who beat Bimbo Lice in 1 of his last "bare knuckle" fights. Bimbo's entourage kept saying no kicks, etc. Gannon actually fought MMA (lost to Branden Lee Hinkle at UFC 55), and looked out of shape against Slice...yet still won. I'll be real interested in how Slice does on TUF. If he fights a sub expert or GnP wrestler, he's toast. If he fights someone looking to stand (with a glass chin), he may win a fight or 2.
StarWars said:
That is partly my fault. WL and I tend to talk mainly about the short sprints like the 100/200 and 400m. But other than that, white athletes owned.

Yeah, I guess I should've said "track," not "T&F." Obviously we do well in everything other than sprinting, but the lack of white success in the 100, 200, and hurdles is a little annoying. And now Wariner being the second best in the 400m is pretty disappointing. And it would be nice to see some first place finishes in the long jump, as well. You're right that we do well overall, but... I guess the grass is always greener on the other side. Perhaps it's human nature to want what we can't have.

In short, if you know what to look for, you will see how blatant it is how badly we own in every sport not American (and therefore fake) or Carribean (because they either cheat in Jamaica or in the US college system). No reason to be depressed.

I'm not. A little hyperbole on my part. I don't get as emotional as I did three or four years ago. But simply avoiding certain things, or checking it out briefly on ESPNews or as "background" while I'm on the computer, are easy ways to reduce the small amount of irritation that still remains when I see the lack of white RB's, sprinters, etc. It's worth it, for me anyway.
Im thinking! maybe they would like for white fans to turn away from boxing. but why? i know that guys like arum and don king are hurting! they can't win the bidding wars for the big heavyweight fights over germany. so maybe they would like for u.s fans to start going to mma fights
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