Hall of Famer
I wasn't sure whether to place this in the UFC/MMA Forum or boxing, since the clip (below) contains alotta boxing commentary. Basically, boxing promoter (& Jew) Bob Arum rips on MMA fans/fighters saying the fans are White skinheads & the fighters have no skill or chins. He also says MMA fighters roll around like homosexuals...I guess he's an expert on that!
While Arum was on the money in "dissin" Floyd "Prettymouth" Mayweather (& the reference to "shooting up cars"
), he's waaaay off the mark on MMA.MMA takes much more skill than boxing, as fighters must train kicks (throwing & defending), knees, wrestling (take-downs, take-down defense) and submissions (BJJ or sambo). While boxers are better pure punchers, MMA fighters are far more complete (all-around). Ironically, the jew interviewer takes Arum to task for his inaccuracy & calls him out for his obvious envy of MMA (& the UFC's skyrocketing growth). Arum is another crooked boxing promoter ripping MMA/UFC out of sheer jealously.
Bob Arum Calls UFC/MMA Fans/Fighters "White Skinheads", Disses FightersEdited by: DixieDestroyer

While Arum was on the money in "dissin" Floyd "Prettymouth" Mayweather (& the reference to "shooting up cars"

Bob Arum Calls UFC/MMA Fans/Fighters "White Skinheads", Disses FightersEdited by: DixieDestroyer