blacks in boxing

PitBull said:

Could you elaborate on your views of AMREN? I read the articles there quite
frequently. Its occurred to me once or twice that someone could be tracking
these sites on the internet, and who frequents them. Is this what you are
talking about?

Yeah, I have been suspicious of American Renaissance in the past as well. If either you or the Colonel have any updated information on that site's credibility, don't hesitate to post it, or send me a private message. I'm VERY curious.
Freedom1, yeah, I think a majority of the usual suspects are in the tribe, or are given their marching orders by the tribe. Then there's the group who feel they can gain or maintin power by going along. The tribe works as an organized group amongst atomized whites. Amongst themselves they pat each other on the back for their 'superior intellect' - but deep down they know it isn't true. That's why they fight so hard to stop Whites who begin to organize. Look at the part the media played in creating the caste system, the opinions needed to get it going, the brainwashing done to whites.

As for "Amren" - I have gotten the impression that Jared Taylor was compromised in some fashion. Sure, some feel he is using a good tactic, trying not to antagonize the people in control, but some of what they pull over there (as in censoring posts, etc.) comes off as if he's been told to let things only go so far - to let the site be used to give the impression people are waking up, the impression they have somewhere to go, but in reality, keep them talking about certain problems without discussing the reasons, the origins of the problems. Yes, it's very possible they collect info, but you can bet that's done to every site out there. It's not hard to do.

With the cracks showing in parts of the caste system, it's time to step up the attacks. When in conversation with people, try and steer them toward some logical conclusions about things, steer them toward some facts. People feel things are 'off' in many areas, they are ripe.
My opinion has changed on Amren over the last couple of years. It still a good source for some racial type articles. But, it may just serve the purpose of deflecting many people who see the obvious racial pandering going to the neocon agenda. Everyday there is an article that is anti-muslim. I have never seen anything that is anti-jew or anti-Israel, or for that matter anti-war. Lot of old time conservatives get easily swayed to the neocon agenda when Jewish supremacy is left out of the discussion.
Man, just reading the last few posts has made realize the larger battle you guys are fighting here. I apologize to anyone I've offended, Captain, Colonel or anyone else.

I'll tell ya, if the establishment is planning to come after people with the info they've gotten from internet data mining, I personally am doomed.
great reading, guys! Colonel, your info is very enlightening. and as Don said, it's nice having you back.
I've been reading post on this website for about six months now and agree with alot of observations made by almost everyone. I find it very difficult to add anything to the discussion that hasn't been discussed over and over. I can tell that certain people have really done their research, particularly Colonel Callan. I think most intelligent people know there are genetic tendencies which help certain races in athletic events, but they are so small that I don't think it really matters. Whites being excluded from certain positions in sports is a process that has been going on since intergration came about in the late 1960s, and as bad as I hate to admit it some of it is our own fault. White parents shuttled their children off to private schools so they wouldn't have to go to school with blacks. Blacks had alot of the high profile public schools to themselves, and that's who gets all the attention from recruiters and the media. White parents also started getting their kids involved in soccer, golf,and other sports which black kids didn't participate in because of lack of interest or opportunity. Whites lost probably two generations of potentialy great white athletes to these sports. No disrespect meant to these sports. It may take two generations of kids to turn the trend around. Most white kids I come into contact with truly believe blacks are faster and can jump higher, so they play other sports like the ones I mentioned. Whites are so caught up in guilt it makes them feel better to see blacks excel. I call it a form of racial reparations without paying any money. How sad. I think websites like this can help as long as it sticks with the facts and not alot of raciist comments and there is a difference. I have just one last comment to make. What's with the anti jewish comments I keep reading?
Why is pointing out any jewish culpability in some of this mess sports (and the West in general) anti-jewish?

Take a good look at the media, at academia, at the gatekeepers in sports. The infamous quote from Israel Cohen shows that they were shooting for certain goals for a long time: "We must realize that our party's most powerful weapon is racial tensions. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavor to instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negros. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause."

Israel Cohen, A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century, 1912. Also in the Congressional Record, Vol. 103, p. 8559, June 7, 1957 top of page

Is it anti-semitic to mention things like this? What do you call the people who have such plans and thoughts about whites? What's the word for their hate?
I don't know if I agree with you, Colonel, in all regards. My take on jewish
negrophilia (which is by no means common amongst the jews I've met,
but then again, I'm just a regular joe), is that jews don't see themselves as
whites--they see themselves as jews, as an oppressed minority, mainy at
the hands of european christians. As such, they identify with blacks.
They look very carefully at how minorities in general are being treated,
because they fear that is how they too will be treated. So they are
vigorous on the issues of civil rights. They are willing to look the other
way in order that no disfavor be shown toward minorities, including
themselves, for this reason. When you combine this with the marxist
mental disease, you get reverse racism against whites.

Also, many jews (and oher white liberals) seem to have this parental
attitude toward blacks, as if they must protect them from failing, because
this means that racist attitudes are correct, and as such, other anti-
semitic attitudes would be tolerated as well. I think it is much less an
active plot than a general consensus or mindset of liberalism at the
highest levels of media.

My take on why so many rich people are liberal is that they know that
they are not much better than the rest of us, just lucky. Many make a lot
of money while doing little work, and they rightly feel a bit guilty about it.
And also a bit superior. So they try to impress one another with how
altruistic they can be, and preach to the rest of us. All too often the
recipients of such largesse are simply failures who destroy themselves,
not people who really have caught a bad break. But the rich aren't really
concerned about that. All they know is that charity relieves some of the
guilt and makes them feel good.

If integration fails, then the jews who pushed it so strongly will be blamed
too. People are going to look around and find someone to blame. And
the last people who want to be blamed for things falling apart are the

My take is integration will really fall apart in the next 10-15 years. The
Baby Boomers retirement fiasco will ensure that--we don't have the
money. A lot of good jobs will continue to be shipped overseas and
foreigners shipped in. The middle class will be mightily squeezed. And
when most middle america and the retirees feel the really ugly pain, AA
will finally be dismantled, no matter what the blacks do. Whites will be
desperate to survive, I think. Then the jews will be in trouble too. Hard
times will end it.

You may be right. I'm not sure about all of this, and I'm trying to find out
how it all actually works. So feel free to pick me apart, if you think I've
got it wrong.
No harm in disagreeing Pitbull! No need to pick anything apart.
I don't believe for a second the jewish rationale that they fight the system
to right past wrongs, in that I have seen them use this 'excuse' of past
oppression before. However, it doesn't wash. It is a line of excuses and
reasoning designed to make those who 'notice' believe that there is no
malevolence in actions which may seem anti-social or unfriendly to the
'host' society. Keep in mind they actually segregated themselves most of
the time in old Europe and throughout history. Their religion proclaims all
non-jews to be animals, cattle... goyim. We're in human form so as not to
disgust them too much. We are here to serve them. Go look up their
sacred 'prayer', their 'oath', the Kol Nidre. This is the foundation for their
business practices, as most are not religious per se, but they follow
certain patterns of thinking, beliefs and behavior. They are far more
'hive-like' in their mindset than whites.
However, I digress. I believe there is evil intent and incredible
malevolence behind their workings as an overall group. I say group to cut
off the anticipated remarks about the 'regular Joe' jewish guy who's a nice
fella... etc. That type of defense can be used with any group. On topic, the
jews are not protective of blacks, they use blacks. Blacks were used as a
weapon to help destabalize the country in the 1960's, during the 'civil
rights era'. Other minorities are used as 'cover', in that an area that has
no true majority makes jews feel 'safer' - as in feeling safer to conduct
whatever shenanigans they wish as an organized group while everyone
else is at each other's throats. This is why they work so hard against any
and all organized pro-white groups and organizations. They want whites
atomized. The jews ran the "Russian Revolution" top to bottom. When
they gained control in Russia, they moved huge numbers of different
ethnic groups around the USSR in order to keep different areas unstable.
That's their tactic, which is why they are behind massive legal and illegal
immigration into the US and Europe. We are their only competition, and
they know we are more creative. Look into the history of the Immigration
Act of 1965. Ted Kennedy was the 'useful idiot', the sponsor. But the bill
itself was written by jews, for jewish aims and goals. Period. They did the
same in Australia and G.B. But it's just because they've been discriminated
against, right? You'd be hard pressed to find a group that is more
discriminating against 'others' besides jews.

I worked in the media with them for years. There is nothing anyone can
tell me about their behavior to make me change my mind in terms of
their conscious desire to 'screw things up' for whites. I know what I saw,
what I witnessed, what I experienced. It would literally fill a book if I sat
down and wrote about how many of the worst stereotypes had come to
life, the incredible self-deception, lying, hypocrisy I saw almost every day.
There were some good individuals, but as a group their behavior was
horrendous and so classless most people would be stunned. Some people
jump and make fun of 'conspiracy theorists'. You don't need a conspiracy,
just a group of people working together to achieve a desired goal. Whites
are independent, jews move like a school of fish. This is why they control
so much.

They are fully aware of what they are doing, and it has nothing to do with
any persecution in the past. It has to do with control, jealousy and an
acquisitive make-up that they seemingly have little control over - which
is why things always fall apart on them at some point. We are merely
seeing history repeat itself in some ways, but on a much larger scale.

BTW, I wouldn't put too much into jewish claims of being only 2 - 3% of
the US population and elsewhere. One look at their numbers in certain
fields, school admissions, population totals in different cities shows their
numbers approach triple what is claimed, never mind so-called 'crypto-
jews' like Madeline Albright or Wesley Clark. They work hard on their
children to make them feel 'different' from those around them, because it
helps their group cohesiveness. Whites need to do the same thing - with
all the non-whites flooding into the US and Europe, this can be more
easily accomplished. The 'others' can be pointed out - point blank.

Too much rambling on this again. It's supposed to be about blacks in
boxing. I think their confidence isn't what it was. Sure, they talk it up
against US whites, but you can see them not looking quite so sure when
stepping in against fighters from Europe, especially against E. Europeans.
It's refreshing, to say the least.

Sorry for any typos, it's late, and I'm tired.
mark b. said:
I have just one last comment to make. What's with the anti jewish comments I keep reading?

This discussion took a bit of a larger political turn, but that's OK. If you believe the caste system in sports exists you then have to believe that it is aided and perpetuated in large part to the media and other influences in our society. Certainly you can not disagree that the media in the US is controlled in large part by jews who push their own agenda. If you doubt that then just look at how the Iraq war was pushed. Just look at the treatment that Jimmy Carter gets when he writes a book about peace in Palestine. Just look at the treatment any public person in the US gets when they question any of Israel's policies in the Middle East. For the first time in America it has actually become politically correct to attack a minority in the media - muslims. Ever wonder why?

Last Novemeber the American people basically voted against the Iraq war. Barely a word of discussion in all of those political elections about the influence Israel has had in getting us into that war. Both political parties are scared to death to criticize Israel even if it means they get voted out. Maybe we point out the Jewish influence on an internet discussion board because it is the one place that we are still free to do so.
Good post Kaptain. Any other remarks along these lines I'll post in the
lounge. An old saying sums it all up; Ask yourself who you are not allowed
to criticize, then you will know who is charge.
You know, I think it'll piss people off, but I think the Jews are smarter. They're not smarter in performance, but they're smarter verbally, and that's good enough. It allows them to dominate media, entertainment, law and business. I used to study the bible, and have been thinking back about what I learned.

The first Jew was named Judah. The whole tribe of Judah came from him. Abraham had a son named Isaac, Isaac had a son named Jacob and Jacob had 12 sons, one named Judah. Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were not Jews (as the Jews would have you believe). They came before the Jews. The first place the term "Jew" is mentioned in the bible is II Kings 16:6 (KJV). When the brothers were going to kill Joseph, it was Judah who came up with the idea to sell him to the Egyptians. The very first Jew was concerned about money. I mean, being money hungry is in their genes. Note, Jacob's name was later changed to "Israel." Israel became the name of the united tribes. All Jews are Israelites, but not all Israelites are Jews, the same way all Californians are Americans, but not all Americans are Californians.

The brothers grew into individual tribes in the united nation of Israel. Judah was in the south. After Solomon died, the nation divided into northern and southern kingdoms. Jerusalem was the capital of the south, Samaria, the north. The northern kingdom was conquered ~715 BC by the Assyrians. The Assyrians moved the northern tribes out of their territory and no one knows to this day knows exactly where they ended up (II Kings 17:6). A good portion of the Levites (the priestly tribe) and some of Benjamin and Simeon remained with Judah in the south. The Jews were very legalistic and maintained their rituals and in fact added to them. Jesus spent the whole chapter of Matthew 23 railing against the Pharisees, many of whom were direct descendants of the priests for their hypocracy, legalism and unrighteousness. Jesus told them they were going to burn. They didn't like this, and well, you know the story of what happened to Jesus.

The southern kingdom of Judah, now the only Israelites left in the area were ultimately conquered and driven out of the land by the Babylonians ~536 BC. Over the years, many came back to the land and mixed with Khazars, some migrated into Europe. They were different from the northern tribes in that they maintained their identity, their separateness. They rose to the top in the societies they moved to because of their business acumen and dirty dealing. Many times the local populations would ultimately throw them out. The writings in their later religious books consider the rest of humanity to be subhuman, e.g., the Talmud.

There's no doubt that they rise to the top. They were behind communism (still are), Zionism and run the current neocon cabal that is sending our sons and daughters off to die in the Middle East. They're at the highest levels of world finance. They're always on the receiving end of money that comes from vice, especially pornography. The Rothschild's get a cut of every financial transaction that's made on earth. They are the most racist people on earth. Israel is an abjectly apartheid state. I can see why some people who post on this website hate them.

I would suspect the Jews have a flat bell curve similar to whites, meaning that some of the smartest people ever born have been Jews.
Jewish verbal intelligence ( this only applies to Ashkenazi or European Jews ) may be a result of natural selection. In Europe jews were barred from owning land. So they could not make a living as farmers. Metal working , no balcksmiths and most other trades. The jobs left open to them were medicine ( vey close to witchcraft in Med. europe) law and finance ( their is also a biblical passage about not charging usury on money ). So those with out high verbal ability starved and did not get the opportunity to pass their genes on. Interesting enough European jews (ashkenazi)get upset if one their kids wants to may a sephardic ( middle eastern jew )
I always believed the average higher IQ's of Jews was somewhat questionable.Certainly,if you look at comparative studies drawn up on the average IQ's of the nations of the world Israel which is considered a European nation for some reason and wants to join the European union ,lags behind quite abit from other European country's despite Israel's status as the world's only racial state.Israel's average is surprisingly low.Hindu's and Sikh's produce populations of very intelligent people also, but its certainly not reflected in the population of India as a whole.More the result of class status,strong ethnic identity and eugenic marriage and breeding practice over generations. Israeli's are very fortunate to have a country like Israel built on racial inclusivness as they unlike White Western children in the US and Western Europe are free from the damaging effects of multiculturalism,being stripped of racial and cultural identity in a non cohesive cosmopolitan chaos and free from diseugenic breeding patterns.Sikh's and Hindu's have similar society's as do the Chinese and Japanese.Its when you know this that you realise the exploitation and shafting Whites are getting and if this trend continues the White I.Q will be reduced and the aforementioned groups will lead the world economically and intellectually.That probably serves as the reason behind the Jewish role in subjecting Whites to these damaging ideologies.They know more than anyone the advantage they'll children have attending high performing ethnocentric school's compared to the average White child growing up sorrounded by a culture of Hip Hop music and thug wannabes.They can then send their children to the best university's which can only increase their power in the long run.
Yes, there's a signnificant difference between the Ashkenazi (European) Jews and the Sephardim (Middle Eastern) Jews. I speculate that this difference exists because the Sephardim aren't as pure in their lineage.
In his book, IQ and the Wealth of Nations, Richard Lynn reports that the nation of Israel has an average IQ of 94.
Tired Old White points out that many of the Jews who were willing to farm and work in trades were wiped out because of the European laws against them, another reason we have this glut of Jewish merchants, doctors, lawyers and MBAs.
In ancient Israel, the Levites were the priestly class. They didn't own land. They mediated the temple worship, were the judges, taught the law, etc. It's my understanding that the Southern Kingdom was loaded with them and many went down there before the Assyrians deported all the northern tribes. They were like a superior group within the superior group. Many of the Hasids today trace their roots back to Levi. I remember growing up near a Jewish enclave in Milwaukee. These "special" kids would get yelled at for even playing anywhere near us gentile scum.
I think jews got control of the media, politics, and other outlets from lies, doublecrossing and backstabbing...but thats just me
For what it's worth, Richard Lynn's most recent IQ studies ranked Germany, Holland, and Poland as the countries with the highest IQ's. (Yes, the Palookas can think as well as box!). (And yes, Israel still lagged behind, though it was ahead of the African and most South American nations).

Great, honest, and fearless posts, everybody, on the Jewish question. It's a legitimate issue to discuss in both politics and sports.

I think that they key point of control is the educational system. If you control that you pretty much control everything. You can make sure that your people get most of the scholarships, go to special schools, the elite journalism/Business school/grad school...Then you make sure that the rest of us go to poor quality, maximally integrated schools. (The huge campaign against segregated schools, was an attack against a white strength---that sense of ourselves as a distinct community with our own neighborhoods and culture. It succeeded all too well, turning normal tendencies of like-to-like association into violations of "civil rights.")

And, if there's extra academic scholarship money left over, give it to some Indian, Pakistani, or Korean, not to some promising white kid from Southie. And of course, steer all the athletic scholarships to the blacks.

I agree with the Colonel's claim that jewish helping of the blacks flows more from cold-eyed self-interested calculation, rather than from altruism or a fear of themselves being victimized.

I would like to discuss this issue (as well as Amren) further, but perhaps the Lounge is a better section for that.

Anyway, the openness of Caste Football to discussion of this issue is much appreciated.
Jew's are successful because they work as a group at everything. Whites are independent and atomized. They have to be angered or under extreme pressure to organize and act like jews (which is how the Nazis came about). It's less a question of intelligence and more an issue of group psychology. Look at Lynn's work. Average jewish IQ is no greater than that of Germans, Poles, etc. But the way they think is different, very much wrapped up in their group, scared of 'the other'. The trusting nature of whites is what they have taken advantage of time and time again.

I thought this was about blacks and boxing! :)
Does anyone have any information on Israel Cohen? Who was he? Where was he from?He wasn't lisited in Wikipedia
Colonel Callan said:
I don't believe for a second the jewish rationale that they fight the system
to right past wrongs, in that I have seen them use this 'excuse' of past
oppression before. However, it doesn't wash. It is a line of excuses and
reasoning designed to make those who 'notice' believe that there is no
malevolence in actions which may seem anti-social or unfriendly to the
'host' society. Keep in mind they actually segregated themselves most of
the time in old Europe and throughout history. Their religion proclaims all
non-jews to be animals, cattle... goyim. We're in human form so as not to
disgust them too much. We are here to serve them. Go look up their
sacred 'prayer', their 'oath', the Kol Nidre. This is the foundation for their
business practices, as most are not religious per se, but they follow
certain patterns of thinking, beliefs and behavior. They are far more
'hive-like' in their mindset than whites.
However, I digress. I believe there is evil intent and incredible
malevolence behind their workings as an overall group. I say group to cut
off the anticipated remarks about the 'regular Joe' jewish guy who's a nice
fella... etc. That type of defense can be used with any group. On topic, the
jews are not protective of blacks, they use blacks. Blacks were used as a
weapon to help destabalize the country in the 1960's, during the 'civil
rights era'. Other minorities are used as 'cover', in that an area that has
no true majority makes jews feel 'safer' - as in feeling safer to conduct
whatever shenanigans they wish as an organized group while everyone
else is at each other's throats. This is why they work so hard against any
and all organized pro-white groups and organizations. They want whites
atomized. The jews ran the "Russian Revolution" top to bottom. When
they gained control in Russia, they moved huge numbers of different
ethnic groups around the USSR in order to keep different areas unstable.
That's their tactic, which is why they are behind massive legal and illegal
immigration into the US and Europe. We are their only competition, and
they know we are more creative. Look into the history of the Immigration
Act of 1965. Ted Kennedy was the 'useful idiot', the sponsor. But the bill
itself was written by jews, for jewish aims and goals. Period. They did the
same in Australia and G.B. But it's just because they've been discriminated
against, right? You'd be hard pressed to find a group that is more
discriminating against 'others' besides jews.

I worked in the media with them for years. There is nothing anyone can
tell me about their behavior to make me change my mind in terms of
their conscious desire to 'screw things up' for whites. I know what I saw,
what I witnessed, what I experienced. It would literally fill a book if I sat
down and wrote about how many of the worst stereotypes had come to
life, the incredible self-deception, lying, hypocrisy I saw almost every day.
There were some good individuals, but as a group their behavior was
horrendous and so classless most people would be stunned. Some people
jump and make fun of 'conspiracy theorists'. You don't need a conspiracy,
just a group of people working together to achieve a desired goal. Whites
are independent, jews move like a school of fish. This is why they control
so much.

They are fully aware of what they are doing, and it has nothing to do with
any persecution in the past. It has to do with control, jealousy and an
acquisitive make-up that they seemingly have little control over - which
is why things always fall apart on them at some point. We are merely
seeing history repeat itself in some ways, but on a much larger scale.

BTW, I wouldn't put too much into jewish claims of being only 2 - 3% of
the US population and elsewhere. One look at their numbers in certain
fields, school admissions, population totals in different cities shows their
numbers approach triple what is claimed, never mind so-called 'crypto-
jews' like Madeline Albright or Wesley Clark. They work hard on their
children to make them feel 'different' from those around them, because it
helps their group cohesiveness. Whites need to do the same thing - with
all the non-whites flooding into the US and Europe, this can be more
easily accomplished. The 'others' can be pointed out - point blank.

Too much rambling on this again. It's supposed to be about blacks in
boxing. I think their confidence isn't what it was. Sure, they talk it up
against US whites, but you can see them not looking quite so sure when
stepping in against fighters from Europe, especially against E. Europeans.
It's refreshing, to say the least.

Sorry for any typos, it's late, and I'm tired.

Great post!

I've been reading through the old threads, and found this post. I hadn't realized anybody else here really understood who the creators of the caste system are, and why they do it. I hope to see more from Colonel Callan in the months to come.
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