Blacks cheat and win.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
This story typifies the cowardice of many Whites. The Negroes in this story should have been disqualified for their actions andtossed out.

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Towson U. Debaters Take National Championship
<DIV align=left>Nick Madigan, Baltimore Sun, March 26, 2008

The two members of Towson University's debate team happily accepted congratulations yesterday after winning a national championshipâ€â€￾the Cross Examination Debate Association's five-day tournament in Wichita, Kan.â€â€￾and making history by being the first African-Americans to do so.


But what made the duo's achievement not only remarkable but groundbreaking was that they had turned debate traditions upside down deciding not to argue their chosen topicâ€â€￾whether the United States "should constructively engage with a Middle East country." Instead, in a direct challenge to the judges and the system under which they operate, the pair made their central premise the notion that, as Cooper said, "the problems of exclusion in the debate community need to be addressed first."

By that, Cooper said, he meant the "racism, sexism and homophobia" that pervade the kind of tournament at which they were speaking. "We have a responsibility to talk about these things," he said. "We talk about racism the most because it's the one we're most affected by. Even at awards banquets, they make jokes that the community laughs at, but the people who they affect don't laugh."

In addition, Cooper and Love used various forms of expression, including hip-hop, clips of songs and "spoken word," to accentuate their points, a far cry from the more straightforward, evidence-laden presentations of some of their competitors.


Sorry man, I know it's not funny, but these types of things just make me laugh anymore. Everyone but the blacks realize that the white folk just gave them the win because they don't want to be labeled racist or make any waves.

This type of thing is becoming more and more absurd by the day.
I'm not at the point of laughing at things like this yet, but other than that, I agree with you 100% Shogun. It is very absurd and shows the extent to which the poison of political correctness has taken effect.
Wow, this is becoming more like satire by the day. Next thing you know is that whites will be convinced that you are a racist if you don't vote for Obama.
The judges need to be publicly lambasted. Anyone that cowardly needs to be
disgraced. Even it's just internet posts that get forwarded to them. They're
so weak mentally that would even drive them over the edge.
Rise said:
Wow, this is becoming more like satire by the day. Next thing you know is that whites will be convinced that you are a racist if you don't vote for Obama.

I heard Glen Beck say that this morning on the radio, and who knows, it may be that way before it is over.
Yeah, I've listened toBeck a little bit andhe is pretty much just a mormon neo-con establishment shill. That's why I was surprised to hear him say that on the way into work today. I had read Colonel Callan's post just before leaving the house this morning and it was on my mind.

LabMan, the more I look into 9/11, the more it looks like a conspiracy. I won't speculate much beyond that, but Beck is an idiot and anyone who swallows anything the "gubmint" saysthese days without checking into it is severely lacking both intelligence and good judgement.

Just for the record, I never said I agree with Beck on anything, just that he made the same statement as theSenior Colonel did. Now if you want to bust my axe for listening to Beck in the first place, I reckon I'm fair game. I just believe the neo-cons are dangerous and I want to know what my enemy thinks and how he thinks it so I am better prepared to fight him and win.
"The Great Debaters" starring Denzel Washinton (overrated, but a good actor) and Forrest Whittaker (overrated, and just a fat guy) sucked.

Even worse than "Freedom Writers," starring everybody's favorite horse-face that isn't Julia Roberts, Hillary Swank.

Anyway, back on topic, this whole story reminds me of that scene in "Blow" where Johnny Depp's character is in court and rather than address the charges against him, he goes into this long tangent about American values and ideals.

The judge smirked at him and threw him in jail.
I listen to Beck pretty much every morning. Somethings he is a government shill, other things he is clearly libertarian or conservative, depending on the issue. 9/11, war on terror, definitely a neo-con. But economics, immigration, civil liberties, he is not a neo-con.

And off topic, but why does the word 'libert - arian' (no dash) get converted to 'liberwhite'?

Thanks for the fix, Don!
Edited by: White Shogun
White Shogun said:
And off topic, but why does the word 'libert - arian' (no dash) get converted to 'liberwhite'?

I just fixed it. If you edit and try again it should show up properly.
I was thinking that Beck thought Ron Paul was a kook. Some of the subtleties that Beck uses makes me think he might be more conservative than I give him credit for, but other times I think he's just one of the rest of the herd.
White Shogun said:

Everyone but the blacks realize that the white folk just gave them the win because they don't want to be labeled racist or make any waves.

This type of thing is becoming more and more absurd by the day.

That's a great point WS. The shameless acceptance of handouts motivated by "white guilt" (be they jobs, seats in prestigous schools or, in this case, victory in a collegiate debate) is a continual source of amazement to me. How can they take pride in such hollow accomplishments? The only thing I can think of is that they get more satisfaction out of giving whitey the finger than out of putting forth an honest effort and accepting the result like an adult.
Colonel_Reb said:
I was thinking that Beck thought Ron Paul was a kook. Some of the subtleties that Beck uses makes me think he might be more conservative than I give him credit for, but other times I think he's just one of the rest of the herd.

He did think Ron Paul was a kook, Reb. But he invited Paul to be on his show, and actually treated the man with respect. Much better than Paul was treated on Fox, that's for sure.

I obviously disagree with a lot of the opinions Beck expresses on his show, but his stance on immigration, for example, as well as home schooling, civil liberties, economics, etc, I find I am much in agreement. He has also been very outspoken about the Wright / Obama scandal, and has been pointing out the double standard that exists in this country. Plus, his show can be very humorous at times. If you haven't caught Moron Trivia on Friday mornings, I highly recommend it!
Beck is funny, no doubt about that. Thats why I turned on yesterday. He was having some sort of mock trial. I'll have to check out moron trivia, as this is the first time I've heard of it.
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