blacks charged with hate crime

Its about time. If these hate laws were enforced fairly , I predict confidently, that statistics would bear out that African Americans would actually be charged and convicted with these crimes at a much higher rate than all other races.
Just because no one replies to your post doesn't mean you did something wrong. Good article and good point.
It is irritating blacks manage to portray themselves as victims regardless of circumstances. One white woman slapped a black non-participant? The black student is afraid the residents of Bixby Knoll will retaliate? If only.

In Brazil that could happen. There wealthy (or at least prosperous) people, like those in Bixby Knoll, would hire the local police to carry out a bit of justice.

I wonder if Iranians and Arabs in greater L.A. will begin to do things like that.

Also, the media is very careful to emphasize that mere 'children' are the accused, when the worst damage was done by black males who would be treated as adults by the court.

Imagine having a block party, allowing everyone to come and enjoy it, and then being rewarded by this. But it's not the criminal's fault.