blacks are still the best boxers


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
when I go on youtube it makes me sick. Tons and tons of white kids claiming blacks are still the best boxers. They basically say to look at Lebron James and how athletic he is. They say if he was boxing he could destroy Klitschko but he chose basketball instead because there is more money in it. Supposedly the european champions would have no chance in the heavyweight division if dwayne wade choose boxing. I am absolutely sickened by this brainwashing of white kids. black kids are fiercly loyal to their race. Why aren't we?
White athlete wrote "black kids are fiercly loyal to their race. Why aren't we?"

Your average white person from the time they are walking on two legs are told by the media that they (the white man) are the spawn of satan. This notion gets reenforced at school where they are then taught about white retchedness. (take your pick of slavery, genocide against Indians, etc.)
Then the churches their parents go to (and donate money to as well by the way) reenforce what they heard at school and on T.V.
The communist called this saturation. The unmitigated bombardment of the human psyche with images, and quickspeak over a sustained period of time.

As to professional basketball players becoming heavyweight champs? I find that argument laughable.
Like I said in another post here on caste football. The marxist engineers who control virtually everything we see, and hear in the media are trying their best to cover up the white domination of the heavyweight division. Since they cannot totally cover it up (although they are trying their best) they offer a few lame excuses as to why we are witnessing this phenom.
I have been critical of the amount of athletic talent going into boxing, however, I don't understand the widespread and persistent idea that basketball players could be great boxers.

I am probably the only person in America who follows the NBA closely anymore, and I don't see much ability for boxing when I look at basketball players. There is not much crossover in the talents needed for those two sports. It's definitely football players who could more easily transition to boxing, and why would you choose football when baseball pays a lot more and is less dangerous?

While I'm sure I respect James a lot more than anybody else on the board, I also notice the annoying trend of people declaring that he would be the best athlete in any sport he wanted. It's simply not true.Edited by: nevada
nevada said:
While I'm sure I respect [Lebron] James a lot more than anybody else on the board, I also notice the annoying trend of people declaring that he would be the best athlete in any sport he wanted. It's simply not true.

They said the same thing about Michael Jordan, and we all know how baseball worked out for him.
whiteathlete33 said:
my point is why are white kids mocking their own race? what is wrong with them?

I think aussieaussie gave you the best explanation I can think of. See also JB Cash's most recent column ob Cultural Marxism.
whiteathlete33 said:
my point is why are white kids mocking their own race? what is wrong with them?

Your children have been brainwashed by the media into hating themselves. The media is owned and controlled by people who despise us. Although they are white themselves, they belong to a certain "group" whom I should not identify here (some say it's a religion, some say it's a race, they sometimes say they are a "people").

Teddy Atlas, Howard Cosell, Max Kellerman, Dan Wetzel as well as all the behind-the-scenes key people in the media are from this "group". Another famous one is Karl Marx. To ignore them is the equivalent of ignoring an elephant in a room - once you understand them, then much of what's been happening will make sense...Edited by: JD1986
This isn't exactly on point but I've always gotten a kick out of the superstars competition and how the "great athletes", while sometimes doing quite well, were just as likely to almost drown in the pool.

Men's Superstars® 1973 Bob Seagren, Pole Vault
1974 Kyle Rote, Jr., Soccer
1975 O.J. Simpson, Football
1976 Kyle Rote, Jr., Soccer
1977 Kyle Rote, Jr., Soccer
1978 Wayne Grimidth, Water Skiing
1979 Greg Pruitt, Football
1980 Charles White, Football
1981 Renaldo Nehemiah, 110 Hurdles
1982 Renaldo Nehemiah, 110 Hurdles
1983 Renaldo Nehemiah, 110 Hurdles
1984 Tom Petranoff, Javelin Throw
1985 Mark Gastineau, Football
1986 Renaldo Nehemiah, Football
1987 Herschel Walker, Football
1988 Herschel Walker, Football
1989 Willie Gault, Football
1990 Willie Gault, Football
1991 Kelly Gruber, Baseball
1992 Mike Powell, Long Jump
1993 Dave Johnson, Decathlon
1994 Dave Johnson, Decathlon
1998 Jason Sehorn, Football
1999 Jason Sehorn, Football
2000 Jason Sehorn, Football
2001 Hermann Maier, Alpine Skiing
2002 Bode Miller, Alpine Skiing
2003 Jeremy Bloom, Freestyle Skiing

World Superstars® 1977 Bob Seagren, Pole Vault
1978 Brian Budd, Soccer
1979 Brian Budd, Soccer
1980 Brian Budd, Soccer
1981 Jody Scheckter, Auto Racing
1982 Brian Hooper, Pole Vault

Jody Scheckter! WTF?
Jody Scheckter was from South Africa and was World Formula 1 Champion in 1979
These white you-tube posters are likely the baseball-cap-turning, baggy-pants-wearing, yo-talking, rap-listening, black wannabees. None of their arguements are worth a 2 words in reply.

But I will repeat the obvious:

...If blacks are absent in boxing because they are too busy playing football or basketball, then conversly whites should be absent in football and basketball because they are busy elsewhere. But these chumps cannot see THAT.
Also, most blacks that play football and basketball have never and will never play it professionally as only the fewest actually get through to the pro ranks.
So where's the rest of THEM? They could be boxing with their "natural athleticism" right, chumps?
When whites were absent from professional boxing why wasn't the Marxist media explaining their absence instead of perpetuating the myth that blacks were naturally better fighters? Answer that, chumps.
I started reading the thread..."Superstars" popped into my head, but I see "surfsider" beat me to it. One interesting aspect of "The Superstars Competition" wasn't just the fact that black NBA players couldn't win, it was how badly they performed in almost every event. That said, there was many a time ABC would stack things in order to have a black, any black, win. I can remember when Nolan Cromwell beat Renaldo Nehemiah in the obstacle course - breaking Nehemiah's "course record" in the process and the announcers weren't sure how to handle it.

The remarks about whites having been brainwashed to hate themselves are all too true.
Blacks also mature much quicker than white or asian people. When I was in school (8th grade) I noticed that most blacks had facial hair, were much bigger and more physically developed than many of the white kids. However, when I graduated at 17 years of age I grew another 1 1/2" that summer.

On my ten year high school reunion I noticed that the blacks who once towered over me didn't seem to be nearly as big as I remembered them. Maybe some of these posters are high school kids attending class with grown men and coming away with the false impression that because negroes mature faster they are somehow better athletes.
White Shogun said:
They said the same thing about Michael Jordan, and we all know how baseball worked out for him.

Yeah, I think that Michael Jordan's minor league baseball career and Charles Barkley's golf swing (ugh!) goes to show that athleticism in one sport doesn't necessarily translate to athleticism in another sport.

Also, the fact that they point to a muscular black athlete, like Lebron James, is no coincidence. These people see an athlete with dark skin and muscles and assume that he's a great athlete. That's why everyone just knew Lacy would crush Calzaghe, or that Miranda would crush Pavlik.
dkr77 said "Blacks also mature much quicker than white or asian people."

That is very true. Blacks do mature quicker than any other race from my personal experiences. I remember when I was in high school many of the blacks had go-tees and were basically adults. I also think the northern european specifically is the slowest to mature physically as well as mentally. That being said, I would also say that he continues to mature well into his mid to late twenties physically, and well into his 40-50's mentally. No disrespect to blacks but I think they stop maturing both physically and mentally at about 17-18.
"Blacks do mature quicker than any other race..."

The lower animals always mature faster. It is a phenomenon that has been known for centuries - Negro children are precocious, but when they reach adolescence their mental development quickly grinds to a halt.

I've also witnessed way too many self hating whites in America. This is all down to your pro ethnic minority media brainwashing the young and being a lefty when it comes to politics being made very cool. It's also far too easy to lable someone (a white person) a racist in the modern USA.