Black & White Grad Rate Disparity Grows

Of course it's never blacks that are to blame. Whitey is to blame for them being fat with all the fast food advertising we aim at them, whitey is to blame for their poverty because of institutional racism, and iq tests are racist as well.
Actually, if you look at things in their proper context it makes a lot of sense that more white athletes graduate than black athletes. Because of their "supposed" athletic superiority to whites, colleges are more willing to take black athletes and squeeze them through the system even if they have less than the ideal SAT score or GPA.
According the brilliant knowledge I have heard from some people, the reason blacks graduate less than their fellow white players is that blacks are superior athletes and all of them leave early to go to the NFL and NBA. Whites don't have academic scholarships, not athletic ones, and are only on the team to raise the team's GPA and graduation rate. They don't go to pro sports which are for blacks only, and graduate on time and get a normal job. Thus the disparity in the graduation rate.

Of course this is bunk because 50% of all black players are not leaving early to go to pro-sports. There just isn't enough room for them. They are leaving school due to not getting the job done academically. It's not like there aren't a million resources for them to succeed in the classroom. You can bring a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.

One thing that should be noted is the high numbers posted by Navy, Northwestern, Stanford and Air Force. Schools would do well to stop recruiting the bottom half of black players and replace them with any white players. That will improve their graduation rates dramatically. Those schools that were mentioned still have blacks, but they are just higher quality blacks and do well compared to the ghetto thugs that nearly all schools recruit.
It iz cuz da tests an' subjects iz racist an' classes iz not taught in ebonix. you know das right!
I would think that most people would expect the black graduation rates to be lower because blacks are dumber then whites. Black graduation rates are lower for every other class and group. Isn't that the whole idea of 'headstart', 'no child left behind' 'closing the racial gap' remedial courses etc.
U jus' be a race bater, jaxvid, fo shizzle!