Blacks are offended when we recognize their ethnicity, when we don't recognize their ethnicty, when we treat them just like Whites or when we treat them differently from Whites...
Very complicated. I'm glad I keep it simply by not giving a rat's arse whether or not they like me, in fact if they don't, means I'm probably doing my part.
Yeah, that really bears up my point though. Even the liberal-minded white people who go out of their way to be nice to blacks, to make excuses for black behavior, hell to allocate as much of the fruit of white labor to blacks as possible, the damn ******** STILL bite the hands that feed them and call these people "racist". Your average black does not give an F how much you like the or respect his race...the average black does NOT care if you or a member of your family were in the Civil Rights movement. No gratitude factor whatsoever.
How do you think I got such a hard-nosed attitude towards 'em in the first place?
Your right on those points White_Savage. If you live around many of them, you will come to realize it fairly quickly, that most don't care who you are or what you have done. If your white, your the enemy.