Black National Anthem?


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Just a matter of time before theBlack NationalAnthem becomesTHEanthem for this country.,2933,375164,00.html

Singer Opts for 'Black National Anthem' Over 'Star-Spangled Banner'

<STRONG _extended="true" itxtvisited="1">A jazz singer shocked some Denver residents after replacing the words to the national anthem with those of the "Black National Anthem" during the annual State of the City address this week.[/b]
Rene Marie was asked to sing "The Star-Spangled Banner" before Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper delivered the annual address on Tuesday. Instead, she sang the lyrics of "Lift Every Voice and Sing" â€â€￾ a hymn commonly referred to as the "Black National Anthem" â€â€￾ to the tune of the national anthem, reported. (snip)
I overheard someone call us the rainbow nation on the television last week.
All that talk of Black Nationalism is just that. Talk! Africant's the world over risk their very life to live in the white man's world. They make makeshift rafts to carry them across the Med Sea in the hopes of touching down on the shores of the Whiteman. They leave their own nations, their own people, their own wives, their own leaders, and their own children for the chance, just the slim chance that they may be able to set foot upon the beaches of the whiteman. If given the real choice of starting their own nation from scratch they would (in my opinion) decline in unison.I believe the reason why the African despises the whiteman is due to the fact that the negro KNOWS that he needs big white daddy to provide him with clothes on his back, a roof over his head, food in his belly, clean water to drink, etc,etc,etc. Now, I am sure there are some individual blacks that are more than capable of making their way through. However, put 100,000 of them on a island together, and within days they will be eating each other.Edited by: aussieaussie31

That about says it all. good post Sir.

Tom Iron...
I thought the black national anthem was was "Living in American" by James Brown. Rocky IV soundtrack.
I thought "soulja boy" was the black national anthem. Seriously though, why is it acceptable for people to have a "black America." Blacks are allowed to segregate themselves in our society, but whites are condemned for it.
Freedom said:
Seriously though, why is it acceptable for people to have a "black America." Blacks are allowed to segregate themselves in our society, but whites are condemned for it.

Classic double-standard from the vermin Marxist against us Whites. Every other ethnic group/race, etc. can stand up and verbalize their "pride", except for us Whites. The Globalist Elite know the superior White man poses the most danger tho their agenda & thus constantly seek to chop us down a peg (or 20). This the standard M.O. from the Internationalist scum & their controlled minions in the MSM, Hollyweird, etc.
Edited by: DixieDestroyer
I remember when I first heard this black national anthem. The summer I graduated from college, I worked at a summer camp for poor children. During the training session, someone suggested they sing this song. Everybody sang it, black and white. I was the only one who didn't song for I never heard this song before.
I went to a small college. There were blacks present. I learned three things about blacks: 1)Their parents made more than mine. 2)they received free tuition solely because their skin was darker than mine 3)They hated going to class.
My first thought was "What did they need an anthem for?" I just presumed that they couldn't handle the high notes in the Star Spangeled Banner. I still believe that.
screamingeagle said:
I remember when I first heard this black national anthem. The summer I graduated from college, I worked at a summer camp for poor children. During the training session, someone suggested they sing this song. Everybody sang it, black and white. I was the only one who didn't song for I never heard this song before.
I went to a small college. There were blacks present. I learned three things about blacks: 1)Their parents made more than mine. 2)they received free tuition solely because their skin was darker than mine 3)They hated going to class.
My first thought was "What did they need an anthem for?" I just presumed that they couldn't handle the high notes in the Star Spangeled Banner. I still believe that.

screamingeagle, great story about the summer camp. My high school had a large minority population, and I was a high profile figure in the school. At some event in the auditorium, they did the national anthem, pretty much everyone stood, then sat at the end.

Then the MC asked people to again stand for the negro national anthem. I encouraged my white classmates to not stand, and some didn't for the first couple lines, but they begrudgingly did because they didn't want to be accused of racism.

I was the only one that sat the whole time, and that was a big story around the school. Many of the white kids privately told me that I was their hero for taking a "stand" against the negro anthem!