Black Lives Matter Scrapbook Thread

Zombie Toronto City Councillor gives evil, merit-less, blacks awards for being... black

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(get a look at that outfit making hand signals:cheer:)

Sadly, a lot of Canadian white men behave as if they've been neutered.

Trudeau is the epitome of a cuckold.

He wants to help everyone except white Canadians.
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As a Canadian I tend to agree that most men here act like neutered metro sexual puppy dogs but a lot of Canadian women have gone far off the deep end with the WRM bunch of self absorbed little tyrants lol

I mean look who we elected as PM
Trudeau is the epitome of a cuckold.

He wants to help everyone except white Canadians.

Him & his fellow cream puff (Toronto city 'consuela' above) don't have an ounce of backbone or b@lls. They would fit far better 'governing' down in San F@9s1ssyco. :gey:
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Isn't this textbook Cultural Marxism by "attacking your enemies"? These skunkweeds are now urging "killing".

They really don't want a "race war"...they're outnumbered, out-gunned, out-gutted & outwitted.
They really don't want a "race war"...they're outnumbered, out-gunned, out-gutted & outwitted.

The BLM people are the most insane. Their "demands" are as stupid as trying to tell the birds they can't land in your backyard. They make no sense. The retard in the video with blowhorn is blowing hard about "whites need to give us your houses and your cash". We gave them Detroit, and 70 years of cash, and look what they did. Forget about it. What's next, are they going to be demanding the color of snow be changed?
Rioting last night in East London (England) after drug dealer (surprise, surprise) dies in hospital after being apprehended by the police:

New York City has assigned 27 police officers to provide 24 hour protection of the "Black Lives Matter" mural in front of Trump's property.

Meanwhile crime has soared in New York. A black man was murdered while walking with his 6 year old daughter. There were no police around.

A "Black Lives Matter" mural is more important to the liberals who run New York than actual black lives.

Here's Salty Cracker's commentary on the issue. Warning: profanity.

American Freedom News