Black Denial of the Magic Negro! This is too RICH!


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
Some of these comments are quite informative. CBS' (many) police and military programs almost always feature at least 1 deep-voiced magic negro lead character. And who can forget the Magic Negro in the way-overrated series "Jericho?" Ugly dude, with a prick disposition and oh so brilliant! I'm not complaining that he's ugly, but I wanted to be accurate!

TV Guide Channel routinely shows an absolutely puke-inducing "program" called "Sexiest Men in Sports" - which is one of the sickest negro-worshipping fests that you'll ever see. It's so vile that I'm not even going to tell anyone to sit down and watch that sh*t.

Then onto all the superhuman affletes that the media trots-out 24/7... I guess this "MSM-push" doesn't exist either! He's ELECTRIC!! -- is a superlative being used to describe nearly every afflete!

The comments are especially informative for any "moderate" when it comes to racial matters. The Zionist plan is mentioned some, but the denial of the magic negro is striking. There are some very dumb and illiterate posts as well. How does the White Race become "more powerful" if White men procreate with black women?

(The black baby dolls at the end are CREEPY!)

These posts win awards for their obvious inferiority complex...

@tnj2323 Exactly correct . Thats why we need artists who are black so that we can make our own cartoons and Disney films and also make more black superheroes . The person who made this Disney and the Frog movie knew what they were doing . Oh and yes , if this was a white princess with a black prince or any other non white prince , whites would be committing suicide and bringing out their typical barbaric cave dwelling ways . Most white people are so hypocritical and it makes me f**kin sick.

Affletes are those "superheroes".. and, are you salty when the MSM shows BM/WF? You complain, and then you suggest that it's wrong for White people to complain!! Real smart logic there...

she might not have been a princess but she and her story might be true but what about Pocahontas and yet they displayed this garbage for young Native American Girls out there get you a nice little white guy. I was watching Valentine Funny how they had this episode of an East Indian Woman who worked at a Restaurant how funny it is that they had to have a white guy and because this is based on the Greeks the Oracle had to say that the East Indian Man was no good. Any time it comes to Whites they

What does White men with Indian gals have to do with "black preservation?" The JEALOUSY is just OOZING everywhere!!

Disney owns ABC they have never had a Black Bachelor on the Bachelor. or a Black Bachelorette now they could do so to help Black Relationships see the Psychology behind it is that if Blacks see more images of Successful Black Couples it will be reinforced in Blacks head. See they will have some ghetto Real Chance of Love some ghetto mess that is stupid but to have a Successful Black Man look for a Black Woman please. Or a Successful Black Woman look for a Black Man please.

Attacking the VH1 filth is great, but if ABC had a "Black Bachelor" - they would likely STACK the show with White women. I also think that it's ludicrous to suggest that a show is needed for black men to find black women! WOW! Just tell the truth.. the wealthiest negroes (who theoretically could get the top-tier black women) are often times with White skanks.

Really they kill off the father in the cartoon?I didnt know that,i have not seen it.They could have made the prince black but you know they will never portray a black man as a prince or a king.

Really? And.. how many times have negroes been "GOD" or POTUS?!

yeah exactly it is to make money off of this stuff. I was thinking about this their is a poster put up in Harlem of this gay homo couple now come on you know that they are promoting homosexuallity in the black community what kind of mess is that why not keep that mess in the Village no you put that mess up in Harlem I don't even see that post in Harlem. So they are trying to make black men effeminate women to make black men less so that they can't support black families it is sick.

It's a FACT that a huge segment of "black men" are homos, and it wasn't caused by a poster or the "White Devil!" Your GOD might be a homo!

I Agree 95% of the way black people are portrayed is negative. These Satanic forces do control 95% of what you see, listen to, what you wear, and what you eat. I respect what you are doing not that many are willing to take A stand against them in this time Much Love and Respect. Peace

Denying the Magic Negro!!

Seems you need to do some self education of Africa and the vast amounts of dynasties and cultures there. National Geographic is a televison show, NOT historical documentation. IF you only get your viewpoint of history and culture from television shows created by Jews, you will remain ignorant.
It is funny that when Disney showed European princesses, they were bathed and their castles were clean. Historically it would have been FILTHY & the princess would've had rotten teeth, B.O. & LICE- LOL.

Kind of wreaks of jealousy, if you ask me. Did you catch your Jamal with the 2 dollar White prostitute down the street? I bet she was "clean"...

Now, before you get your panties in a bunch, I'm not saying that white men are harmful or perverted. I am saying that continuously circulating the same image of dominant, white male superiority damages everyone, including white men, who may not fit that image. I understand that some people like to paint white men as invincible, but that

Oh, poor thing! So White people can't have a White media? You sound a bit totalitarian, hmmmm. That's why I started this thread! It's also another denial of the magic negro.

so um what would that make you in this game oh right the looser so it is ok if blacks loose out their race to each other. So if white, latino, asian, native american, indian women get a black man at the expense of the black woman loosing out it is ok. And as long as the white, latino, asian, native american, indian men gets a black woman at the expse of the black man loosing out it is ok. I guess what would you say the consolation prize is for blacks then to get even and date outside their race

Notice how non-black women are somehow "chasing" black men, but it's the non-black men that are persuing the black women! I doubt the way that was posted was coincidence. "Black men" are simply helpless!

@mikil100 and for your information it is racist because it is design to psychologically program black women to thinking that everything they need is in the white man. It would be the same thing if it was a black man with a white woman as a princess however they wouldn't do it because white society needs the support of both white women and black women in order to break a part the black relationship and family. So yeah place a black princess so that other young black girls will grow up to say

The Jew hasn't promoted miscegenation EVERY which way?? I wouldn't mind some elaboration on how White society "needs" black women.

Miscegenation is certainly genocide, but you gotta love the way the black male is portrayed as helpless and oh so innocent. What an absolute CROCK!

I thought this video linked on the side was going to be a "spoof" - but it was promoting a White male with a Black or Latin female.



Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
Jan 27, 2009
In the woods at my still.
Most people think youtube is just someone posting a privet videos! And Some areBut I believe that maybe 80% of them are MSM propaganda videos "masked" to look homemade.. Watch the commitment's if they come in like "clock work", Your watching a MSM video..


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
lost said:
Most people think youtube is just someone posting a privet videos! And Some areBut I believe that maybe 80% of them are MSM propaganda videos "masked" to look homemade.. Watch the commitment's if they come in like "clock work", Your watching a MSM video..

Very good observation Lost. I believe the PTB has slews of disinfo agents (Feds or private) that also spread propaganda on various blogs, websites, etc. I've heard Alex Jones allude to Feds have whole building floors full of propaganda posters/bloggers posing as "average joes". It's all part of the massive disinfo machine to sway "public opinion".

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
What federal agency is in charge of the propaganda effort?


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
White Shogun said:
What federal agency is in charge of the propaganda effort?

WS, I'm not sure amigo. It could be DHS, NSA, CIA or FBI (or a mix thereof), but I'd not be (at all) surprised to find the Feds filling up the internet (chatrooms, blogs) with "customized" propaganda to sway or misrepresent opinions. The Feds use propaganda at various levels, so utilizing it upon the internet would only make sense.