Black (& Blue) Friday


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
These sorry, pathetic displays of the human race is proof how commericalized & covetous Christmas has became. :icon_rolleyes: :tsk: :eek:hwell:

"Woman" Pepper Sprays Other Shoppers to Gain "Edge" on Merchandize...

"Women" brawl in WalMarx....

...& at (wh0rish) Victoria's Secret....

Lemmings go wild over $2 waffle maker...

Police (staters) pepper spray the sheep at WalMarx...

Grandfather slammed to ground by police (staters) in front of grandson...

Gun-fire in NC Mall...
The great majority of this Black Friday violence took place in Walmart stores across the country. I don't have to remind anyone here the demographics of the people who shop there.

All of a sudden, Black Friday is starting to sound very, very appropriate for what this sorry day stands for.
As every year goes by it seems the bottom of society slips further into the abyss. This wasn't one store where people got trampled, shot at or robbed, it was a nationwide event. I will admit macing other people around a display was a new twist to this worshiping of material goods. Sinbad and Ahnold probably are itching to make a remake of this movie....
Can you imagine what it would be like if they were fighting over the last food in the stores?
This is all about the commercialization of Thanksgiving, pushed by our "true leaders", through their various media outlets (namely TV & Radio), in hopes of getting large numbers of stupid Goyim sheep out on their traditional day off (Friday after ThanxG) in order to spend their diminishing wages in their filthy, 3rd world like stores. I refused to even drive by a store today. Watching the DDestroyer video link of police in Arizona roughing up a grandfather was hard to take for a second. Then after thinking about it for a minute, I felt he deserved the beating. What kind of fool is this man that he buys into this bull$hit to the point he's fighting in stores with a bunch of Mexicans over a retarded video game? What a useless a$s clown!

Speaking of over-commercialization of beautiful, once traditional American hollidays, it was over 60 degrees here on the east coast today, yet most of the local FM radio stations were already playing Christmas songs 24/7??? Actually, at least two stations on my car radio were running X-Mas songs 24/7 as early as November 18th?

Looks like the 2% of our population that doesn't celebrate Christmas, but profits from it greatly, has decided they want to get their sheep fired up early in order to spend, spend, spend and spend more this Christmas -- hence 24/7 programming of Christmas music. This bugs me, because as much as I enjoy X-Mas songs, I'd rather start listening to them a week or two before Dec. 25th (not 5 weeks before)

But perhaps I'm just being silly. Afterall, that's what hollidays are all about (Thanksgiving and Christmas), making a profit off their enslaved American sheeple?
This is all about the commercialization of Thanksgiving, pushed by our "true leaders", through their various media outlets (namely TV & Radio), in hopes of getting large numbers of stupid Goyim sheep out on their traditional day off (Friday after ThanxG) in order to spend their diminishing wages in their filthy, 3rd world like stores. I refused to even drive by a store today. Watching the DDestroyer video link of police in Arizona roughing up a grandfather was hard to take for a second. Then after thinking about it for a minute, I felt he deserved the beating. What kind of fool is this man that he buys into this bull$hit to the point he's fighting in stores with a bunch of Mexicans over a retarded video game? What a useless a$s clown!

Speaking of over-commercialization of beautiful, once traditional American hollidays, it was over 60 degrees here on the east coast today, yet most of the local FM radio stations were already playing Christmas songs 24/7??? Actually, at least two stations on my car radio were running X-Mas songs 24/7 as early as November 18th?

Looks like the 2% of our population that doesn't celebrate Christmas, but profits from it greatly, has decided they want to get their sheep fired up early in order to spend, spend, spend and spend more this Christmas -- hence 24/7 programming of Christmas music. This bugs me, because as much as I enjoy X-Mas songs, I'd rather start listening to them a week or two before Dec. 25th (not 5 weeks before)

But perhaps I'm just being silly. Afterall, that's what hollidays are all about (Thanksgiving and Christmas), making a profit off their enslaved American sheeple?

Watching the NFL games on Thanksgiving, there were disgusting commercials promoting "Black Friday" on all day long. Many featured White women acting like buffoons and idiots, an interesting twist on Cultural Marxism's sacred rule that such roles are reserved almost exclusively for White men. Guess they figured that more women in the U.S. Idiocracy, most of whom control the money in their families with their hapless whipped husbands rarely daring to object, would be watching football than usual since it's a long holiday weekend.
Watching the NFL games on Thanksgiving, there were disgusting commercials promoting "Black Friday" on all day long. Many featured White women acting like buffoons and idiots, an interesting twist on Cultural Marxism's sacred rule that such roles are reserved almost exclusively for White men. Guess they figured that more women in the U.S. Idiocracy, most of whom control the money in their families with their hapless whipped husbands rarely daring to object, would be watching football than usual since it's a long holiday weekend.

Yes, I noticed that even white woman are now being treated as mildly clownish, which used to be "non kosher". I think, in an effort to expand their audience and increase their profits, NFL teams are trying harder and harder to reach out to white women, as well as Mexicans here in the U.S. and Europeans (in Europe). The worst commercial I've seen recently (beside those dumb bus riding Play 60 spots) and absolutely hate is the retarded looking, ugly DWF with a red-beard and a super hot blonde girlfriend that goes around giving X-Mas gifts**. At the end he gives a little black kid a present and the boy laughes/screams in his face. Honestly, if I was black, I'd find it offensive -- it's like the NFL marketing people want the kid to look like a Little Sambo:


Speaking of the over commercialization of Thanksgiving, our Marxist friends could not stop at "Black Friday", they've know dreamed up "Small Business Saturday" and "Cyber-Monday" for us stupid goy and are using their propaganda tools (TV & Radio) to promote this with real vigor.
People have died or collapsed in casinos and degenerate gamblers have screamed for the dealers to keep dealing the cards at the table, same sick mentality.....:thumbdown:
I spent my Black Friday morning “shopping” at the junkyard. It’s one way to keep all of my old vehicles road-worthy on a budget!
I spent my Black Friday morning “shopping” at the junkyard. It’s one way to keep all of my old vehicles road-worthy on a budget!
Been there and done that and probably will again soon. If it's functional and out of sight or no one knows but me, who cares? I economize a lot nowadays.
"Cyber Monday" has now become "Cyber Week," because apparently one (more) day isn't enough anymore.
"Cyber Monday" has now become "Cyber Week," because apparently one (more) day isn't enough anymore.
Pretty soon it will probably be cyber month with the so called "savings" going into January. Gotta keep the sheep spending and buying crap they don't need so the power gap can widen and the Jeff Bezos' of the world can continue to wreak havoc on small businesses and middle class America while keeping tens or hundreds of thousands of slaves employed and completely trapped and controlled by society. I personally despise internet shopping. I see those amazon vans everywhere now. I try to make all my purchases local and I also economize as much as possible.
Pretty soon it will probably be cyber month with the so called "savings" going into January. Gotta keep the sheep spending and buying crap they don't need so the power gap can widen and the Jeff Bezos' of the world can continue to wreak havoc on small businesses and middle class America while keeping tens or hundreds of thousands of slaves employed and completely trapped and controlled by society. I personally despise internet shopping. I see those amazon vans everywhere now. I try to make all my purchases local and I also economize as much as possible.

An excellent plan we should all follow.
American Freedom News