Big Brother in Toronto


Nov 2, 2004
The centralized 'adjudication' of controversial goal-calls is Big Brother at his best. Disputed goals are adjudicated in "Toronto" supposedly at NHL headquarters.

I'm embarrassed it took me so long to notice this obvious Fixing scheme. Gary "the Turd" Bettmann and his White-hating weasels in the NHL front office review every disputed goal. What a pile of Oiseau Merde! Goal Judges are employed in every NHL rink, one at each goal. The referees and linesmen have local video review capability. Why do we need "Toronto" to make the goal rulings?

Eventually the centralized goal mafia will overrule an obvious goal/non-goal to reward a player/franchise who is the most sympathetic to the anti-White NHL labor and business policies.

Oh by the way -- every week "Toronto" screws up another goal call, robbing some team of the correct adjudicationEdited by: Realgeorge
That sounds a bit crazy, Realgeorge. I've seen teams get hosed, but I doubt it had anything to do with the racial make-up of the team. If that were the case, then the Blackhawks would get a few calls their way. But there could be some truth to what you're saying. The NHL would do anything to make the sport more popular, but nothing that would make diehard fans happy. I wouldn't put nothing past Gary Buttman at this point.

Almost every team in the league has a "token" minority player, so I think we are heading towards a more multi-ethnic NHL in the future, especially since they are setting up special hockey camps for inner city kids. They see too many whites and the one-worlder types want to fix it. Sad but true.
Bear-Arms said:
That sounds a bit crazy, Realgeorge. I've seen teams get hosed, but I doubt it had anything to do with the racial make-up of the team. If that were the case, then the Blackhawks would get a few calls their way. But there could be some truth to what you're saying. The NHL would do anything to make the sport more popular, but nothing that would make diehard fans happy. I wouldn't put nothing past Gary Buttman at this point.

Almost every team in the league has a "token" minority player, so I think we are heading towards a more multi-ethnic NHL in the future, especially since they are setting up special hockey camps for inner city kids. They see too many whites and the one-worlder types want to fix it. Sad but true.

They may try this but I dont see the NHL becoming multi-culti anytime soon. Most of the black NHLers are Canadian and they're suburban types rather than the ghettofied negroes we have here in the states. The one-worlders dream is to have the NHL look like the NFL or NBA complete with hip-hop music during intermissions, players with long rap sheets, and of course lots of gold teeth and 'bling-bling' I don't see that flying in the tight-assed world of pro-hockey. I remember Donald Brashear tried that crap and he got taken down by Marty McSorely for his troubles
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