Bias & Bigotry in "Academia"


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Another top notch article from Mr.Buchanan.

Bias and bigotry in academia

Patrick J. Buchanan

Posted: July 19, 2010
7:49 pm Eastern

© 2010

A decade ago, activist Ron Unz conducted a study of the ethnic and religious composition of the student body at Harvard.

Blacks and Hispanics, Unz found, were then being admitted to his alma mater in numbers approaching their share of the population.

And who were the most underrepresented Americans at Harvard?

White Christians and ethnic Catholics. Though two-thirds of the U.S. population then, they had dropped to one-fourth of the student body.

Comes now a more scientific study from Princeton sociologists Thomas Espenshade and Alexandria Radford to confirm that a deep bias against the white conservative and Christian young of America is pervasive at America's elite colleges and Ivy League schools.

Wake up! This is the reality of what Christian students face in the secular world of academia.

The Espenshade-Radford study "draws from ... the National Study of College Experience ... gathered from eight highly competitive private colleges and universities (entering freshman SAT scores: 1360)," writes Princeton Professor Russell K. Nieli, who has summarized the findings:

Elite college admissions officers may prattle about "diversity," but what they mean is the African-American contingent on campus should be 5 percent to 7 percent, with Hispanics about as numerous.

However, "an estimated 40 percent to 50 percent of those categorized as black are Afro-Caribbean or African immigrants, or the children of such immigrants," who never suffered segregation or Jim Crow.

To achieve even these percentages, however, the discrimination against white and Asian applicants, because of the color of their skin and where their ancestors came from, is astonishing.

As Nieli puts it, "Being Hispanic conferred an admissions boost over being white ... equivalent to 130 SAT points (out of 1,600), while being black rather than white conferred a 310-point SAT advantage. Asians, however, suffered an admissions penalty compared to whites equivalent to 140 SAT points."

"To have the same chance of gaining admission as a black student with a SAT score of 1100, a Hispanic student otherwise equally matched in background characteristics would have to have 1230, a white student a 1410 and an Asian student a 1550."

Was this what the civil-rights revolution was all about â€" requiring kids whose parents came from Korea, Japan or Vietnam to get a perfect SAT score of 1600 to be given equal consideration with a Jamaican or Kenyan kid who got an 1150? Is this what it means to be an Ivy League progressive?

What are the historic and moral arguments for discriminating in favor of kids from Angola and Argentina over kids whose parents came from Poland and Vietnam?

There is yet another form of bigotry prevalent among our academic elite that is a throwback to the snobbery of the WASPs of yesterday. While Ivy League recruiters prefer working-class to middle-class black kids with the same test scores, the reverse is true with white kids.

White kids from poor families who score as well as white kids from wealthy families â€" think George W. Bush â€" not only get no break, they seem to be the most undesirable and unwanted of all students.

Though elite schools give points to applicants for extracurricular activities, especially for leadership roles and honors, writes Nieli, if you played a lead role in Future Farmers of America, the 4-H Clubs or junior ROTC, leave it off your resume or you may just be blackballed. "Excelling in these activities is 'associated with 60 or 65 percent lower odds on admissions.'"

Writes Nieli, there seems an unwritten admissions rule at America's elite schools: "Poor Whites Need Not Apply."

For admissions officers at our top private and public schools, diversity is "a code word" for particular prejudices.

For these schools are not interested in a diversity that would include "born-again Christians from the Bible belt, students from Appalachia and other rural and small-town areas, people who have served in the U.S. military, those who have grown up on farms or ranches, Mormons, Pentecostals, Jehovah's Witnesses, lower- and middle-class Catholics, working-class 'white ethnics,' social and political conservatives, wheelchair users, married students, married students with children or older students just starting into college and raising children."

"Students in these categories," writes Nieli, "are often very rare at the most competitive colleges, especially the Ivy League."

"Lower-class whites prove to be all-around losers" at the elite schools. They are rarely accepted. Lower-class Hispanics and blacks are eight to 10 times more likely to get in with the same scores.

That such bigotry is pervasive in 2010 at institutions that preen about how progressive they are is disgusting. That a GOP which purports to represents Middle America, whose young are bearing the brunt of this bigotry, has remained largely silent is shameful.

Many of these elite public and private colleges and universities benefit from U.S. tax dollars through student loans and direct grants. The future flow of those tax dollars should be made contingent on Harvard and Yale ending racial practices that went out at Little Rock Central High in 1957.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Pat Buchanon is the best out there. This column is a classic. Pat can really throw some literary punches.

"That such bigotry is pervasive in 2010 at institutions that preen about how progressive they are is disgusting. That a GOP which purports to represents Middle America, whose young are bearing the brunt of this bigotry, has remained largely silent is shameful. "

"Was this what the civil-rights revolution was all about â€" requiring kids whose parents came from Korea, Japan or Vietnam to get a perfect SAT score of 1600 to be given equal consideration with a Jamaican or Kenyan kid who got an 1150? Is this what it means to be an Ivy League progressive? "

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
The GOP remains "largely silent" because schools like Harvard have huge Jewish enrollments at the expense of White Christians. That Buchanan neglects to mention this in his column speaks volumes about his own silence on this issue.


Nov 26, 2004
The clumsiness and inefficiency in selecting a managerial and cognitive elite is attributable to America's unfamiliarity with being a multi-racial dictatorship. The Ottoman Empire is perhaps the best model to copy.

Kidnap white children from the hinterlands of Empire, convert them to an alien religion, give them dual status of both slave and adopted child of the Sultan, train them in administration and ultimately send them to rule over their own kind.

The Soviet system of appointing racial aliens to rule over subject peoples required murderous sanctions against any who objected. Expressions of anti-Semitism directed at the Jewish overlords of Poland or Hungary were punishable with death. The Ottomans, being of sounder mind, had no interest in working that hard to keep subjects in line. Who cared what the Greeks thought as long as they paid their taxes?

What's wrong with quotas? Blacks would compete with blacks for 12.8% of the slots at Harvard. Hispanics would compete with Hispanics for 15% of the slots. Jews would compete with Jews for 2.5% of the slots.Would could object to such fairness?

The best system of all would be a competitive and comprehensive exam covering all high school material. Japan and Korea do this. The exams are multi-day affairs and preparation often leads to emotional distress and even suicide. A high price certainly, but no one questions the results. Such is the advantage of the mono-racial society.

Another route would be to simply administer an IQ test. Alphas, Betas and Deltas scientifically selected for a mere $23.45 per test subject.

Meanwhile in free America the Educational Testing Service still insists SATs cannot be successfully studied for. Steve Sailer suggests college applicants budget $1,000 for application fees (about 20 applications) and ignore the standard advice of only applying to 4 or 5 colleges. By some mysterious alchemy Jewish students in Belarus and Ukraine are admitted to Yale and Princeton.

But hey, let's not pretend there are no options. The military is hiring, especially for the exciting adventure known as Combat Arms. What's a bit of PTSD and a few missing limbs? You get to see the world and serve 'your' country at the same time. Such a deal.


Sarcasm aside there are ways to game the current system. The most obvious is to become Hispanic. For $189 (depends on jurisdiction) in court costs you can magically transform yourself by a legal name change. It's important the surname you choose be obviously Hispanic. Don't make the mistake of selecting a name that could be mistaken for Portuguese (which often ends names with an 's' in contrast to Spanish which often ends names with an 'z', Gomez vs. Gomes, Lopez vs. Lopes). While there are many Hispanics with Italian surnames (Manu Ginobili, Gil Carcetti) that fact serves no purpose here.

You want the full Spanish effect. A typically Hispanic first and middle name would help as well. Of course this may lead to challenges, 'You aren't really Hispanic.' This requires a back story;

'Hispanic by way of Argentina.'

'Remember Katrina, all those white folks with Spanish surnames? Descendants of Spanish settlers back when Louisiana was a part of Spain. Just like me.'

'Since when are Cubans not Hispanic? Cuba Libre dude! Man, I hate that hijo de puta Castro.'

'Obviously you've never been to Northern Mexico. Sonora is full of 'broncos' who look like me.'

'It was either the milk man or the postman.'

Learn Spanish to go with your new name. You'll have to learn it anyway if you want a job as a nurse, pharmacist, lawyer, police officer, mime, HVAC contractor, correctional officer, politician, social worker, teacher, etc. While there are different kinds of Spanish the safest bet is to concentrate on correct form and avoid slang and cussing. Latin America is largely about social class and freely using words like 'mierda' can mark you as a prole.

The earlier you change your name the better, preferably before high school graduation. It wouldn't hurt to have your entire family 'convert' as well. To sell the idea point out Hispanics can be of any race and being white in Latin America is an advantage not a burden. Also mention being Hispanic does not necessarily require glue sniffing.

Joining the local MEChA chapter or its equivalent may prove problematic. Why bother? Create your own Hispanic advocacy group. That shows initiative. You aren't a mere joiner, but a creator. It exists only on paper? Don't you know Aztecs invented paper? Not to mention the paper calendar, made entirely out of corn and spray paint. Know your history carnal.

Photos required with college application? Hair dye, colored contact lenses, intense frown of the oppressed yet determined. Avoid temporary and permanent facial tattoos. That's overkill and it looks like heck.

With pride, con orgullo, check that Hispanic box on your college and job application. You've earned it.


The community college to good college route is by now well known. The key is to ace all community college courses. How hard can that be? If college is high school with ashtrays and imported beer then community college is junior high with domestic beer and ashtrays. (What? You drank imported in junior high? Please forgive.)

There's some question of whether you should try for a 'hard' associate's degree or not. I'd say do what's easiest. If math or science are too hard get an English degree. Remember, it's not about education, rather climbing aboard the gravy train. And that means all A's.

State colleges, even flagship campuses, are compelled by the law of upper middle class guilt to accept community college transfers. 'They try so hard. Touching really.' National colleges are less moved by your story of working class grasping. This is where being Hispanic can really help.


No doubt other CFers have ideas, probably better ones, on how to game this corrupt little system. Edited by: Charlie

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005

great post, Charlie.

and as Don said, Buchanan's lack of naming the Tribe is very telling ... of course, if he ever named the jew, he'd not be allowed a forum to speak.


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
Charlie, that may have been the most sarcasm ever inserted into a single post in the history of this website. Another awesome post, man.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Jimmy Chitwood said:
<div> </div>
<div>great post, Charlie. </div>
<div> </div>
<div>and as Don said, Buchanan's lack of naming the Tribe is very telling ... of course, if he ever named the jew, he'd not be allowed a forum to speak.</div>

I think Pat has "named the jew" plenty of times, that's why he is not writing for a major (jew) publication. He recently commented on the high number of jews on the Supreme Court. The anti-semetic tag has been placed on him a long time ago. I think the reason he didn't mention it in the article was that it would distract from the point he was trying to get across. If he brought up the jew issue he would have to explain how jews aren't "white" something that is still confusing to the sheeple that his column was aimed at.


Mar 2, 2008
Westwood, California
Universities like to preach diversity and condemn racism, but ironically they're the most racist because their policies -- written or unwritten -- accept the fact (not the opinion, but simply the FACT) that Blacks and Hispanics, as a group, cannot compete in a merit-based system against Whites. They never could, and they never will.

Here and there, you will find anomalies, a really smart Black or Hispanic person, but the fact remains that universities cull the country far and wide to find high-achieving "minorities" -- meanwhile high-achieving Whites, who are in every way superior students to those minorities handed opportunities on a silver platter, are denied admission to elite colleges because of the color of their skin. They are forced to attend different schools (there's no shame in state colleges, however why should a propped-up dumbf**k Black dude get to run around with a complimentary, courtesy "diploma" from Princeton, while a good Christian White boy has to bust his hump to eek out a diploma at a school that, while good, won't open doors instantaneously just by the mention of its name?

Two young men: one White, one Brown. One went to Harvard, the other XYZ College from nowhere.

Interviewer has only one job opening... I wonder who the company will be leaning toward, even before either candidate says word number one?

So the cycle continues.

What are we going to do? Break the cycle, I guess. Short of starting a full-fledged race war, we can just continue stating and repeating the facts. That's why I enjoy CF.

There are so few sites on the net that just tell IT like it is. I'm glad people are gradually awakening to the fraud all around them. You can see it in Emperor Obama's approval ratings, though I'm sure the Zionist controlled idiot box will try to convince us all that it's all just a racist, Redneck conspiracy. Didn't BO go to Colombia and Harvard? So did GW Bush. Only one man gets the benefit of the doubt by the media, in terms of the question, "Does a Harvard diploma matter?" Gee, I wonder which one...