Best pound for pound fighter

Best Ever Pound for Pound

  • Bob Fitzsimmons

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Harry Greb

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Stanley Ketchell

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Benny Leonard

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mickey Walker

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Dec 28, 2004
Who was the best fighter pound for pound? Now I know the jock sniffers mention Sugar Ray Robinson and Robinson was very good. But what about the men mentioned here along with others we could mention like Jimmy Wilde, Billy Conn, Tommy Loughran, Rocky Marciano [ruled the heavyweight class at 185lbs], Marcel Cerdan, Terry McGovern,Etc. Who's your pick?
I chose Walker. For the fighters I have seen full fights of only Duran could be considered in the elite pound for pounders.
Usually when the boxing experts speak of PFP fighters they focus on the lower weight divisions. I would saythe great Gene Tunney belongs at or near the top. Beatingan icon like Dempsey was a bitter - sweet accomplishment. I don't think Leonard was as good as some would like to believe.Edited by: Bart
Bart said:
Usually when the boxing experts speak of PFP fighters they focus on the lower weight divisions. I would say the great Gene Tunney belongs at or near the top. Beating an icon like Dempsey was a bitter - sweet accomplishment. I don't think Leonard was as good as some would like to believe.
Leonard until the eye injury was magical,(except on the night the Duran call him a ****got and out machoed him). Post eye injury he was basically a con man. He picked on aging fighters and semi shot or hyped up clubfighters. That's why I don't think he is among the true elite, unlike Duran.
Bart said:
Usually when the boxing experts speak of PFP fighters they focus on the lower weight divisions. I would say the great Gene Tunney belongs at or near the top. Beating an icon like Dempsey was a bitter - sweet accomplishment. I don't think Leonard was as good as some would like to believe.
Which Leonard are you talking about Benny or the Sugar man? I assumed the Sugar man?
white is right said:
] Which Leonard are you talking about Benny or the Sugar man? I assumed the Sugar man?

My comments were about Benny, but I also agree with your assessment of Ray Leonard.
Willie Pep was great but there was only room for five fighters.Gene Tunney was also very,very good and he beat Greb and Harry Greb was the only man ever to beat Tunney.Today's best might be Ricky Hatton.
Hey, I am impressed to see an old timer like Harry Greb getting so many votes. Show's how knowledgeable people on this site really are.

I would agree with Kaptain Poop regarding Willie Pep...simply the greatest defensive fighter ever who once won a round without even throwing a punch.

As far as Sugar Ray Robinson goes, I do believe he has to be included in any top five list of pound for pound fighters, although there is certainly no shortage of accolades thrown his way so he does not need any further promoting. Edited by: pt.guard2
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