Best Post Contest !?


Nov 2, 2004

With an appropriate prize? Books from Northern Voice? Recognition in Nationlalist Times? A Special Spot in the Discussion Forum or at the header of CasteFootballUS?

Perhaps such a contest could be floated once a quarter for a week or so. Sweeten the pot just a bit

P.S. Buy CasteFootball Business Cards !!
I don't know who should win the BEST post contest, but I have a nomination or two for the worst...
White_Savage, man you got me laughing with that one!
I can think of a few bad ones myself!
Here's my choice for the best post. This is a classic by the master: Don Wassall (Don I hope you don't mind my analyzing your post but I think it is "required reading" for anyone interested in the issue)

Why? It destroys the major myths that support the caste system and are always brought up by caste system supporters. [Don's post in Italics]

Corporations also want to make money, yet they have all kinds of hirings that are based not on the best qualified person but on filling certain slots with certain amounts of various groups, thus ending up with a workforce that is artificially engineered to fit the mandates of the reigning political correctness (party line).

NFL teams are run like corporations. If they are bastions of purity, why then were only white coaches hired for so long? The NFL was highly successful with only white coaches, and quite profitable too. It was also successful with white cornerbacks, running backs and receivers playing alongside black ones.

Often used by caste system supporters. "If white guys are so good why hasn't the 'pure free market' of the NFL proven that out?"

You consider the average black to be faster on average than the average white, thus every "speed position" is naturally one hundred percent black. If the average white is smarter on average than the average black, as IQ tests have consistently shown as long as they've been administered, then should all the coaches, writers, broadcasters, owners, etc., be one hundred percent white in perpetuity, and anyone who questions it given the all-encompensing answer: "Whites are smarter, quit being resentful and get over it."

Forces the believer in total black athletic superiority to confront the opposite and just as similar situation of white mental superiority. The remark: "Whites are smarter, quit being resentful and get over it." is classic because the caste supporter is always coming from a "reasoned, scientific, viewpoint" and thus sees his arguement collapsed by associating it with a result he cannot agree with.

64/64 totally ignores averages and exceptions and assumes a racial superiority so vast and total as to be mind-boggling. It also assumes that pure speed is the only measurable that matters in playing certain positions, that a player who can run in a straight line a tenth of a second faster over 40 yards than another player is eminently qualified to play cornerback without looking at any other factor.

Puts the support of black racial superiotity in proper perspective. Also calls into question the "common knowledge" that athletic skill is the only necessary qualification.

[/i] Football is an important part of media and the entertainment industry, which are driven by a racial and ideological agenda, an important part of which is to diminish white numbers, white achievement, and to deny whites dignity and respect. Imbuing whites with the false notion that they are vastly inferior athletes to blacks is part of an ideological agenda to defeat whites psychologically as they are rapidly transformed into a despised minority in their own country. This image of the second class status of the gawky, geeky, stupid, criminally-inclined white man is a staple of commercials, television shows and movies. Having him incapable -- for generations on end -- of playing certain positions in football when whites always have and still do excel at those positions -- is a totally artificial construct called the Caste System.

Can you think of any trends in sports, entertainment, or society at large that favor white Americans? Yes, profit and greed powers Corporate America, but so does an agenda to engineer a desired result in order to make the U.S. a non-white, non-Christian land mass, in other words a nation of deracinated consumers ever eager to unquestioningly buy the products and messages fed to them by the corporate media and Corporate America. [/i]

Clearly explains the reason that the caste system exists in a way that is hard for anyone to argue with, especially someone that is in basic agreement that something is clearly wrong with the direction that society is headed, which is true for liberal and conservative and libertarian.
Yeah, it'd be hard for any of us to beat Don.


But that doesn't mean that we shouldn't try!!!
Good one, JD!

I like the idea of ulterior motives for creating the best post!
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