Cobb was a proud, hard-nosedSouthern white man who had the common racial attitudes of his era. All white athletic heroes of the past have been degraded by the system, and Cobb especially so. His "outspoken bigotry" has made him an all-purposebad guythat anyone can now say anything about. He's been accused of running into the stands to beat up a cripple, murdering a would-be mugger, throwing a chambermaid down a flight of steps, deliberately slashing opponents with his spikes, mindlessly beating up blacks, etc., etc. He's become a sort of mini-Hitler, a cartoon demon to whom any and all bad behavior may be attributed without anyone dare defending him. Maybe he did do some of the things he's alleged to have done, but knowing how routinely and systematically history is rewritten by the ruling forces in this country to fit into their globalist, multicultural agenda, I'm very skeptical.