Best Heavyweights in Africa


Dec 28, 2004
The best Heavyweights from Africa are the White Afrikaner[Dutch]. They have produced 3 World Champions although they are few in number[there never has been a black heavyweight champ from Africa-only white]. Gerrie Coetzee WBA Champ[who can forget his KO's of Michael Dokes and Leon Spinks!]. Corrie Sanders WBC Champ and Frans Botha [The White Buffalo] IBF Champ.
The fact that the Afrikaner's are the toughest men in Africa was fixed long ago at the Battle of Blood River when a badly outnumbered force of White Afrikaners went to battle against the Zulu's-The Afrikaners won with ease-having only 3 wounded while the Zulu's had 3,000 killed. The Zulu's understood from that day on-DON"T MESS WITH THE WHITE WARRIORS!!Edited by: Gary
Good and insightful post Gary. It says a lot that a black populated continent is dominated by white boxers. Sounds like they dont have the problems associated with Caste over there.
Thanks Colonel Reb. There was a black fighter named Ike Ibeabuchi who briefly held the WBC title who is now in prison for sexual assault so I'am sure all Africans can be proud of him. He may get out someday-Chagaev, Ibragimov and Povetkin will be waiting for him. Also there is the over rated Samuel Peter but he already got his booty kicked by Wlad!!!
Wow Gary I never knew the Afrikaners had such a great victory. I've watched " Zulu" about the british, but that movie did not give alot of mention to the Dutch. Is there a site where one may find more about the Afrikaners?
Gary..was there alot of hand to hand combat in that battle you talked about or did the White men win through superior organization and weaponry. Not that it matters, a victory is a victory..just curious. I have always kind of wondered if a tribe of white warriors straight out of the medieval-age(Scotland-Braveheart) had met on a battle field with a group of the finest African warriors..what would be the outcome. I favor the white men on sheer courage alone..I just wonder sometimes. I hope this wasn't a stupid post!
Minor point but Ibeabuchi never held the WBC title. Henry Akinwande held the WBO title briefly in 1996-1997.

Only Nigerians - and apparently only one tribe within Nigeria - have produced decent black African heavyweights. Ike Ibeabcuhi, Henry Akinwande, Herbie Hide, Sam Peter and David Izon are all Nigerian.

Indeed, only Azumah Nelson (and maybe Dick Tiger) stands out as a great black African boxer.
Ike Ibeabuchi beat David Tua in 1997 for the WBC Title []. You can find out some information on the Afrikaners by going on Yahoo and looking for the Battle of Blood River-450 White Afrikaners defeated between 10,000 and 20,000 Zulu's-3 Whites were wounded and 3,000 Zulu's were killed.
The blacks from Africa wouldn't stand much of a chance against the whites from Europe-Vikings, Knights, Romans,Etc would prove way to much.
Did you ever hear of the Battle of Camerone [Mexico]?April 1863, 65 French Foreign Legion soldiers met 2,000
Mexicans and killed the Mexicans by the hundreds-at last with 5 men left the Frenchmen mounted a charge with fixed bayonets!!!
It has been called the greatest battle in French Foreign Legion History.
When the chips are really down never bet against the White Man!
David Izon and Herbie Hide were fair fighters who got beat by a good white fighter-Izon was KO'd in 9 by Joe Mesi and Hide was KO'd in 2 by Vitali. Samuel Peter was whipped by Vitali's little brother Wlad.
If only the french had such courage and daring today.
If only White Americans had such courage and daring today our borders would not be overun with Mexicans and our inner cities would not be overun with Blacks!!Edited by: Gary
Actually, Ibeabuchi beat Tua for the WBC International title, which is a minor belt within the WBC (one of the many bogus boxing titles). It was not the real WBC belt.
Again, just a minor point but here is the result lising on boxrec for Tua-Ibeabuchi:

Ike Ibeabuchi 235 16-0-0
Arco Arena, Sacramento, CA, USA L UD 12 12
~ 114-115 | 113-116 | 111-117 ~
~ WBC International Heavyweight Title ~

Lennox Lewis was the WBC champ at that time. They still have a WBC International belt but it is very minor and meaningless.
It really don't matter as most of the black heavyweights from Africa have been in meaningless and minor fights. Vitali could have stopped Tua or Ike within 10 rounds-The PC Media need's a black darling in all sports to promote there agenda. Vick was over hyped in football but even Stevie Wonder can see Big Ben and Carson Palmer are much better.
Wlad gets no credit but has whipped Byrd, Mercer, McCline,Barrett, Williamson and Peter. Mesi never got credit and yet he belted Williamson out in 1 round. Lennox Lewis retired rather then risk a rematch with Vitali. Dominic Guinn was there brown eyed boy but Lyhahovich beat him. The jock sniffers[Max Kellerman,ESPN,Etc]hate this Russian invasion because in less then 10 years the comrades have turned the boxing world right side up and I hope Wlad puts another whipping on Byrd and retire's him.Hopefully Rahman/Toney can get up enough guts to fight Maskaev when there"fight" is over. Let Brewster fight Sultan Ibragimov-WE WANT ALL THE BELTS!!Edited by: Gary
Gary said:
It has been called the greatest battle in French Foreign Legion History.

Ha! I bet that's the highlight of the French's military!
They certainly didn't win too often against any of their European neighbors.
Ever hear of Verdun or a man named Napoleon? Colonel Reb your one of my favorite posters but why the slap at our White French Brothers?
Colonel_Reb said:
Gary said:
It has been called the greatest battle in French Foreign Legion History.

Ha! I bet that's the highlight of the French's military!
They certainly didn't win too often against any of their European neighbors.

The French Foreign Legion was made up mostly of Germans, English, and Irishmen anyway, commanded by regular French army officers. Thats why it was called the FOREIGN Legion.

The French Foreign Legion kicked ass in practically every campaign in which they were employed, despite underwhelming support by the French government. They were mopping up the Viet Minh in Vietnam before the U.S. was involved, but the Legion was undermined by politics and complaints that their tactics were in violation of the Geneva Convention.
No offense Gary, but the French aren't known for their military prowess. Sure they succeeded under a man like Napolean, but they have never been very successful when fighting against other whites. Again, no offense to our white brothers in France, its not a slap in the face, it's just historical truth.
Yes of course, but American blacks also tend to dominate their African cousins in every sport except sprinting.

The African-American enjoys certain benefits coming from the great deal of cross-breeding with Aryans. When you combine the quick, lean, and long-limbed African type with the size, strength, and endurance of the European type, you will often produce a good athlete. The natural genetic bottleneck of the Middle Passage couldn't have hurt matters. Not that I favor race mixing, with intelligent discipline in breeding Whites could produce uber-athletes simply using the genetic variety we already possess.

"I have always kind of wondered if a tribe of white warriors straight out of the medieval-age(Scotland-Braveheart) had met on a battle field with a group of the finest African warriors"

My research indicates that Blacks may enjoy slight physical advantages outside of the cultural in Queensbury rules boxing, such as longer arms, thicker skulls, thicker facial flesh, and a slight advantage in hand speed during gross motor actions like punches, due to slightly higher percentages of Type Ia muscle fibers. This of course purely coincidental. In human evolutionary history, it is also incindental, since pure boxing is barely relevant at all to the true nature of mortal human combat through the centuries. The barely-humanoid Australopithicus was picking up gazelle femurs and whacking his enemies with them one million years ago. Human conflict has largely been armed conflict, with such practical supplimental unarmed systems that arose more commonly resembling MMA than boxing. Haven't you noticed that nearly every ancient martial culture has a form of wrestling-and not pure boxing-as the primary unarmed art complimenting weapon skills?

Whites on average tend to be notably superior in sports that involve manipulating tools and throwing objects-obviously related to primitive weapons skills. As fencer, I can tell you that the "black take-over" of fencing that the pundits predicted the half-Japanese Peter Westbrook would lead has never come to fruition. He was excellent, but never the "world champion" as it were, and despite giving his world class training away to ghetto blacks, his best students have never medaled at the Olympics. As a fencer and student of several ancient and modern weapon styles, this not surprise. Though it may seem counter-intuitive, in weapons handling, reaction time (where Whites exceed blacks by approximately the same average amount they exceed them in intelligence) and the manual dexterity nessecary to manipulate a weapon in a tight, skilled, effecient manner, especially under emotional stres, are more important than pure fast twitch speed. So there are definite reasons why Whites tended to devestate other races in close combat, without referring to emotional intangibles.

Oh yes...I trust I need not mention who dominates shooting and MMA fighting as further evidence?
Excellent post..White Savage. maybe my question to Gary is kinda mute anyway since a group of white warriors would never go into a hand to hand close quarters combat situation without proper planning and organization, being armed to the teeth and being able to control their emotions in the heat of battle(at least in enough control to accompish victory). I still think the courage of the white man should come into your equation(you call it emotional intangibles). The courage of the white men at the Alamo speaks volumes. I also think white dominance in shoot fighting and mma largely makes your point.