Best and worst presidents with regard to protecting the interests of White Americans

Aug 14, 2011

Long time no hear! 2020 has been a rather difficult year, but I hope that you are staying safe and healthy despite some of the setbacks in various realms that we have been experiencing!

While I am not that well versed when it comes to American politics, I have always echoed Jared Taylor's sentiment that it should be intellectually valid for Whites in the United States to think in terms of group identities and cherish European-American culture without being accused of racism and anti-minority agendas.

It would arguably be fallacious to apportion too much blame to US presidents, as they operate within a certain institutional framework that grants them less freedom to act and chart their own course in comparison to most of their European counterparts. However, from your standpoint, which US president (from the post-WWII era to the present) did the best when it came to safeguarding/advancing the cause of White Americans? Conversely, which US president was the most detrimental to/did the most to harm the interests of Whites? You could consider both their intentions and the actual effects of the policies they implemented.
If we're talking only post-WWII presidents, none of them truly can be described as pro-White. Truman probably was the best of a bad lot - he desegregated the military, but he also stated that he was in favor of "the negro being in Africa, the yellow man in Asia, and the White man in Europe and North America." Eisenhower supported school desegregation, but he also stated something to the effect of "this doesn't mean I'd want my daughter to date a negro." During WWII he played a large part in the construction of an imperialist military machine, but in his later years he at least on some level recognized the monster he helped create with his warning about the dangers of the military-industrial complex. Kennedy was idealistic and naïve, but his heart was sincere, and that's why they had to kill him.

LBJ was without question the worst president for White interests. We're still paying for his evils in blood over 50 years later. He was the first to truly weaponize blacks against Whites, and was the epitome of the smug, self-righteous white liberal who's actually more racist than the White conservatives he despises and vilifies, but gets away with it because of his liberalism. He (in)famously stated "I'll have those (he used a slur here) voting Democrat for the next 200 years." It was also under his watch that the anti-white 1965 Immigration Act was passed, permanently altering the demographics of America for the worse. Also, Nixon should be called out for normalizing relations with communist China. The excuse that "someone would have done it eventually" doesn't give Nixon a pass for giving legitimacy and credibility to an extremely powerful anti-white regime, one that is a massive economic and immigration-related threat to our interests today. Ford and Carter were just bleh, not egregiously anti-white, merely incompetent leaders, particularly Carter.

Of the post-Carter presidents, only Reagan and Trump were not truly anti-white in their hearts. I know Internet tough talkers love to bash those two to rack up their WN street cred, but comparing them to Clinton, both Bushes, and Obama (all of whom were anti-white to the core) puts things in perspective. I'm not excusing Reagan and Trump's flaws or mistakes, and both men had many, but they were light years ahead of the vile Clinton/Bush/Obama families. Reagan is rightly blamed for giving amnesty to illegal aliens - probably his single biggest error, but he isn't responsible for the amnesties that followed after he left office. The politicians who rammed those through deserve the blame for them. Reagan's veto of sanctions on apartheid South Africa showed that he at least sometimes had the strength to take an unpopular pro-White stand.

As for Trump, he faced obstacles that no other president has faced, including many attacks from his own party. He had to walk a fine line between promoting his agenda and not losing so much support from neo-con Republicans in Congress that they would join the Democrats in trying to kick him out of office. He had to make concessions, and yes, he made too many, but it was more a case of the reality of how the world works rather than a stab in the back. In addition, he faced tremendous pressure from the Jews (all modern presidents do, but he faced an exceptional amount). His public @ss-kissing of Israel appeared disgraceful on the surface to us nationalists, but I believe it was the price he paid for not caving in to what Israel truly wanted - an American-led war against Iran. He canceled a potential war with Iran twice. If Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio or even Hillary Clinton was president, we could potentially still be bogged down in war with Iran - and possibly North Korea too. Wars are easy to start, a lot harder to finish. That may have been Trump's finest hour. Trump's biggest flaw is not really any of his policies, but his personality. The brash, don't care attitude may work for a billionaire business owner, not so much for a politician. He needs to learn to be more smooth - not the other extreme like Slick Willie, but there's a happy medium.

The last U.S. president who was truly, genuinely good for White people was probably Calvin Coolidge.
well stated La France.

LBJ is without question the most evil, anti-white, race traitor to ever hold the office. Of course obama hated whites and opened the floodgates to illegal hispanics by the millions, but what do you expect from a non-white? LBJ made it all possible with his insane 'civil rights' legislation and re-writing our immigration laws to allow millions of non-whites to 'legally' flood our nation every year. May he burn in hell for his treason.

Eisenhower forced blacks into white schools, but he also oversaw Operation Wetback, which rounded up millions of hispanics and forced them back into mexico.

Trump is probably the best since WW2, but he's been up against impossible odds. It's a lost cause. A nation once 95% white in the 60s is now barely 50% white if that. Building a wall to keep hispanics out is priceless.

I think a lot about how much better life was in the 1980s in America, when it was sitll 87% white, white people had at least a small sense of togetherness and common heritage, and they certainly didn't want to live in 'black' neighborhoods. Now, diversity is everywhere, and it is evil.
Thank you so much for the great responses, I was able to expand my knowledge quite a bit!

I always assumed that prior to WWII, American presidents tended to be pro-white by definition. I admit that I wasn’t aware of some of Lyndon B. Johnson’s policies, but the impact of the 1965 Immigration Act can hardly be overestimated when it comes to changing the tide with regard to the demographics of the United States.

In the case of Obama, I think that some liberals are not too happy that he was ultimately not successful in improving race relations (assuming he was sincere when in 2008 he pledged to do his best to lay the groundwork for a new and post-racial America) and they actually see him as someone who unwittingly paved the way for Donald Trump’s victory in the 2016 presidential election. Btw, I have come across conflicting accounts regarding the number of illegals deported during Obama’s time in office.

Coolidge is a great shout; he is also really admired by the small government advocates.

I have to say that Trump always leaves me with the impression that he is unapologetically proud of his European heritage and realizes that White Americans are facing many existential challenges in today’s world. There are indications that in private he has expressed a preference for more people from countries like Norway to immigrate to the United States. Trump has also been sympathetic to the plight of the Boers in the context of the land seizures in South Africa, though I don’t think that his administration has been in a position to offer them substantial help in terms of providing the right conditions for their possible emigration to the United States.

Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic may have turned out to be the dealbreaker in costing him reelection, notwithstanding the fact that there are quite a few European countries that are actually having more infections per capita than the United States.
Obama did irreversible damage to our nation by flooding it with non-whites. You may remember the trains full of unaccompanied minors from south and central america going all the way through mexico into the U.S. where obama would send buses to pick up the illegals and disperse them throughout the United States so that they could never be caught or returned back to central america. Then he forced schools to accept them so that they could leach off of our taxdollars and create unsafe schools for our kids. Obama is a domestic enemy of the United States, but the obsession in the media with diversity and worship of blacks made it impossible to quesiton anything he did even though it was slitting our own throats.

George W. Bush also did irreversible damage by ignoring the illegals invasion of our borders, and openly promoting handing out citizenship to illegals. Then he would lecture Americans who opposed this by claiming that illegals were "doing jobs that Americans refuse to do" so we should just let them all in.

Both were and are traitors to America. Both are domestic enemies who committed evil crimes against Americans. We can expect the same from Joe Biden if Trump is unable to hang on and prove that they rigged the voting machines and cheated in the election. It is open season on whites. They are committing genocide against us.
@La France Blanche with the kill shot. When I saw this thread my mind went immediately to LBJ who is the most vile and pathetic post WW2 president with Obama a close second.

Without going down too far down the conspiracy wormhole with JFK - I have to wonder how different the country would of turned out if LBJ didn't have his brains blown out. Vietnam would of turned out differently, the Civil Rights movement may have turned out differently. We all know how Edward Kennedy pushed the non-white agenda at hyper-speed - probably to try and compensate for his shortcomings when compared to his two brothers. Not a Kennedy fan by any stretch of the imagination but the alternate history that could of happened is something to think about.
If we're talking only post-WWII presidents, none of them truly can be described as pro-White. Truman probably was the best of a bad lot - he desegregated the military, but he also stated that he was in favor of "the negro being in Africa, the yellow man in Asia, and the White man in Europe and North America." Eisenhower supported school desegregation, but he also stated something to the effect of "this doesn't mean I'd want my daughter to date a negro." During WWII he played a large part in the construction of an imperialist military machine, but in his later years he at least on some level recognized the monster he helped create with his warning about the dangers of the military-industrial complex. Kennedy was idealistic and naïve, but his heart was sincere, and that's why they had to kill him.

LBJ was without question the worst president for White interests. We're still paying for his evils in blood over 50 years later. He was the first to truly weaponize blacks against Whites, and was the epitome of the smug, self-righteous white liberal who's actually more racist than the White conservatives he despises and vilifies, but gets away with it because of his liberalism. He (in)famously stated "I'll have those (he used a slur here) voting Democrat for the next 200 years." It was also under his watch that the anti-white 1965 Immigration Act was passed, permanently altering the demographics of America for the worse. Also, Nixon should be called out for normalizing relations with communist China. The excuse that "someone would have done it eventually" doesn't give Nixon a pass for giving legitimacy and credibility to an extremely powerful anti-white regime, one that is a massive economic and immigration-related threat to our interests today. Ford and Carter were just bleh, not egregiously anti-white, merely incompetent leaders, particularly Carter.

Of the post-Carter presidents, only Reagan and Trump were not truly anti-white in their hearts. I know Internet tough talkers love to bash those two to rack up their WN street cred, but comparing them to Clinton, both Bushes, and Obama (all of whom were anti-white to the core) puts things in perspective. I'm not excusing Reagan and Trump's flaws or mistakes, and both men had many, but they were light years ahead of the vile Clinton/Bush/Obama families. Reagan is rightly blamed for giving amnesty to illegal aliens - probably his single biggest error, but he isn't responsible for the amnesties that followed after he left office. The politicians who rammed those through deserve the blame for them. Reagan's veto of sanctions on apartheid South Africa showed that he at least sometimes had the strength to take an unpopular pro-White stand.

As for Trump, he faced obstacles that no other president has faced, including many attacks from his own party. He had to walk a fine line between promoting his agenda and not losing so much support from neo-con Republicans in Congress that they would join the Democrats in trying to kick him out of office. He had to make concessions, and yes, he made too many, but it was more a case of the reality of how the world works rather than a stab in the back. In addition, he faced tremendous pressure from the Jews (all modern presidents do, but he faced an exceptional amount). His public @ss-kissing of Israel appeared disgraceful on the surface to us nationalists, but I believe it was the price he paid for not caving in to what Israel truly wanted - an American-led war against Iran. He canceled a potential war with Iran twice. If Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio or even Hillary Clinton was president, we could potentially still be bogged down in war with Iran - and possibly North Korea too. Wars are easy to start, a lot harder to finish. That may have been Trump's finest hour. Trump's biggest flaw is not really any of his policies, but his personality. The brash, don't care attitude may work for a billionaire business owner, not so much for a politician. He needs to learn to be more smooth - not the other extreme like Slick Willie, but there's a happy medium.

The last U.S. president who was truly, genuinely good for White people was probably Calvin Coolidge.

Good post
Edward Kennedy was the front man for that piece of legislation that was pushed by Jacob Javitts. JFK is my choice for best his unwillingness to get behind Cold War propaganda(neoconservative precursor), opposition to the CIA, and ultimately his opposition to the Demona nuclear reactor is imo what got him killed.
Obama did irreversible damage to our nation by flooding it with non-whites. You may remember the trains full of unaccompanied minors from south and central america going all the way through mexico into the U.S. where obama would send buses to pick up the illegals and disperse them throughout the United States so that they could never be caught or returned back to central america. Then he forced schools to accept them so that they could leach off of our taxdollars and create unsafe schools for our kids. Obama is a domestic enemy of the United States, but the obsession in the media with diversity and worship of blacks made it impossible to quesiton anything he did even though it was slitting our own throats.

Yes, merely enforcing the existing immigration laws of the country and supporting the efforts of border patrol agents would have been enough to secure Obama some degree of popularity with conservatives (his polarizing comments in 2008 on Americans from small towns "clinging to religion, guns, and hostility to immigrants" notwithstanding). Also, he perhaps underestimated the number of Blacks and especially Latinos who were not too keen on facing competition for jobs from illegals and subsequently voted for Trump. I remember that Trump was always willing to take a strong stand against the Central American migrant caravans. He is a fighter who never gives up and I hope that he will run again in 2024, as he is facing an uphill battle with regard to the current legal challenges.

George W. Bush also did irreversible damage by ignoring the illegals invasion of our borders, and openly promoting handing out citizenship to illegals. Then he would lecture Americans who opposed this by claiming that illegals were "doing jobs that Americans refuse to do" so we should just let them all in.

Indeed, George W. Bush's foreign entanglements often take center stage when his presidency is being analyzed, with some of his domestic policies that were not too favorable to Whites slipping under the radar.

Not a Kennedy fan by any stretch of the imagination but the alternate history that could of happened is something to think about.

JFK always struck me as a sincere politician of convictions whose heart was in the right place. His assassination remains one of the most shocking moments in recent American history.

Edward Kennedy was the front man for that piece of legislation that was pushed by Jacob Javitts. JFK is my choice for best his unwillingness to get behind Cold War propaganda(neoconservative precursor), opposition to the CIA, and ultimately his opposition to the Demona nuclear reactor is imo what got him killed.

I am no conspiracy theorist, but I am willing to believe that. It's always inordinately difficult for idealism to win against pragmatism in politics.
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