Bernhard Goetz

Carolina Speed

Hall of Famer
Feb 13, 2011
In the wake of all this criminal insanity, I am reminded of the hero of the Manhattan no. 2 train incident involving Mr. Goetz and 4 black thugs in 1984. Mr. Goetz refused to be the victim, instead he chose to anticipate and protect himself by shooting his 4 assailants, thus thwarting a mugging and or a murder.

Where have such white American @$$kickers gone? I hope most here at CF remember Mr. Goetz. I certainly do! If you don't know about this American Hero, please search his name and you will appreciate his story.

I hope and pray no one here falls victim to a mugging, but please be prepared to do what you have to, to protect your family and loved ones.
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Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
The problem is that Goetz received the George Zimmerman treatment. He was skewered for a long time the way Zimmerman is today. You can protect yourself against black predators, but your life will be ruined if you do thanks to an extremely hostile anti-White media and government.
Dec 29, 2011
In the wake of all this criminal insanity, I am reminded of the hero of the Manhattan no. 2 train incident involving Mr. Goetz and 4 black thugs in 1984. Mr. Goetz refused to be the victim, instead he chose to anticipate and protect himself by shooting his 4 assailants, thus thwarting a mugging and or a murder.

Where have such white American @$$kickers gone? I hope most here at CF remember Mr. Goetz. I certainly do! If you don't know about this American Hero, please search his name and you will appreciate his story.

I hope and pray no one here falls victim to a mugging, but please be prepared to do what you have to, to protect your family and loved ones.
I think Mister Goetz had a Jewish mother. He really reminded me of Woody Allen in appearance.
Dec 18, 2004
The problem is that Goetz received the George Zimmerman treatment. He was skewered for a long time the way Zimmerman is today. You can protect yourself against black predators, but your life will be ruined if you do thanks to an extremely hostile anti-White media and government.

Funny thing, Goetz would have gotten clean away with it if he hadn't turned himself in after going to New Hampshire. After the shooting, Goetz got off the subway car, went up to the street, and took a cab to his apartment.

Nobody could have identified him as the shooter if he hadn't turned himself in.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
Photos of Goetz here, what he looked like when it happened and what he looks like now:
I wonder if Goetz would have been treated different if he wasn't German-American(it wasn't widely know he is half Jewish). The stereotypes of Germans as violent evil people were still being portrayed in wrestling in the late 70's to early 80's. Also the tabloids in New York feasted on the story, I recall one Black attacker was paralyzed and he was treated like a saint when he testified against Goetz. His mother clung to him when the verdict was announced.
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Apr 13, 2005
Funny thing, Goetz would have gotten clean away with it if he hadn't turned himself in after going to New Hampshire. After the shooting, Goetz got off the subway car, went up to the street, and took a cab to his apartment.

Nobody could have identified him as the shooter if he hadn't turned himself in.

Right, and that's what he should have done, just kept walking.

BUT, had he walked, we'd still be hearing about the unsolved shooting of innocent young black kids by the nefarious secret gang of white supreacists who still terrorize Gotham to this very day (because the noo yawk pols would pin every unsolved killing of a black or brown person on this "shadowy element" and use the contengency to bulk up surveillance and shake downs of the innocent).
Dec 18, 2004
I am over it. Don't call someone white if he is in fact Jewish. Some people see what they want to see despite the facts. And we all do it in one form or another.

And just what is your point? I followed the Goetz Affair when it happened and at no time did the MSM refer to him as Jewish. They described him as white and nothing else.

Carolina Speed

Hall of Famer
Feb 13, 2011
I could see this turning into a long debate. I meant it in an ethnic way. I don't care for the religion much as someone who might be Jewish.

I'm not sure if you're over it or not, but you brought up something that had nothing to do with my original thread about Bernhard Goetz.

The fact that Goetz's mother was Jewish and Woody Allen has nothing to do with why I posted this thread!

You brought up religion or uh excuse me race.

Maybe you should post a new thread on the differences between Jews as a race and Jewish religion. I have no problem discussing that subject, but again it had nothing to do with the thread.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
"Maybe you should post a new thread on the differences between Jews as a race and Jewish religion. I have no problem discussing that subject, but again it had nothing to do with the thread."

Judaism - Talmudism - isn't really a race, as proven by the fact that there are Negro and Asian Jews, nor is it a religion as proven by the fact that most of the Zionists, and all of the Bolsheviks, were atheists. It's a very ancient and very powerful and very malevolent cult.


Carolina Speed

Hall of Famer
Feb 13, 2011
"Maybe you should post a new thread on the differences between Jews as a race and Jewish religion. I have no problem discussing that subject, but again it had nothing to do with the thread."

Judaism - Talmudism - isn't really a race, as proven by the fact that there are Negro and Asian Jews, nor is it a religion as proven by the fact that most of the Zionists, and all of the Bolsheviks, were atheists. It's a very ancient and very powerful and very malevolent cult.


Thank you werewolf. I agree with you on some of that.

Carolina Speed

Hall of Famer
Feb 13, 2011
Which part do you disagree with?

I never considered Judaism a malevolent cult or race or a religion. I consider Judaism faith in a savior or prophet which most jews don't believe has appeared.

Like Christianity, I call it my faith. I have faith in a risen savior, Jesus, who was Jewish, but as stated in the Bible, he (Jesus) didn't agree at all with the acts of the Jewish leaders of his time. Many of them were liars, theives, etc.

Most here(CF) know my faith (Christianity) and at times it has caused division. I don't want that to start again. If anyone here is athiest or doesn't believe in Christ, that is their right. It doesn't bother me that many here are not believers, but as a Christian, my faith says to tell others about Jesus. You can choose to believe or not. Jesus will not force himself upon you.

If I say Judaism is a cult, I might have to say Christianity is also, and I know Christianity is not a cult!

Again, I did not start this thread to bring up Jews and or other faiths or religions. Please see my original post. That was brought up by another CF poster. This might have to be continued on another thread.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
But, CS, Jesus was a Galilean not a Jew. There weren't even any Jews in the world at that time. Most modern Jews - the AshkeNazi (interesting name) - are descended from the Turkic Khazar tribe who converted to Judaism en masse in the middle ages (Nice move, Khazar king. Yeah right.).

Me, I respect all honestly and truly religious people, including Jews. I believe that there is an element of the truth in all the different religions. All roads lead home.



Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
Just a quick addition to the wild tangent that this thread has taken, CS, most Christians think of Judaism as a religion that is Old Testament founded, waiting for a Savior, etc. But modern-day Judaism has little to do with the OT, but instead focuses solely on rabbinical teachings over the millenia, hence WW's reference to "Talmudism". The Talmud has only occasional references to OT teachings, and is something that the vast majority of Christians would be shocked to read.

Carolina Speed

Hall of Famer
Feb 13, 2011
Just a quick addition to the wild tangent that this thread has taken, CS, most Christians think of Judaism as a religion that is Old Testament founded, waiting for a Savior, etc. But modern-day Judaism has little to do with the OT, but instead focuses solely on rabbinical teachings over the millenia, hence WW's reference to "Talmudism". The Talmud has only occasional references to OT teachings, and is something that the vast majority of Christians would be shocked to read.

FD, yeah, I understand. I just didn't want to get into it that deep on this thread. We could talk about faith, beliefs, the truth, etc. forever!

I just wanted to recognize Goetz for defending himself against the 4 black thugs that tried to mug him. I wish we had more of that today. Not more muggings, more whites standing up. Maybe if there was more common sense there would be less insanity.

I thought more people hailed him as a hero for what he did; than were against him at that time.
Dec 18, 2004
FD, yeah, I understand. I just didn't want to get into it that deep on this thread. We could talk about faith, beliefs, the truth, etc. forever!

I just wanted to recognize Goetz for defending himself against the 4 black thugs that tried to mug him. I wish we had more of that today. Not more muggings, more whites standing up. Maybe if there was more common sense there would be less insanity.

I thought more people hailed him as a hero for what he did; than were against him at that time.

Yes, we want to support Bernhard Goetz. He was hailed as a hero by most people. I saw him on a Biography Channel program several months ago, and Goetz is doing well.


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
Yes, we want to support Bernhard Goetz. He was hailed as a hero by most people. I saw him on a Biography Channel program several months ago, and Goetz is doing well.
As Don noted, Goetz was made a pariah by the media, yet it seems to me the vast majority of regular folks supported him, as did I.


Nov 25, 2004
Too bad Goetz didn't kill any of the four. One was paralyzed but the rest continued a lifetime of violent crime after the Goetz shooting. One was even found guilty of holding a gun to a pregnant 18 year old's head while she was raped. She was probably white.

BTW, Jesus was not a Jew, he was an Israelite. I don't go to church because every church I have been in the last 15 years all seem to be worshiping Judaism rather than Christianity. Last week I had to go to confirmation at a Luthern church. At the front of the church was a large menora. When we read our mailed in worship pamphlet, I noticed that once again Israel and "God's chosen" were noted while Herod, Pontius Pilate, and the gentiles were cursed for killing Jesus. I kid you not. I don't recall hearing the word Israel so much. Of course, Israel used to be a people - a gene lineage. Now it is a country full of fake Israelites.

"I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the Synagogue of Satan."
Revelation 2:9


Jul 15, 2011
It's funny Goetz currently is business owner of and Electronic store and they guys he shot are all dead from ODing or junkies. When I was in college even my liberal law professor defeated Goetz's actions.