Ben Shapiro

Feb 11, 2016
I found a few comments on this site about him and they were rather negative. I am not going to respond after this posting on him but I was wondering what posters here thought about him. Other than his stance on Israel I agree with everything he says and thinks.
I have never seen someone with so much intelligence debate so intelligently and with civility. He puts the left to shame when they go after him or try to espouse their loony views.
I truly think he would be a great president and he does have a huge following. I am assuming Trump will beat Biden in a close race in 2020 but in 2024 its Shapiro baby. What do people think of him here?
I found a few comments on this site about him and they were rather negative. I am not going to respond after this posting on him but I was wondering what posters here thought about him. Other than his stance on Israel I agree with everything he says and thinks.
I have never seen someone with so much intelligence debate so intelligently and with civility. He puts the left to shame when they go after him or try to espouse their loony views.
I truly think he would be a great president and he does have a huge following. I am assuming Trump will beat Biden in a close race in 2020 but in 2024 its Shapiro baby. What do people think of him here?

I like Ben Shapiro as well, but have been hesitant to post anything about him because he is Jewish and his stance on Israel. Some here are adimant in their views towards Jews and I agree with them on some things, but I'm not going to get into a long discussion because I have my own beliefs about Jews and they may be wrong or right, but I either may be miss informed or I just don't understand.
The Bible says that God punished the Jews often for their disobedience and it seems that some Jews today need to be punished, but we're all sinners and we all need to be punished, but Jesus Christ paid for all of our sin when he went to cross, even the Jews. So, I'm going to leave judgement upon the Jews to God's capable hands.
I'm thankful for people like Shapiro who has the intelligence and courage to stand up to the left!
i will give credit where it is due: Shapiro is a terrific debater and a highly intelligent individual, and I do enjoy seeing him employ his verbal skills to dismantle poorly constructed opposition (much like Bill Clinton did back in the day).

that being said ... he is a Zionist. he is a neocon. he is as Establishment as it gets. he is a warmongering chickenhawk (but obviously didn’t serve himself nor would he send his kids to fight). he is “White” when it suits him, but he definitely doesn’t want (and indeed expressly fears) any sort of White identity to emerge from the actual White people of the USA. he is an outstanding example of why the word “conservative” means nothing (at least to me) and why Republicans are essentially only Democrat-light. i wouldn’t use the term “controlled opposition,” but he definitely wants to keep the Overton Window narrowly restricted, especially not allowing it to shift very far to the right. he abhors the idea of alternative media emerging and does all he can to limit the perception of legitimacy that those sources represent.

other than that, i suppose he’s great. lol

just my two cents.
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Good post Jimmy Chitwood.

He makes good arguments about some things, but all those reservations you stated are still there at the end of the day.
Shapiro is your typical kosher-conservative jew. He supports an ethno state for his people in Israel while at the same time supporting The Great Replacement here in the United States. He’s an anti-White and he’d never get my vote no matter what odious cretin the Democrats were trotting out.

Shapiro is your typical kosher-conservative jew. He supports an ethno state for his people in Israel while at the same time supporting The Great Replacement here in the United States. He’s an anti-White and he’d never get my vote no matter what odious cretin the Democrats were trotting out.


That says it all, sums up the hypocrisy and subversion that's been going on non-stop in this country for generations. Great post by Jimmy Chitwood as well.
"So Jason Collins is a hero because he's gay?
Our standard of heroism has dropped quite a bit since Normandy." Ben Shapiro.

Thanks guys for the information on who Shapiro really is, but I don't hear many others saying things like this out in the public these days! Ann Coulter, maybe?
Maybe I'm wrong, but he seems more outspoken against gay marriage and abortion than anyone else?
….and on serving in the military, I'm not going to condemn anyone who didn't serve. I haven't read too many posters who have served on CF. I have been wanting to put a veterans thread up, but to my fault, I just haven't done it yet.
Do we have a veterans thread here? Has anyone here ever served our country in the military?
BTW, I served in the United States Marine Corps.
That says it all, sums up the hypocrisy and subversion that's been going on non-stop in this country for generations. Great post by Jimmy Chitwood as well.

And when the "browning" comes, so does left-wing "ideology." As with all neocons, Shapiro supports policies which result in what he claims to oppose.
What little respect I had for Shapiro is now completely cleared from my mind. Army here 2 yrs.
I love Ben Shapiro. Maybe he is not of the alt-right persuasion and so what if he is Jewish. So was Jesus the last time I checked. He is a conservative and that is all that matters to me. I don't agree with everything he says but I have never agreed More with someone before. He will turn this country around in 2024 ( if we make it ).
I love Ben Shapiro. Maybe he is not of the alt-right persuasion and so what if he is Jewish. So was Jesus the last time I checked. He is a conservative and that is all that matters to me. I don't agree with everything he says but I have never agreed More with someone before. He will turn this country around in 2024 ( if we make it ).
I've never thought Jesus was Jewish. I doubt very much if his lineage would have allowed him to be married in a Jewish Ceremony at that time.
I agree with Shapiro sometimes, but not always.

There is something untrustworthy about him, but he tells the truth about some issues, for example, blacks and crime.

I like his honesty about Neil Degrasse Tyson here:
To me Shapiro is like a juicy, well cooked steak with rat poison nestled in the center. Sure he says some based things about blacks, destroys SJWs and takes apart the abortion issue but these things are obvious to anyone who’s intelligent and not a shill. When it comes down to what matters, he’ll never support Whites advocating for their own interests and their right to their own nations. This Hebrew hypocrite would certainly be no fan of ours as we support athletes due to their “skin color” and speak out against the “browning” of our favorite sports.
The latest from Benny Boy:


A real “principled conservative” in action here.
Are you a Christian?
You asked a straight up question that I'll try to answer. Yes, I believe I'm a Christian. But my Christianity goes to living the Christian Moral Code (which was always the beef between the higher up Jews and Jesus - to this day the Jews reject all real Moral Code). I live by that. I treat people well and am a charitable man and I assist my Christian wife in her parish endeavors although I seldom go to mass with her. My wife is a good Christian in the usual sense of the word.
in 2024 its Shapiro baby.

Yeah, that's not going to be happening. Shapiro is about 3 feet tall, and is intensely loyal to a foreign state. You say that you agree with him on everything except Israel; well, Israel is all that matters to him. He claims that it's okay for Israel to be exclusively for Jews because "it was founded as a homeland where the Jewish people can practice their religion." But Israelis are not very religious. It's an ethno-state, and he lies about it because he believes that's fine for The Chosen, but not for the goyim.

I cannot imagine what must go through the mind of an American "conservative" Jew. If Jews took two weeks off from politics, the Left would cease to exist, and the CNN parking lot would have tumbleweeds rolling through it. At any time on MSNBC, at least 50% of the people on the screen are Jews, and 100% are lefties. The nexus of Jews and political leftism is simply too much to ignore. Non-liberal Jews probably feel really out of place in the West. There's a place for them. Likud could really use Ben.

Ben Shapiro exists to establish a boundary for the goyim. Same for Dave Rubin and many other kosher conservatives. That's the outer limit of acceptable discourse: the right side of the Kosher Sandwich; wars in the Middle East and lower taxes. Sure, it's fun to watch Ben Shapiro BTFO 20 year old kids with blue hair. I enjoy it. See his recent performance on the BBC for what happens when he engages with a grownup. He looked like an idiot. Shapiro should follow his heart to his homeland. For him, the United States is simply a place to make money and engage in social experimentation. It's not a place or a people. It's "an idea". It's "creedal". If the goyim don't comply, you just import a new population. After all, their just interchangeable cattle, according to Ben's creed.
Yeah, that's not going to be happening. Shapiro is about 3 feet tall, and is intensely loyal to a foreign state. You say that you agree with him on everything except Israel; well, Israel is all that matters to him. He claims that it's okay for Israel to be exclusively for Jews because "it was founded as a homeland where the Jewish people can practice their religion." But Israelis are not very religious. It's an ethno-state, and he lies about it because he believes that's fine for The Chosen, but not for the goyim.

I cannot imagine what must go through the mind of an American "conservative" Jew. If Jews took two weeks off from politics, the Left would cease to exist, and the CNN parking lot would have tumbleweeds rolling through it. At any time on MSNBC, at least 50% of the people on the screen are Jews, and 100% are lefties. The nexus of Jews and political leftism is simply too much to ignore. Non-liberal Jews probably feel really out of place in the West. There's a place for them. Likud could really use Ben.

Ben Shapiro exists to establish a boundary for the goyim. Same for Dave Rubin and many other kosher conservatives. That's the outer limit of acceptable discourse: the right side of the Kosher Sandwich; wars in the Middle East and lower taxes. Sure, it's fun to watch Ben Shapiro BTFO 20 year old kids with blue hair. I enjoy it. See his recent performance on the BBC for what happens when he engages with a grownup. He looked like an idiot. Shapiro should follow his heart to his homeland. For him, the United States is simply a place to make money and engage in social experimentation. It's not a place or a people. It's "an idea". It's "creedal". If the goyim don't comply, you just import a new population. After all, their just interchangeable cattle, according to Ben's creed.
Excellent post and summation of this Semitic Shyster.
If Shapiro had said that Omar was reprehensible because of her comments that the US was "no country of white people" I could respect him much more.
If Jews took two weeks off from politics, the Left would cease to exist, and the CNN parking lot would have tumbleweeds rolling through it. At any time on MSNBC, at least 50% of the people on the screen are Jews, and 100% are lefties. The nexus of Jews and political leftism is simply too much to ignore...
Ben Shapiro exists to establish a boundary for the goyim. Same for Dave Rubin and many other kosher conservatives. That's the outer limit of acceptable discourse: the right side of the Kosher Sandwich; wars in the Middle East and lower taxes. Sure, it's fun to watch Ben Shapiro BTFO 20 year old kids with blue hair. I enjoy it. See his recent performance on the BBC for what happens when he engages with a grownup. He looked like an idiot. Shapiro should follow his heart to his homeland.
For him, the United States is simply a place to make money and engage in social experimentation. It's not a place or a people. It's "an idea". It's "creedal". If the goyim don't comply, you just import a new population. After all, (they're) just interchangeable cattle, according to Ben's creed.

I'm not an expert on Ben Shapiro, but I have seen some of him. Man, Awake In America really said it all.
I don't begrudge Zionists their Zionism. Just don't push it on us whilst denying us our own ethnocentrism. Zionism is Jewish nationalism. Jews should have their own nation. As to whether it should physically exist where it currently exists, that is between them and the Palestinians. America should have no part in it. At the very least, we should not send them annual foreign aid (multi-billions $ annually, but it's not the amount that is important).
Ben gets away with the hypocrisy of embracing his own ethnocentrism, versus condemning it for the traditional American nation because that is the norm with big media. He is not the first, nor is he alone. Like anyone else who parrots the egalitarian, "colorblind," creedal nation flapdoodle, Ben misses the mark on so many issues such as disparities in academic performance, immigration policy, the citizenship question, affirmative action type schemes, and general race-rooted disputes. If you buy into the magic dirt theory and the race-is-insignificant theory, you will never see what is happening, and will almost certainly fall for goofy liberal solutions. We have wasted enough time and treasure on doomed-to-fail liberal policies.
James Allsup > Ben Shapiro
Paul Gottfried >>> Ben Shapiro.
Well put Deus Vult but here it comes. This country is so beat up on political issues it is disgusting. Shapiro is awesome. He is simply awesome. Label me what you will based on a few emails but the problem with me posting on this site as my love for this guy is a high majority of members here are anti-semitic. I have never said Jews don't control the media in this country. They do. No doubt. But I have argued that they are not all bad. Harrison Ford has some Jewish blood. Does that mean we have to hate Star Wars on this site? Not all Jews are hell bent on controlling the world.
Ben Shapiro has got it right. The fact that the meager percentage of posters here want a all-white ethno state is laughable. Do I want it? Kind of. But you are not dealing with reality. As much as I hate seeing in so many European countries taking in African " immigrants " it is unfortunately a reality.
Oh God, Shapiro is a Jew and not a true conservative. Wake up people. Most of us posters live in the United States. He is the best thing going for us despite you FEW and I mean sleazingly FEW posters that denigrate the guy mostly because he is a conservative Jew. What I see is a HUMAN being who hates liberalism and the farce it is and its indoctrinated subordinates that push against moral intelligence.
And now for the ignorant backlash????
Just because he can squash Leftist arguments and their baseless nonsense, so what? Dennis Prager, another Jew, does that even much better and in a much less obnoxious nasally voice. So what? Shapiro is given a platform because he's a jew in a jewish-controlled mass media. What else is new?

Bottom line, the "Conservative" official position is really doing zero good for Whites, and really never will, especially their coddling of Israel and all things Jewish. I'm a Christian, yet any thinking person Christian or not who isn't wilfully ignorant can see that Jews as a collective group are our most dangerous and destructive enemy by far. You can't possibly disagree and be honest at the same time with that.

Shapiro is just the typical Kosher Conservative that evades the leery looks and scorn the Leftists of his tribe usually receive.
Lets try it this way: the 4 things that have kept me sane ( for me not apparently to this posts detractors )

1) The comedy of Greg Giraldo
2) Christian McCaffrey for doing what I knew he would do and will probably win the NFL MVP this 2019 season.
3) Mathew Boling for his breakage of stereotypes and the vast future I hope he has
4) Ben Shapiro for being who he is. Im sorry for the great push against him here and some I HAVE listened to but he is going to go far and deserves it. I am for the white athlete but in polotics there is no serious chance of an all white ehthno stae in this country. At least Russia and China are a few that keep it real. For now!
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